Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1617: Confident Ning Xin

In fact, Ye Xuantian had always been extremely reluctant to call Lin Tian a senior.

But this time it was sincere.

Hao Haidong seemed to understand that Ye Xuantian was not deliberately making himself ugly in front of everyone, but simply wanted to express his life-saving grace to Lin Tiancheng.

As a result, Hao Haidong's arched body bent once more and solemnly said, "Brother Lin, without you, we might really be trapped alive in the headquarters."

Just when Lin Tiancheng showed embarrassment, a disciple wearing the costume of a disciple of Tiangangzong rushed over, holding a blood-colored cloth strip in his hand.

Nearly a thousand disciples of Tiangangzong followed Ling Feng to join the blood clan. At this time, the appearance of Tiangangzong disciples suddenly raised everyone's vigilance.

Xu Can quickly stepped forward and stopped him.

The disciple of Tiangangzong shrank and begged for mercy, "Don't get me wrong, I'm just here to deliver the letter, and there is no hostility."

Xu Can snatched the blood book from his hand and sent it to the hands of the president.

The disciples of Tiangang Sect were also put on their necks by two disciples from the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

Hao Haidong came slowly to the disciples of Tiangang Sect, and asked him harshly, "Where is your Sect Master Ling?"

Although Ling Feng fulfilled his promise, in this battle, he did not fight with the blood races against the children of the five major alliances, but his behavior of fleeing, greedy for life and fear of death is disgusting.

The disciples of the Tiangang Sect were stared at by so many sect masters and elders. They were really scared, and replied tremblingly, "I, our sect master was captured by the blood clan, and I was lucky to escape by the chaos."

Ye Xuantian asked, "So, except for you, have all of you from the Tiangang Sect been brought back to the land of the blood clan Baiyue?"

The disciple of Tiangangzong nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"If you don't save it, you deserve it!" Hao Haidong seemed to guess the intention of Ling Feng's blood book. He directly put down a sentence, and then turned his back with his hands and back.

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After reading the blood book, the president slowly said, "Sect Master Ling was indeed taken away by the blood people, and he did express his desire for our help. However, he expressed his willingness to act as an internal response. As long as we launch a general attack on the blood family, He will definitely join us inside and outside, and he is willing to provide us with useful information about the blood race at any time."

Ye Xuantian said in a deep voice, "If this is the case, these people from Tiangang Sect are worth saving."

Lin Tiancheng walked to the president and took the blood and tore it up directly, "I can't save it."

When Lin Tiancheng said this, everyone was not too surprised. Instead, they all looked at Lin Tiancheng, wanting to know what explanation he would make.

Hao Haidong looked at Lin Tiancheng, "The heroes have seen the same thing. Ling Feng is responsible for all this, so let their people of Tiangang Sect live and die!"

Ye Xuantian stared at him coldly, "Close your mouth and listen to what Senior Brother Lin said."

Hao Haidong shrank his neck angrily, not daring to speak any more.

Seeing that everyone is waiting for a reasonable explanation from him, Lin Tiancheng no longer sells Guanzi, "That's it, even when the blood races are fleeing, they still don’t forget to hold the people of Tiangangzong away. Then, they must have something else. Purposeful."

Ye Xuantian's eyes narrowed slightly, "You mean, the people of the blood race want to give the nearly a thousand disciples of the Tiangang Sect a blood evil pill and train them to become dead."

Think carefully!

When fleeing, every minute is alive, but the people of the blood race have not forgotten to take away the people of the Tiangang Sect, it is indeed very doubtful.

If it hadn't been for Lin Tiancheng's analysis of the wave, everyone hadn't noticed this detail.

Lin Tiancheng nodded and continued, "I don't rule out this possibility, and I also suspect that this may be a trap deliberately set by Ning Qiutian."

Lin Tiancheng suspected that Ning Qiutian forced Ling Feng to write this blood book. After that, everyone fell into his trap without knowing it.

Hao Haidong hurriedly came to the front of the Tiangangzong disciple, restrained his neck with one hand, and shouted sharply, "Quickly, are you a spy sent by Ning Qiutian?"

The Tiangang Sect disciple's face was pale, "No, no, no. This blood book was really given to me by my master, I can swear to heaven."

The strength in Hao Haidong's hand has increased a bit, and scarlet blood has been pinched on the neck of the Tiangangzong disciple, "If you don't explain it honestly, I will pinch you to death now."

The disciple of Tiangangzong was choked by Hao Haidong, and his face turned from pale to red.

Lin Tiancheng stepped forward to stop Hao Haidong, "Sect Master Hao quickly stop, maybe he himself didn't know he was deceived. Let's take it away first!"

Zhang Qiuyue looked at Lin Tiancheng's eyes with a slight ripple. She was worried that her cautious thinking would be noticed, so she quickly retracted her gaze.

However, another scorching gaze was always staring at Lin Tiancheng, and that was Sulan.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng exudes charm, combining strength and talent.

Elder Chen nodded with great satisfaction, "Well, this wave of Tiancheng's analysis is very reasonable. It is indeed that even our old guys have neglected."

At this moment, Ning Qiutian, who had already climbed over Wushan and continued to turn back towards the Baiyue Land, asked Ning Xin, "Xin'er, you are sure that your move can conceal those old things, and Lin Tiancheng's. Kid?"

Ning Qiutian even heard Ning Xin say this when the large army retreated, but he felt that this method was feasible, so he agreed to do so.

Here, Ning Qiutian specifically mentioned Lin Tiancheng.

Before, he didn't put Lin Tiancheng in his eyes at all, but now he had to put Lin Tiancheng in his eyes.

Looking back carefully, if Lin Tiancheng hadn't shot out one after another halfway, the blood race had already ruled the five major alliances.

"Don't worry, father, I can't guarantee those old guys, but I bet that kid Lin Tiancheng will be in the game." Ning Xin said confidently.

She is confident because she thinks she knows Lin Tiancheng, and she is sure that Lin Tiancheng must still be complacent.

Able to cooperate with Ling Feng on the kinship inside and outside, and then wipe out the kinship in one fell swoop.

However, Lin Tiancheng may not even think of it in his dreams, this is a plan set up by her Ning Xin.

Mother-in-law was silent, because she didn't know whether Lin Tiancheng would see that this was their strategy.

In her heart, those old things are better to deal with, but Lin Tiancheng is getting more and more troublesome.

The bound Ling Feng twisted his neck and asked Ning Qiutian, "Patriarch Ning, you promised me. If they get caught, you will promise to let me go, and all the disciples of Tiangang Sect."

Lin Tiancheng’s revenge plan was completely disrupted by Lin Tiancheng. He was not in a good mood. He turned and shouted to Ling Feng, “Shut up, Cheng Wu, and bring such people from the Tiangang Sect to our blood pool. Don’t let any of them. They escaped."

"Yes, patriarch." Gu Chengwu gave Ling Feng a heavy push, "Go!"

"No, Patriarch Ning, you promised me that you would let my disciple of the Tiangang Sect be released. You can't go wrong."

"Patriarch Ning, you can't do this."

"Ning Choutian, you are a big demon, you must not die." Ling Feng's cursing sounded gradually, echoing in Ning Choutian's ears.

Ning Qiutian snorted coldly, "How did such an innocent fool become the Sect Master of Tiangang?"


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