Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1609: Grasshopper on a boat

Lin Tiancheng will be the pride of the entire Zhongdu Academy, and at the same time will make Zhuge Xun's face shine.

At that time, if Ning Wuqiu wanted to trouble Lin Tiancheng, he would not necessarily be Lin Tiancheng's opponent.

Lin Tiancheng glanced at the dean quietly again, his heart full of gratitude.

The dean killed the cold noodles at the critical moment, which was already a big favor to Lin Tiancheng.

h! j0√

Unexpectedly, he was still willing to come forward to protect himself, which really made Lin Tiancheng dare not take it.

"Dean Zhuge's words are just to give me Ning Choutian a hundred courage, and I dare not go crazy." Ning Choutian said with a smile.

Zhuge Xun winked at Lin Tiancheng and motioned to him to take Zhang Qiuyue back quickly, then turned to Ning Wuqiu and said, "Brother Ning, I heard that your strength has improved a lot recently. Go, let's find a place. Learn a few tricks."

Lin Tiancheng knows, and bowed his hand to Ning Wuqiu, "Since there is nothing more to do, then I will retreat first."

Gu Chengwu waved his hand, "Get out!"

At this moment, a woman in strange clothes walked out of the camp, with Lin Tiancheng's Hai Dongqing standing on her shoulders.

Lin Tiancheng's eyelids twitched slightly, and Costin, who hadn't seen him in a few months, was caught by this stinky girl.

However, based on the feelings between Hai Dongqing and Lin Tiancheng, Hai Dongqing should no longer recognize other people as masters.

This matter made Lin Tiancheng a little puzzled, but he didn't dare to show his true identity with the sea in the territory of the blood race people, so he could only make plans in the future.

If he really found out that this stinky girl did something to his Costin, Lin Tiancheng would certainly not let her go.

Right now, Zhuge Xun made it clear that he was helping them.

Of course Lin Tiancheng dare not stay here.

After the two left, the cold face that was pierced by Zhuge Xun's eyebrow finally revealed his original appearance.

After Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue left for a while, Zhuge Xun smiled bitterly, "Oh! Brother Ning, I'm really sorry, I almost forgot that I have something important, another day, another day, I will discuss with you again. Learn from each other."

After saying this, Zhuge Xun didn't wait for Ning Wuqiu to speak before taking the wind away.

Ning Wuqiu hurried to the place where the cold face died, trying to find clues.

Gu Chengwu is about to order the blood disciples to throw Xu Can's body into the wilderness, "Here, this is Silver Needle. Patriarch, this person is really Elder Leng."

The blood mother walked quickly.

Ning Wuqiu finally realized that his guess was not wrong, but he was held back by the old thief Zhuge and could not be verified.

Lengmian had been his partner for half his life, but he actually watched Zhuge Xun kill Lengmian.

Moreover, he didn't even give the cold face an opportunity to explain.

Mother-in-law Blood suddenly thought of something, and quickly asked Gu Chengwu to take the blood disciples to capture the soldier who had just been patrolling.

He had already guessed that this must have been done by Lin Tiancheng.

Only Lin Tiancheng's all sorts of weird methods can make people unpredictable.

"You mean, that person was Lin Tiancheng just now?" Ning Wuqiu turned and asked Mother-in-law Blood.

The blood mother arched her hands and replied respectfully, "Yes, the patriarch, I'm sure that the kid just now must be Lin Tiancheng."

"So, aren't we being put together by Zhuge Xun's old fox."

Seeing his long-time old partner fall in a pool of blood, Ning Wuqiu became more angry as he thought about it, turned and said to the Miao Jiang woman in a commanding tone, "Quickly, speed up the process for me, I must take care of Lin Tiancheng! Old thief Zhuge, one day I will smash you into pieces."

Ning Wuqiu's eyes were about to split and his eyes were blushing.

The Miao Jiang woman handed her hands and said, "Patriarch Ning is not anxious, my Gu worms are not ordinary, and within three days, they will die with little left.

At that time, it is not the chief Ning who has the final say about who you want to kill. "

The power of the Miaojiang woman's gu worm really should not be underestimated.

It is quite similar to the Blood Sha Pill developed by Ning Qiutian, but it goes a step further.

The Miao Jiang woman can control the Gu worm to **** the blood of the person in the Gu, and then manipulate his will to turn him into a completely unconscious killing weapon.

At the same time, after the essence and blood in the Gu person's body was completely sucked up, the Gu worm began to split, and then hidden in the body of another cultivator unconsciously.

Until the selection of it is cleaned up, it continues to reproduce in this cycle.

According to the historical records of the ancient people of Miaojiang, there were children of Miaojiang who used this kind of worm to defeat tens of thousands of troops who offended the Southern Territory.

Those 100,000 soldiers all died under this kind of ancient city without any exemption.

The piled up corpses are like snow-covered snow-capped mountains, white, very scary.

Since then, the reputation of the Bai Clan in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, has spread, but anyone with some brains dare not offend the southern boundary.

In the lobby of the Alchemist Association headquarters...

Ye Xuantian walked back and forth in the middle of the hall with his hands on his back, and the expression on his face seemed a little anxious and angry.

"Elder Chen, if it wasn't for these elders of your Alchemist Association to stop him, Ning Qiutian would have been wiped out. You have to give an explanation about this matter." Ye Xuantian stopped and looked at Chen Hai a little angrily.

Had it not been for Elder Guo and the other six elders to stop Ye Xuantian at the time, there would not be so much trouble now.

Although Elder Chen has been talking about it, he will definitely think of a way, but in front of the five major forces, there are only two paths, either admit defeat or die.

The five silver rank forces, no matter which one is a great overlord on one side.

Now, they are all besieged in the horror of the Alchemist Association, which is really ashamed.

Ling Feng of the Tiangang Sect stood up at this moment and accused Elder Chen, "Because of Nie Li, you have taken all of our lives in. If you can't think of a way to do it, I don't need that big demon to do it. It will also kill you guys who sell dog skin plasters."

The other five elders sitting beside Elder Chen Hai immediately stood up, their faces full of anger.

Elder Chen waved his hand for them to sit down.

Hao Haidong of the Jinyang Gang continued to add fuel to the fire.

He pointed to the formation outside the hall and said angrily to Elder Chen, "This formation has limited energy. Once the people inside run out, we all don't want to survive."

In the spacious courtyard outside the hall, there is a formation that can accommodate nearly a thousand people.

This formation was imposed here by Ye Xuantian, and his opinions trapped those cultivation children whose minds were lost by Gu worms, including Elder Guo Deguo.

They killed each other inside, and the zombies generally gnawed each other's flesh and blood until they were exhausted.

There are also many cultivating children who have lost their minds constantly assaulting the seal formation, showing a greedy look to the cultivating children guarding outside the formation.

Among these lost minds, Elder Guo has the strongest strength.

Guo De has madly killed dozens of disciples who lost their minds, but he himself was bloodstained, and there was almost no complete skin on his body.

Elder Chen sighed, got up and said, "We didn’t expect things to be like this. Now, everyone is in the same boat. We should work together to tide over the difficulties. Instead of blaming each other here. , If Ning Qiutian knows that our alchemist association headquarters is like this, he will be even more happy."

Ye Xuantian said coldly, "Well, then you can come up with a way, we can never sit here and wait for death!"

Elder Chen did not speak, his eyes were always looking at the gate.

He had ordered someone to send the letter out, and it was logical that Lin Tiancheng should also come soon, unless he was detained by someone from the blood race.

In that case, there is really no need for them to wait here.

Either fight Ning Qiutian to the end, or surrender to them.

Otherwise, the morale of the five major alliances will continue to decline.

Ye Xuantian's sealing formation could not last long.

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