Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1610: Milky kid

After a long time, Elder Chen finally said in a deep voice, "Please wait a moment, that person should be here soon."

Elder Chen hoped that Lin Tiancheng could come soon, because he felt that only Lin Tiancheng could save the president at the moment.

Last time at the top of the prisoner's den, the president and the six elders almost died at the hands of Ning Qiutian.

Fortunately, Lin Tiancheng used his unique power-enhancing techniques to help the president break through to the early stage of the Mahayana period.

If Lin Tiancheng can do the same this time, he must be able to resolve this crisis.

Lin Tiancheng's talent in alchemy is well known, and I'm afraid that even the president has said that he is ashamed.

There is also a very important point. To deal with the power of Ning Qiutian's bloodline, I am afraid that we have to rely on Lin Tiancheng's spirit beast.

Therefore, Elder Chen placed almost all his hopes on Lin Tiancheng, hoping that he could save everyone from the fire and water.

Except for Lin Tiancheng, he has no choice.

Before this, the president had also communicated with Elder Chen many times.

He felt that Lin Tiancheng was a good seed, and he also had a super talent in alchemy.

Nie Li has also stated many times that he wants to train Lin Tian to become the next president of the Alchemist Association Headquarters. Elder Chen knows this.

"Do you mean that you want us to wait for Deacon Song Qingyun from Taiyi?" Ye Xuantian looked at Elder Chen suspiciously.

To get rid of this predicament, the only power Ye Xuantian can think of, and that has this strength, is too one.

Tai One is a gold rank force, if it intends to resolve this dispute, it will still be easy.

However, this time, Deacon Song from Taiyi did not show up for a long time.

Ling Feng of the Tiangang Sect and Hao Haidong of the Jinyang Gang quickly got up from their seats, with hope shining in their eyes, and said in unison: "Is it really the Deacon Song of the One Sect?"

Elder Chen shook his head, "No, in fact, too one door has achieved their goal, naturally there is no need to get involved."

The real source of this dispute is too. They want to suppress the momentum of the blood family and cannot let the power of the blood develop too strong.

Thirty years ago, the power of the blood race had been weakened not enough to threaten them, and their goal was achieved.

Today, 30 years later, they naturally ignore this matter.

Ling Feng of Tiangang Sect said angrily: "Since it's not too one, who can save us."

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue appeared in front of everyone one after another.

The sadness on Elder Chen's face disappeared, revealing the long-lost joy, and he quickly greeted Lin Tiancheng: "Tiancheng, you are here!"

Seeing Elder Chen's face full of joy, Ye Xuantian, Ling Feng, and Hao Haidong all showed a puzzled look.

"Who is this kid? Elder Chen wants us to wait for this kid, right?"

The three looked at Lin Tiancheng up and down.

In their view, Lin Tian's achievement is a young man who is still young, and his strength is only in the early stage of the Golden Core period.

If Elder Chen asked everyone to wait for him, it would really be a waste of everyone's time.

Ye Xuantian stepped forward and asked coldly: "Elder Chen, wouldn't it be this kid you want us to wait for?"

Elder Chen nodded with a smile, led Lin Tiancheng into the hall, and said to everyone: "Yes, this is the person I am waiting for. I am afraid he is the only one who can save the big guy."

"Elder Chen, are you joking about our lives?" Ling Feng looked a little angry.

It's so ridiculous that Elder Chen actually pinned everyone's lives on such a nasty kid.

Zhang Qiuyue asked anxiously, "Elder Chen, Bo Nie!"

Lin Tiancheng ignored their cynicism and asked Elder Chen with his hands: "Elder Chen, I heard that the president is seriously injured. Take me over and take a look!"

Lin Tiancheng now has 50 electricity. As long as the president has a breath, it is definitely not a problem to save him.

However, I learned from the letter that many people were planted with Gu poison, and Elder Guo was one of them.

So, if he wants to dissolve the Gu poison, Lin Tiancheng may have to find another way. In this case, it must consume a lot of electricity.

Lin Tiancheng only hopes that Zhang Qiuyue can be open to herself at this critical time, otherwise, he will be too weak to recover.

After Sulan heard that Lin Tiancheng was coming, she stumbled out of the backyard and ran into the backyard with Lin Tiancheng incoherently.

"Heaven, Tiancheng, please save my master."

Elder Chen put his hand on Sulan's shoulder, and comforted: "Sulan, your master Wuyazi has gone to the Western Heavenly Paradise, you have to be sorrowful!"

"No, my master is not dead, Tiancheng must be able to save him!"

Sulan turned around and looked at Lin Tiancheng, with a pleading look in her eyes.

Lin Tiancheng nodded and went to Wuyazi's bed.

Finding that Wuyazi was as dry as a piece of dry wood, and half of his brain shattered into debris, his heart sank involuntarily.

"How could this be? How could Senior Wuyazi be seriously injured like this?"

Lin Tiancheng realized how tragic the battle was.

He put his hand on Wuyazi's wrist, and after checking it with 360 antivirus software, he finally shook his head helplessly.

"It's out of breath, sorry, I can't help it."

"Impossible, my master can't die, you must have a way to save her!" Sulan held Lin Tiancheng's arm and shook it vigorously.

At this moment, fierce quarrels began in the lobby of the Alchemist Association headquarters.

"If you want to stay, stay here! Anyway, I don't want to wait for death here!" Ling Feng was about to surrender to Ning Qiutian with his few disciples of Tiangang Sect.

He felt that he was being tricked by Chen Hai, and he actually asked everyone to pin their hopes on a kid in the early stage of Jin Dan.

He felt that only surrender was the only way to survive.

"No, you can't go!" Hao Haidong stretched out his hand to stop Ling Feng.

In fact, Hao Haidong also wanted to surrender to Ning Qiutian in his heart, but he seriously hurt the cold side of the blood race.

If he really surrendered to the blood clan, I am afraid that the cold-faced guy will avenge his personal revenge.

He could not surrender to Ning Qiutian, and of course Ling Feng could not.

Otherwise, everyone will be strangled by the blood clan and the Tiangangzong at the same time.

"Get out of the way!" Ling Feng sternly shouted to Hao Haidong.

Ye Xuantian waved at Hao Haidong: "Let him go!"

Ye Xuantian didn't bother to be a coward, even if he died, he had to fight Ning Qiutian to the end.

Since Ling Feng already has the heart to surrender, if he continues to stay here, it will definitely disturb the military's mind, it is better to let him go.

Ling Feng admired Ye Xuantian's personality, but if he wanted him to wait for death here with a little boy like Lin Tiancheng, he would not agree with him: "Sect Master Ye can rest assured, even if Ling Mou surrendered to Ning Choutian, I would never Deal with them against you."

Backyard, in the president's wing.

Zhang Qiuyue found that her Bo Nie was burning like a piece of charcoal, and the whole person stayed there, and her lips instantly turned white.

Lin Tiancheng did not hesitate to use 360 ​​anti-virus software to check the physical condition of Chairman Dong.

The president's injury was indeed very serious, but, in the misfortune, the president almost exhausted all his true energy to protect his heart.

The president was not greedy for life and fear of death. When Ning Qiutian got into his body, he used the power of True Qi to fight fiercely with him, and finally managed to keep this only place that was not infested.


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