Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1605: Four Great Beasts

After losing the essence, Wuyazi's hair immediately became pale, and even her shiny skin quickly became dry and wrinkled to the eggplant after exposure.

Her eyes gradually dimmed, her pupils began to diminish, and her clenched fists finally opened weakly.

Everyone who saw this scene was terrified.

The blood evil technique of the blood race is indeed sinister and vicious, and the blood mother-in-law's methods are notoriously vicious, relying on the essence of other cultivators to strengthen her scarlet giant.

The **** mother-in-law arbitrarily took the scary blood-colored giant back into her cuff again.

Those disciples from the Alchemist Association headquarters who surrounded the blood mother couldn't help but step back a few steps, really afraid of being targeted by this ruthless woman.

Above a few hundred meters in the sky, the president was forced to retreat step by step by the **** tentacles of Ning Wuqiu.

After all, the president was not Ning Wuqiu's opponent. The limbs and corpses were splashed by the blood on Ning Wuqiu's **** tentacles, and many skins on his body surface were burned.

Fortunately, he mobilized the True Qi power in his body in time to protect the deadly part, otherwise, he would most likely die.

During the confrontation between Ning Wuqiu and the president, Ye Xuantian had already laid out an array pattern in the middle, southeast, northwest, and four directions.

The heaven and earth net formation is still formed by four formations.

South Suzaku, North Xuanwu, East Qinglong, and West White Tiger have four phantom patterns.

Of course, this formation did not have a real beast, but with the help of Ye Xuantian's own true energy, it turned into four great beasts, transformed into the benefits of the time, and combined with the power of Feng Shui to suppress the opponent.

It was not that Ning Choutian was unaware of the existence of the "Tianluodiwang" array, but that the president almost spared his life and wanted to entangle him, and he became weak.

However, in the battle 30 years ago, Ye Xuantian had used his Xuanzong's seal formation pattern against himself, so in the 30 years of being imprisoned in the Qiu Demon Cave, Ning Qiutian had already penetrated it. Upright.

He was not so jealous of Ye Xuantian, who had only the peak strength of the Golden Core level.

Seeing that the circle was completed, Ye Xuantian immediately shouted, "President Nie, leave the circle quickly."

The president immediately understood, and blasted a powerful column of air with both hands to try to force Ning Qiutian back, so that he had a chance to escape from the formation.

Seeing this form, Ning Qiutian's mouth showed a weird smile, and his figure retreated a few meters away.

Ye Xuantian immediately muttered the formula, changed his hands with both hands, and began to push the power of the Tianluo Earth Net Array.

"Big Demon, die!"

Within the magic circle appeared the phantoms of the four great beasts, all of which were giants tens of meters high, rushing toward Ning Qiutian.

Suddenly, there was a chill in the ankle of the president who was rushing away from the formation. When he looked back, he realized that Ning Qiutian's **** tentacles had already ambushed where he had escaped.

As Ning Choutian's five fingers were glued together, the dense blood-colored vines quickly wrapped around the president's body like thousands of poisonous snakes.

This situation is almost exactly the same as when he was above the prisoner's den.

At that time, the president and the other six elders were all entangled by Ning Qiutian's **** vines.

This blood-colored vine is extremely tough, and even if the president and the six elders use their whole body to solve the problem, they can't cut it off.

Finally, Lin Tiancheng's animal pet sucked the blood in the scarlet vine, causing the scarlet vine to wither like an old tree.

The scarlet vine after losing its essence and blood also loses its tenacity, even an ordinary sword can easily cut it off.

The real weirdness of this blood-colored vine lies in the bloodline power of the kinsman, and the president has already known this.

However, Lin Tiancheng's beast pet is not here, and they have no power to resist the power of blood.

The president frowned slightly, as if thinking of the life force in the tree of life.

Tiancheng Pill can dissolve the blood evil pill, and the true secret lies in the life force being able to restrain the bloodline force.

However, the refined Tiancheng Pill had long been sold out, and the tree of life planted in the backyard of the Alchemist Association headquarters had already withered due to the exhaustion of life energy.

After struggling, the president was finally imprisoned in a cage of scarlet vines like silkworm cocoons.

"It would be great if Tiancheng was here!"

With five fingers, Ning Choutian attached the scarlet vine cage that had imprisoned the president to his body.

"It's not that easy to want to go."

Ye Xuantian screamed badly in his heart, but once the Tianluo Earth network array was activated, it couldn't be stopped.

President Suo Xing folded his hands together, sat cross-legged, and shouted to Ye Xuantian, "Brother Xuantian, do it! Don't worry about me. Even if I die with this big demon, it's worth it."

"Chairman Nie..." Guo De shouted in unison with the other six elders.

I thought that he had cracked the blood pill of blood clan, and it was easy to deal with blood clan.

Who would have thought that such a change would happen, once the president fell, their morale would be greatly reduced.

The disciples from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association and the disciples of the other three major sects had already rushed to the blood with the children.

The severity of the scene can almost be described by the bloodshed, and within a moment, a large number of practitioners have fallen in a pool of blood.

Ye Xuantian gritted his teeth and immediately shouted against the president within the battle, "President Nie, offended."

The transformation of his hands was accelerating. After the formation was formed, he glanced at the president again, still injecting the power in his hands into the formation.

As a result, the sky and earth network array seemed to be driven by energy, and the inner space began to become dim, and the surging energy was tumbling like a tsunami.

The Xuanwu divine beast moved his heavy body, but with every step he took, an unbreakable stone wall would rise within the formation.

After it took four steps, a stone wall cage appeared within the heaven and earth net formation.

Ning Qiutian jumped and tried to escape from the stone wall cage.




The Southern Suzaku's sharp beak spewed flames like **** magma into the stone wall cage, making Ning Qiutian unable to escape from above.

Immediately afterwards, the blue dragon in the clouds rolled over his huge body, and the thunder shining above the clouds, like the water of the Tianhe River, poured down into the stone wall cage.

The Western White Tiger leaped towards the stone wall cage, exhaling "essence", and sealed the stone wall cage.

Ning Qiutian's face showed a little surprise. He didn't expect that after so many years, Ye Xuantian's sealing technique would have improved a lot.

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After losing the opportunity, Ning Qiutian did not think of escaping from the sky above the stone wall cage.

The endless flames and the power of the violent thunder tightly wrapped around his body, causing him to sweat in pain.

He tried to push the zhenqi power in his body to resist the offensive of the Tianluo Earth Net Magic Array, but once his power was released from his body, it would be sucked by the invisible pattern.

Even if the president was trapped in a cage of scarlet vines, he was still bombarded by these flames and the power of thunder like Ning Qiutian.

The president wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled at Ning Choutian, "Ning Choutian, we could have killed you 30 years ago, but we didn't do that. We just hope you can regret it in the prisoner's den."


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