Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1611: Fake show

The president's injury is very serious. It would take Lin Tiancheng at least 50 electricity to heal him.

Not to mention that Lin Tiancheng only has 50 electricity, and he can't turn the president into an intact person at once. It would be too bad for him.

Therefore, Lin Tiancheng only consumed 30 electricity on the president's body, which roughly recovered his internal injuries.

Of course, Lin Tiancheng still gave the president a symbolic pill, mainly to cover people's eyes.

"The president will wake up in about half an hour. Now, let's go and see Elder Guo first!"

Elder Chen stood behind Lin Tiancheng and looked at him with an incredible look.

Lin Tiancheng actually said that the president will be able to wake up in half an hour, which is simply amazing!

You know, the only thing that will always show alive all over the body is his heart, and the other parts can be said to have been damaged by the heaven and earth nets.

Elder Chen dared to guarantee that even a medicine emperor above the medicine sect could not refine such a medicine.

After a while, Elder Chen slowed down and quickly led Lin Tiancheng the way.

When Lin Tiancheng and Elder Chen came to the hall, Ye Xuantian got up and walked over.

"Elder Chen, you still pin your hopes on this brat boy.

I advise you to sit down and discuss with us how to deal with this Ning Qiutian. "

Ye Xuantian also deliberately stared at Lin Tiancheng with a disdainful look.

"Elder Chen, what is the origin of this kid? What is he worthy of your fancy?" Hao Haidong asked puzzledly.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it to you." Elder Chen suddenly realized and began to introduce Lin Tiancheng to Ye Xuantian and Hao Haidong.

"This is a disciple of our Alchemist Association, and also the head of the Yun Family, Lin Tiancheng."

Hearing these three words Lin Tiancheng, Ye Xuantian looked suspicious, "Is it the Lin Tiancheng who saved Madam Su?"

Ye Xuantian remembered Lin Tiancheng who had cracked his son's seal formation in the Fire Yunzong.

Moreover, according to Lao Li, Lin Tiancheng may be an inner disciple of Taiyi. He not only knows the sealing technique, but also knows how to increase the formation.

Based on this alone, Ye Xuantian could completely conclude that Lin Tiancheng was an inner disciple.

Elder Chen nodded.

Lin Tiancheng had guessed that the middle-aged man in front of him was Ye Qingyun's father, Ye Xuantian.

On that day, in Huo Yun Sect, Lin Tiancheng seriously injured Ye Qingyun. Logically speaking, Ye Xuantian should have sent someone to teach him, but in fact he did not.

Lin Tiancheng didn't answer the call, ready to watch the changes.

If Ye Xuantian is going to be tough, Lin Tiancheng is not a vegetarian either.

Ye Xuantian stared at Lin Tiancheng with some doubts in his heart.

Elder Chen just said that the Taiyi people no longer want to be involved in this dispute, so what's the matter with Lin Tiancheng?

"Could it be that the Taiyi people just want to help in the dark, and don't want people to know that they are also involved in this dispute?"

If that were the case, maybe this inner disciple was someone from the Taiyi Clan who deliberately arranged to help resolve this crisis at the Alchemist Association headquarters.

These are just speculations, but Ye Xuantian didn't dare to infer until he really figured out what was going on.

According to the rules of Taiyi, as long as the disciple of the outer sect sees the disciple of the inner sect, he must respectfully call him a senior, regardless of age and strength.

Although Ye Xuantian has been expelled from Taiyi for many years, he is not a person who forgets his roots. He always thinks that he is still a disciple of Taiyi, and he still remembers the old rules of Taiyi.

He was a little unspeakable and said to Lin Tiancheng, "Brother Lin!"

Elder Chen and Sect Master Hao both looked at Ye Xuantian with a bit of amazement, "Sect Master Ye is?"

For this sudden change, Lin Tiancheng was shocked and looked at Ye Xuantian with some unknown reason.

Ye Xuantian explained with a smile, "It's really the flood that rushed into the Longwang Temple, and the family didn't recognize the family. To be honest, I was actually an outer disciple of Taiyi before I founded Xuantianzong. I met Taiyi. The disciple of the inner sect, naturally I have to call him Brother Lin."

Lin Tian grew up and let out a long sigh of relief. It turned out that Ning Qiutian had always mistakenly thought that he was an inner disciple of the Tai Sect, so he didn't move him.

He hurriedly stretched out his hand to straighten Ye Xuantian's body, "Junior Brother Ye doesn't need to pay much attention. Actually, Master, his elder does not want me to reveal my identity.

Lin Tiancheng simply did a fake show, otherwise, if Ye Xuantian knew about it, he would not be a disciple of the same discipline.

Maybe Ye Xuantian had to find himself to settle the old accounts between Lin Tiancheng and his son.

Listening to Lin Tiancheng calling himself junior, Ye Xuantian's face was ugly, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

However, when he heard the words Master, Ye Xuantian's heart was shocked.

Who is the master?

The supreme existence within the one door.

Ye Xuantian has lived in Taiyi Sect for so many years, and of course he knows that ordinary inner disciples are not qualified to see Master's old man, let alone an outer disciple like Ye Xuantian.

"It turns out that Senior Brother Lin is visiting the WeChat privately!"

In this way, Lin Tiancheng was no longer the nasty kid in their minds.

Rather, he was truly an inner disciple of Taiyi, and he was still a disciple who had seen Master respect his elders.

In this way, everyone puts the hope of getting rid of the predicament on Lin Tiancheng.

"I'd better go and check the injuries with Elder Guo first, everyone is out of company."

Outside the seal formation at the corner of the square, the scene inside was shocking.

The disciples who were planted with Gu worms bit other people like zombies, and the corpses that fell on the ground covered the entire range of the seal formation.

The flesh and blood on the corpses was eaten clean by others, and even the blood was sucked up.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

A brown beetle the size of a fingernail was in front of Lin Tiancheng's heel, constantly hitting the barrier of the sealing circle.

In a short while, a large group of these brown beetles rushed towards Lin Tiancheng like a locust plague.

In less than half a day, the few Gu worms from the beginning have now split into thousands and tens of thousands.

They kept hitting the seal barrier, and the energy of the barrier became thinner and thinner, and it seemed that they might rush away at any time.

There were nearly a thousand cultivating children isolated in the formation, but now they have dropped to three or four hundred, and the others have become a white corpse.

"Junior Brother Ye, there are too many people here. Elder Guo's injuries are a little lighter at the moment. Can you bring him out?"

Ye Xuantian's mouth twitched slightly again.

Hearing a junior call himself a junior disciple, he was still a little unacceptable in his heart, but he was helpless. Who made him an inner disciple?


"Wait a moment!"

Ye Xuantian folded his hands together, quickly changed his approach, still chanting words in his mouth.

The sealing circle was under his control, and it perfectly isolated Elder Guo from three or four hundred people.

"Everyone stays behind, there are Gu worms on Guo De's body, don't take it lightly." Ye Xuantian immediately shouted to everyone.

All the people present showed off their true energy, and they all took precautions and raised their vigilance to the highest level, staring at Guo De, who was like a zombie.

Elder Guo, whom Lin Tiancheng relied on, of course he didn't dare to take it lightly recently, and immediately turned on the flashlight to see Elder Guo's body completely.

He could clearly see more than a dozen fingernail-sized gu worms scurrying around in Elder Guo's body, sucking his blood crazily.

Compared to the other children who have been planted with Gu cultivation, Elder Guo's situation is relatively better, but the internal organs have also been damaged by this kind of Gu worm.


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