Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1606: When is the injustice reported?

"But you not only don't know how to repent, even if you die with you this time, I will not hesitate."

The president slowly stood up, his hands on the backs, unexpectedly put on a posture of seeing death as home.

"Since you want to die so much, then I will use your body!"

After Ning Choutian's body twitched a few times, it turned into a strip of blood-colored insects like locusts, which penetrated directly into his body from the surface of the general meeting.

"This this……"

The sudden scene also shocked Ye Xuantian and others.

An imperceptible smile appeared on Mother Blood's face.

"The patriarch actually cultivated the bloodline power to the state of transformation. This is really blessing my blood."

In this way, if Ye Xuantian wants to completely suppress Ning Qiutian's strength, unless he has to kill the president first.

Ye Xuantian frowned, preparing to continue to increase the strength of the formation.

Guo De stretched out his hand to stop him, "No, you will kill the president in this way, and the president must not have an accident."

Ye Xuantian flicked and pushed Guo De directly, "If you don't do this, everyone will die."

Guo De stepped forward again to contain Ye Xuantian's wrist, and said in a shock, "That's not okay, there must be other ways."

The six elders from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association quickly surrounded Ye Xuantian, and at the same time prevented him from continuing to spur the power of the Tianluo Di Net Magic Array.

"Ye Xuantian, don't forget, this matter has nothing to do with the headquarters of our Alchemist Association. If the president had a kind heart, you would have been wiped out by the blood."

Nie Li is the leader of the Alchemist Association, and he is also the president who is loved by everyone. If he dies, the entire Alchemist Association will fall apart.

Ye Xuantian was caught in a dilemma for a while.

What Guo De said is not entirely unreasonable.

Thirty years ago, there was no need for the Alchemist Association to be involved in this dispute.

Now, the headquarters of the Alchemist Association has become the main camp.

Bear the brunt of it, it is bound to be hit hard by the blood family.

"In this case, all the consequences caused by this should be borne by your Alchemist Association."

Guo De said categorically, "Don't worry, we will definitely figure out a solution."

Ye Xuantian frowned, raised his hand, and dispelled the heaven and earth net formation that had been eclipsed by the world.

When the haze in the formation cleared, everyone saw a nearly charred body.

Guo De's expression was dull, he did not expect that in this short moment, Ye Xuantian's heaven and earth network array would actually burn the president of the general meeting into charcoal.

He flew in front of him and quickly checked the president's physical condition.

"Hey, hey..."

The scorched skin of the president began to fall off piece by piece, drop by drop of blood seeping out, when it gathered into a pool of blood, it turned into Ning Qiutian's appearance.

The breath escaping from Ning Qiutian's body didn't seem to be as terrifying as before, and the whole person seemed to be a lot thinner.

Even if Ning Choutian was hiding in the body of the president, he was burned by the flames of the Vermillion Bird and the power of Qinglong's thunder, consuming a lot of blood power.

Ning Xin realized that her father was seriously injured, and immediately flew forward to support her father.

Guo De stared at Ning Xin coldly, his eyes full of killing intent.

After all, Guo De didn't do anything. He shook his head and said, "Ning Xin, I have a lot to do, but after all, I didn't know that you would be Ning Choutian's daughter. I really am Guo De blind."

On a snowy night three years ago, Guo De just rushed back from outside and found a girl with a purple body lying in front of the gate of the Alchemist Association headquarters.

The girl looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, and her whole body was in tatters, just like the beggar **** the street.

Even on the winter night, she wore a very thin piece of clothing, which made Elder Guo De sympathize.

Guo De took the girl back to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, served her a cold pill, and gave her a lot of food.

From the mouth of this girl, she learned that she had escaped from other places and her family had died.

Guo De felt sorry for this girl, so he asked him to join the Alchemist Association and become a disciple in the association, learning alchemy with other disciples.

Not only that, Guo De also took extra care of this woman, even if she made mistakes, he would try to cover her as much as possible.

The president also turned a blind eye to Ning Xin's mistakes.

But who would have thought that this girl would be a kinship person, and still keep in touch with kinship people.

During the ten years at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, she also wanted to find the prisoner's den where her father was imprisoned.

Guo De regretted his lack of knowledge, and brought such a white-eyed wolf to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

Ning Xin assisted Ning Choutian, suddenly stopped, and sneered, "Elder Guo, you said that you have a life-saving grace for me, and it is true. But, have you ever thought that I was born without fatherly love, this Everything is caused by you."

Guo De sighed for a long time, "When is the injustice reported!"

The grievances and entanglements of the previous generation are like waves, one after another, causing the next generation to grow up in hatred.

If this dispute cannot be quelled, then it will continue to fight and fall in a pool of blood, whether it is the disciples of the blood race or the disciples of the five major sects will continue to continue.

"Plop, plop..."

Guo De's heart was slightly startled, he actually felt the sound of the president's pulse beating, and he was overjoyed.

"The president is still alive, and the president is still alive." Guo De called repeatedly.

But just after he finished saying this, a weird-looking black beetle appeared out of thin air and flew directly in along his throat, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Guo De coughed violently a few times, and found that he inadvertently swallowed the beetle.

Guo De didn't feel anything wrong at the beginning, and he supported the body of the president, preparing to return to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

The president's injury was very serious. Judging from the situation just now, he should have used the power of True Qi to protect his heart, which saved his life.

As soon as Guo De was together, his limbs became uncontrollable, and he swayed wildly like a madman.

Immediately afterwards, his consciousness was also under control, and he fell to the ground with the nearly charred body of the president.

"Elder Guo, what are you doing?"

Immediately afterwards, many disciples of the five sect forces showed strange behaviors.

They began to mutilate their fellow disciples, even if the sword pierced their body, they seemed to feel no pain at all.

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The Miaojiang woman in strange costumes turned her hand at the seriously injured Ning Qiu Tiantian, "Patriarch Ning, many of them have fallen into my gu, and now the blood tribe has to wait."

Ning Qiutian nodded, "You have done a good job, and when things are done, your benefits will be indispensable."

Ye Xuantian realized what was wrong, and immediately shouted to the people of the five major forces, "Quickly withdraw to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association."

Ye Xuantian has also realized that these people suddenly become weird and it is very likely that it is related to the woman in weird clothes.

The woman didn't look like a person from Dongcheng District, and she didn't make any moves from beginning to end, but she gave people a feeling of indecision.


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