Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1604: Tianluodiwang

Contempt the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically.

Although Ye Xuantian of Xuantianzong was very confident when he called the formation, he knew that his strength was quite different from that of Ning Qiutian, so when he really responded, he showed his full strength from the beginning.

Ye Xuantian used to be an outside disciple of Taiyi Sect and learned some sealing techniques.

He first asked the president to contain Ning Qiutian, and then he began to arrange a sealing technique based on the Tai one, and then passed through the "net of heaven and earth" created by him.

The Xuan Tianzong's sealing technique can absorb the true energy of the cultivator, and the more fierce the opponent resists, the faster his true energy will be depleted.

learn from mistakes.

Thirty years ago, Ye Xuantian also used this trick to "net of heaven and earth", but to his surprise, Ning Qiutian's true energy power was really terrifying.

When Ning Qiutian realized that he could not break free of the heavenly net, he simply poured all the true energy in his body into the formation of the heavenly net.

The formation pattern absorbed too much power for a while, and in the middle of the process, the entire heaven and earth network formation burst directly open.

At that time, Ye Xuantian was also shocked by this powerful force, and he recuperated for three months before he recovered from his injuries.

And this time, he came prepared.

The true energy power that Tianluo Diwang can bear is probably the strong man in the middle of the Mahayana period, and it can also fully accommodate the opponent's true energy power.

After the president understood, he held a long sword in each hand, and entangled Ning Choutian closely.

Ning Qiutian snorted immediately, and the tiger's body shook. The clothes on his upper body exploded, and the flesh and blood under his skin turned out, alive like a **** man with a peeled skin.

His hands turned into vine-like blood-colored tentacles, trying to entangle the president.

At the same time, there was a "sizzling" noise in the place where his blood was contaminated. It seemed that the blood was so hot that it could penetrate the marble slab on the ground.

Guo De didn't join in this contest, because the president asked him to stare at the woman of the Bai ethnic group in Jianchuan, Miaojiang.

Once there is something unusual, kill it as soon as possible.

Although doing so would offend the Bai forces in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, the presence of people from the Bai people in Jianchuan, Miaojiang now shows their position. Even if they are killed, they cannot blame others.

After Wu Yazi took a few flying steps with a long sword, he pierced the blood mother's chest.

"Go to hell, old witch."

Mother-in-law Blood just snorted slightly, "Huh, bitch, if I'm not mistaken, it should be Lin Tiancheng that kid saved your horrible life and helped you solve the blood evil pill!"

There is probably only Lin Tiancheng who can relieve the blood of the evil pill.

Therefore, one thing that Mother Blood regrets most is that she didn't kill Lin Tiancheng in the first place.

Otherwise, it would not cause such a big trouble to the blood race.

If Lin Tiancheng died at that time, their blood clan would not need the entire clan to fight against the five silver rank forces.

This made her even more aware of a truth: I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than miss one.

Just as Wuyazi's sharp sword was about to pierce Granny Blood's chest, an unbreakable blood shield appeared in front of her, and it broke Wuyazi's long sword in an instant.

It was not the first time Wuyazi had fought with the blood mother-in-law. She had expected this a long time ago, and immediately drew a white horse from her waist.

Suddenly, with Wuyazi as the center, there is a refreshing fragrance lingering around the corner.

Behind the **** mother-in-law appeared a blood-colored giant, about three meters high, without eyeballs, only hollow eye sockets, looking a little crippled.

The **** mother-in-law controlled the scarlet giant and hit Wuyazi's abdomen with a punch.

"Master, be careful." Sulan was very worried about his master, but she couldn't get involved in this level of competition.

When the scarlet giant's fist and Wu Yazi's abdomen were separated by a single finger, Wu Yazi's body seemed to be imaginary, even scattered into thousands of butterflies.

In fact, what Wuyazi is really good at is not swordsmanship, but a secret technique similar to illusion.

She can manipulate her body to exude a strange fragrance, attracting butterflies in the Valley of Unrequited Love for her to drive.

Butterflies in the Valley of Unrequited Love are not ordinary butterflies, they are all carefully raised by her and have a very strong attack power.

After performing this secret technique, her body can hide among the butterflies, launching attacks on the enemy in the dark at any time.

Even so, the blood mother-in-law did not show the slightest worry on her face.

She was already familiar with Wuyazi's tricks, as long as she let these butterflies not get close to her body, Wuyazi would definitely not hurt her.

A blood-colored shield like a silkworm cocoon encases the blood mother-in-law.

The colorful butterflies quickly entangled the scarlet shield, seeming to want to break the shield with that insignificant strength.

Wuyazi turned into a real body, and was about to use his whole body to break the **** shield with a punch.

The scarlet shield suddenly opened a small mouth, and the fist of a scarlet giant collided with Wuyazi's fist.

"Kacha Kacha..."

Wuyazi's fist meridians were broken, and the tambourine broke into pieces.

At the same time, the colorful butterflies quickly wrapped around the scarlet giant's arm, like silkworms eating mulberry leaves, and quickly gnawed the scarlet giant's arm.

In the blink of an eye, the arms of the Scarlet Giant were completely eaten by these seemingly beautiful butterflies.

Wu Yazi clenched her silver teeth, her expression a little sordid because of the pain in her arm.

However, the scarlet shield had finally broken open, and butterflies quickly swarmed into the scarlet shield like silkworm chrysalis.

"Boom..." With a loud sound, a very powerful energy directly shattered all the butterflies into powder like a wave.

To Wuyazi's surprise, the blood-colored giant of the **** mother-in-law actually grew a blood-colored giant hand.

This is the blood evil technique of the blood race, weird and bloody, and it is impossible for people to crack it.

Wuyazi's heart was unwilling, pushing the true qi in the body, making the body exude a stronger fragrance.

Thousands of butterflies came from all directions, forming a spectacular situation.

"Today, even if I can't kill you, I will die with you."

The **** mother-in-law snorted coldly, "It depends on whether you have this ability!"

Wuyazi was once again incarnate among the butterfly group, the sky full of butterflies entangled the blood-colored giant and the **** mother-in-law, almost airtight.

Sulan stood there blankly, praying silently for her master, hoping that the master would kill the old witch and avenge her sisters.


The densely packed butterflies seemed to have been hit by a powerful energy, and a burst of blood spurted from the group of butterflies.

Wu Yazi fell to the ground, his head sunken, and the brain residue inside can be vaguely seen.

The **** mother-in-law wiped the blood on her body, staring coldly at Wuyazi who fell on the ground.

"Master, Master!"

Seeing that her master was severely injured by a punch by the blood mother, Sulan wanted to go forward and fight her hard.

Elder Guo, standing beside Sulan, stretched out his hand and held Sulan, "Don't go, you will only die."

By now, this battle is inevitable, and death is naturally inevitable.

The scarlet giant walked in front of Wuyazi, squatted down, and pinched her cheek, Wuyazi's essence, quickly inhaled into her body along the blood-colored giant's arm.

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