Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1607: Hypocritical

The six elders took action at the same time, preparing to bring the president and Guo De back to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

Who would have thought that Guo De actually wanted to deal with the six elders.

Seeing them killing each other, all the blood people smiled.

This battle lasted for nearly a day, and the number of casualties on both sides reached two thousand.

The corpse was lying in front of the gate of the Alchemist Association headquarters, a thick **** smell filled the air, and black flies and mosquitoes were incurred.

Ning Wuqiu didn't intend to let the disciples of the blood race and the five major forces go shopping. Now, many of the five major forces have already suffered from the Miaojiang woman's Gu technique.

Under the control of the Miao Jiang woman, those disciples who had been hit by the Gu technique were like killing machines, and they would never stop until their energy was exhausted.

After this battle, the blood race also suffered heavy losses.

Moreover, Ning Choutian did underestimate Ye Xuantian's sealing technique. He thought that hiding in Nie Li's body would be able to escape this disaster.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xuantian's heavenly nets were quite powerful, and it was no longer the one that only absorbed the opponent's true energy at the beginning.

Ye Xuantian unexpectedly added the four great phantoms of beasts as an attack weapon, which also strengthened the attack power of the sealing circle.

In fact, Taiyi's formation is very mysterious, not just the sealing formation learned by Ye Xuantian, an outer disciple.

The inner disciples of Taiyi Sect will be able to simultaneously learn the seal formation, increase the formation, and attack the formation...

So after more than 30 years of research, Ye Xuantian finally tried to add some offensive things to his seal formation.

This is exactly what Ning Qiu Angel did not expect.

All the blood race needs to do now is to wait.

Waiting for the people in the headquarters of the Alchemist Association to kill each other almost, they will come and kill them all.

At that time, in the entire Dongcheng District of the Central Capital, the only opponent of the blood race is the gold-level force Taiyi.

Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue rushed towards the headquarters of the Alchemist Association non-stop after receiving the letter from Elder Chen Xuehaige.

A few hundred meters away from the front door of the Alchemist Association headquarters, Lin Tiancheng saw a large area of ​​kinship children stationed here.

"It seems that they are trying to trap the people inside, we have to find a way to get in!" Lin Tiancheng looked around the situation from a distance.

Zhang Qiuyue frowned slightly, turned around, and asked Lin Tiancheng, "Their guards are so strict, how can we get in?"

This is indeed a problem, but since the disciples of the Alchemist Association headquarters can send the letters, there must be a way.


Lin Tiancheng suddenly remembered his Mito Xiuxiu, this is the time for his Mito Xiuxiu to show off his skills.

"Wait a minute, I will find a way to kill the two patrol guards first, and then follow their appearances, and you and I will become like them again, and then mix in."

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Zhang Qiuyue looked at Lin Tiancheng in a puzzled manner, "Don't you still know how to change Yirong?"

Lin Tiancheng smiled indifferently, "When the time comes, you will naturally know."

After coming down from the Zijin Butterfly, Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue quietly touched the camp where the blood people were stationed.

After easily killing two blood patrol disciples, Lin Tiancheng spent 4 electricity, using Meitu Xiuxiu to make Zhang Qiuyue and himself ps look like those two patrol disciples, and quietly mixed into the camp where the blood race people were stationed.

When they passed by one of the largest camps, Lin Tiancheng heard a familiar voice.

"I don't know which gust of wind actually blew Dean Zhuge. If you missed it, please forgive me." Ning Qiutian walked towards Zhuge Xun.

Ning Qiutian certainly knew Zhuge Xun's purpose of coming to the Alchemist Association headquarters at this time.

However, he also knew that the Zhongdu Academy was a neutral force, and it was absolutely not possible to join the disputes of any party.

Zhuge Xun had the strength of the early Mahayana period, but Ning Qiutian was a bit inferior, so he didn't dare to make a difference in front of Zhuge Xun.

Zhuge Xun cast a glance at the Miao woman standing on the left side of Ning Choutian, and said coldly, "Ning Choutian, you don’t want to be arrogant here. I can’t control your grievances, and I can’t, but you Colluding with the Bai people in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, in the southern region, is it possible that they want to help them take root in our eastern region."

Ning Qiutian made a color at the Miaojiang woman, motioned her to step back first, and then said with a smile, "Dean Zhuge is talking about what you are saying, you must be dry and dry when you come here. Sit down and have a cup of tea."

Zhuge Xun did not give Ning Choutian a good face. After sitting down, the teapot he had taken away from Ning Choutian began to pour tea on his own.

Ning Choutian smiled awkwardly, a vicious look in his eyes.

"Let's say, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation today, I won't leave today." Zhuge Xun heavily smashed the teapot on the tabletop.

"Actually, this is not an ulterior secret. You know the witch in Miao Jiang, who always likes to study some weird things. Before, she worked closely with me to research out the blood evil pill. Later, she I also want to use the power of my bloodline to raise Gu worms. In this way, we have formed a deal."

Ning Qiutian took a sip of tea and smiled, "It's that simple, can Dean Zhuge have any prejudice against my blood clan."

Ning Qiutian had long known that Dean Zhuge had a close relationship with Nie Li at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

However, Dean Zhuge is considered to be witty, and had never joined their disputes before.

Therefore, without a last resort, Ning Qiutian was unwilling to be an enemy of Dean Zhuge, not to mention that there was still such a huge disparity in strength between them.

Zhuge Xun got up angrily, and Ning Qiutian's words were tightly connected. Even if he suspected that Ning Qiutian and the Bai Clan of Miaojiang Jianchuan had any other conspiracy, he had no real evidence.

"Huh! You'd better not let me know that you are colluding with the Southern Territory forces, otherwise, I will definitely make you look good."

At this moment, a loud shout came from outside the camp.


Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue drew back quickly, only to realize that the cold face of the blood race, Ning Wuqiu's right-hand man, was walking slowly towards them.

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly bowed to a cold face and replied, "We are disciples on patrol!"

At this time, Lin Tiancheng's heart was also very nervous.

Although Lin Tiancheng saw the bandage on the cold face's arm, he was obviously seriously injured, but he was still the peak powerhouse of the Golden Core Stage, and Lin Tiancheng could not be his opponent at all.

Zhang Qiuyue's face was a little pale, and the sudden change made him a little frightened, and she stood there in a daze.

Lin Tiancheng patted the back of her hand quickly, and Zhang Qiuyue quickly bowed her body.

"Since I am a disciple on patrol, why are you sneaking here?" Lengmian asked repeatedly.

"Who, bring me in?" Ning Qiutian said loudly in the camp.

Lin Tiancheng secretly said to himself that if he and Zhang Qiuyue were really caught in this camp, it would take a long time to reveal the flaws.

In this extreme emergency, his legs kicked back, and his body suddenly flew towards the cold face like an arrow from the string.


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