Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1618: Big brother


A burly boy of the blood race hurriedly ran towards Ning Qiutian.

He knelt down on one knee in front of Ning Choutian, and said breathlessly, "Oh, Lord Sect Master, that kid of Tiangang Sect has been arrested."

Ning Xin's confident expression immediately froze on her face. She turned around and questioned the disciple who fell on her knees, "What did you say, repeat what you just said?"

The blood disciple seemed even more panicked, "Ben, originally, the old guys almost believed it, it was the kid named Lin Tiancheng who saw through the young lady's strategy. Not only did he guess that we were giving them a set, he also said that we caught Tiangang. The disciple's purpose is probably to train them into dead men."

all hit!

Ning Xin's face flushed, and shouted at the disciple with extreme aura, "Enough, don't talk anymore."

Every word the kinship disciple said was like a slap on Ning Xin's face, making her face flushed, she didn't dare to look at her father, and even wanted to find a hole to drill down.

Ning Xin just said confidently, "She is not sure if other old guys will be caught, but Lin Tiancheng will definitely get the bait."

Because she thought she knew Lin Tiancheng very well, he might have the slightest doubt about such a wonderful strategy to deal with the blood race, but he definitely didn't want to miss it.

Who would have thought that instead of seeing the news from the spies, those old guys had not seen through their strategy, but had been seen through by Lin Tiancheng. Didn't this just slap her in the face?

Ning Choutian's fist was squeezed tightly, and he slammed a fist on the thick trunk of the roadside, and the towering tree instantly snapped, "It's this **** Lin Tiancheng again."

In fact, at the beginning, Ning Qiutian also thought that Ning Xin's method was feasible, and it could be said that there were hundreds of secrets and no details, so he agreed to do this.

The matter of the five major leagues was resolved, and Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue were ready to return to Zhongdu Academy.

In fact, Zhongdu Academy was founded by many silver-level, gold-level, and even legendary-level forces, and it is more or less related to these sects.

In addition, the dean is a strong man in the mid-Mahayana period, so the strength of the Zhongdu Academy is very strong, even some legendary powers do not dare to easily enter here to kill.

Lin Tian broke Ning Qiutian's good deeds over and over again, and he must now wish to cramp Lin Tiancheng.

Therefore, it is safer for Lin Tiancheng to return to Zhongdu Academy as soon as possible.

The president also took a fancy to this point, so he was relieved that Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue returned to Zhongdu Academy.

Since Sulan's master died, she is now alone.

She wanted to avenge the Unfeeling Valley, and Lin Tiancheng worried that this girl would do stupid things.

Therefore, I decided to take her to Zhongdu College and recommend it to the dean.

Zhongdu Academy never accepts waste, even if it is through a relationship, it must have a certain foundation.

The dean asked Sulan to show her fascination.

Unexpectedly, Sulan was able to attract butterflies from the Valley of Unrequited Love like her master, and this five-color butterfly is also extremely lethal.

After a general observation, the dean showed a few smiles on his face, and nodded in satisfaction, "Butterfly Yin of the Unfeeling Valley, if I didn't guess wrong, you should have got the true biography of Wu Yazi. "

Sulan also wanted to seize this opportunity to stay with Lin Tiancheng, after all, everyone close to her died, and Lin Tiancheng was her only friend.

She nodded, "Yes, the predecessors clearly see that what I have just used is indeed the butterfly lead, which was passed by Master Wuyazi."

"Tiancheng, this is your fault. If you told me earlier that this baby girl is a direct disciple of Unfeeling Gu Wuyazi, would it be necessary to spend a lot of time here?"

Unfeeling Gu Wuyazi is a strong person at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, so naturally her disciples will not be weak.

Lin Tiancheng smiled awkwardly, Sulan glanced at Lin Tiancheng secretly, and a trace of joy slipped through her heart.

Because Sulan's practice is a bit like controlling spirit beasts, the dean arranged her in the Royal Beast Element, and Lin Tiancheng was finally relieved.

Before leaving, the dean repeatedly urged Lin Tiancheng not to leave Zhongdu Academy no matter what happened.

The director of Lin Tiancheng had already heard of what Lin Tiancheng did in the dispute between the blood race and the five major alliances.

He guessed that Ning Choutian must hate Lin Tiancheng very much and would find a way to kill him.

But, at least in this Zhongdu Academy, Ning Qiutian didn't dare to do this.

Lin Tiancheng is a genius with all physiques, the dean decided to keep Lin Tiancheng even if he offended the blood.

The land of Baiyue, in the territory of the blood race...

The atmosphere of the whole blood family is relatively dull, because they have defeated the battle.

Next time, I want to challenge the five major leagues again, but I don't know it's the year of the monkey.

However, the only thing about the blood family is that Ning Qiutian's wandering big brother Ning Qiuyun is back.

In a small pavilion near the sea.

"No, I'm dedicated to proving that I have long stopped asking about these mundane things, I will not take action." Ning Qiuyun backed his hands and refused Ning Qiutian's proposal without hesitation.

Of course, Ning Qiuyun also knew that his younger brother had great ambitions, and he and his dead father were almost carved out of the same mold.

When their father Ning Yuntian was there, the blood clan was actually a gold-level force, but he was ambitious and constantly provoked disputes, and eventually ended in ruin.

Ning Qiuyun will return to the land of Baiyue, just to miss his dead father, and he has almost no affection for this blood clan today.

Moreover, he had repeatedly advised his brother Ning Qiutian to stop, but his brother just refused to listen.

Thirty years ago, Ning Choutian was trapped in a prisoner's den. Ning Qiuyun knew about it, but he didn't make a move.

Because he felt that the Prisoner's Cave was just enough for his younger brother to reflect on it.

"Big brother, you and I have thicker blood than water. My father saw you see the blood children in the fire and water, but you couldn't die. Do you think my father can squint under Jiuquan?" Ning Qiutian's eyelids twitched slightly, facing Ning Qiu Yun questioned.

"Enough, don't say it." Ning Qiuyun angrily threw his sleeves away, turned and went to his father's grave to worship.

Ning Qiutian did not say any more. He knew that Ning Qiuyun said nothing, and he had already mentioned his father Ning Yuntian today. Ning Qiuyun still refused to agree. This shows that even if Ning Qiutian said that it is impossible to break the sky .

Ning Qiuyuan poured a jar of wine in front of his father's tomb, and sat down in front of the tombstone for a hundred years, talking to himself.

Ning Qiutian walked back and forth in the hall, a little anxious in his heart.

After many failures, Ning Qiutian understood a truth, if he wanted to deal with the five major alliances, he had to kill Lin Tiancheng first.

However, Lin Tiancheng is now shrunk in Zhongdu Academy, and Ning Qiutian can't help him.

"Unless, Big Brother is willing to take a trip to Zhongdu Academy."

He knew that his eldest brother and the old thief Zhuge had a lot of friendship, if the eldest brother was willing to come forward, he would surely succeed.

At this moment, Ning Qiuyun slowly walked towards Ning Qiutian, "Let’s talk! How can I help you, but I can only help you this time."

Ning Choutian looked at Ning Qiuyun with a bit of loss, and then replied after a moment, "Simple, you only need to take a trip to Zhongdu Academy and let Zhuge Xun get a guy named Lin Tiancheng out of Zhongdu Academy. "

It turned out that Ning Qiuyun had a dream next to his father's tombstone. In the dream, his father Ning Qiuyun accused him of leaving his kinsmen behind.

Ning Qiuyun is a relatively filial person, otherwise he would not return to the blood clan.

Therefore, he intends to make an exception for his father's face to help his brother one at a time.


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