Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1619: Ancestral exercises

Ning Qiuyun also felt a little puzzled, and immediately asked, "Could it be that Lin Tiancheng is also a strong man in the Mahayana realm?"

He was very puzzled.

His younger brother Ning Qiutian had also reached the strength of the early Mahayana stage. Unless this man named Lin Tiancheng was a powerful man in the Mahayana stage, otherwise he would not let himself do such a trivial thing.

Ning Qiutian said embarrassingly, "Brother, don't worry about that much. You just have to ask Zhuge Xun to drive the boy named Lin Tiancheng out of Zhongdu Academy and leave the rest to me."

He couldn't tell Ning Qiuyun the big truth that Lin Tiancheng was just a kid in the early stage of the Golden Core period!

Wouldn't it be necessary to make my elder brother laugh at myself?

Ning Qiuyun was also not interested in the facts, "Okay, just this one thing."

After Ning Qiuyun was about to finish this matter, he set off to the Central Region of the Central Capital to continue to cultivate and prove the truth, and would never be contaminated with the world.

An hour later, Ning Qiuyun rode the wind and came to Zhongdu College.


Lin Tiancheng is instructing Su Lan to practice "Fire Flame Art" on the martial arts field. Of course, disciples from other junior fire classes are also practicing fire attribute techniques here.

Fang Ziru walked to Lin Tiancheng from time to time to greet him with warmth, and solemnly promised him, "Tiancheng, as long as you practice hard and after you graduate, I will definitely recommend you to the Vulcan Sect."

In fact, everyone knows that Fang Ziru comes from the Vulcan Sect, and also knows that the Vulcan Sect is a legendary force in the middle of the field, so they couldn't help but cast envy at Lin Tiancheng.

However, Lin Tiancheng just smiled lightly at Fang Ziru.

Yun Mengyao's father was killed by the Fire God Sect, and Lin Tiancheng was Yun Mengyao's fiance. How could he join the Fire God Sect?

Moreover, the finches are well aware of the ambition of Honghu!

Lin Tiancheng's ambitious goal is to cultivate and prove the Tao, to become the top existence in the entire cultivation world.

What if you just want to be a disciple of a legendary force? Then he would not call Lin Tiancheng.

At this moment, a figure quietly passed by Lin Tiancheng, but it was still discovered by Lin Tiancheng.

This person completely concealed his strength, Lin Tiancheng couldn't even perceive any of his aura, but judging from his extremely steady and windy pace, he was definitely a strong cultivation.

Lin Tiancheng glanced at his true face secretly, a sense of horror hitting his tailbone directly at the inspiration.

"This person actually looks a bit like Ning Choutian. Could it be that he is Ning Choutian's brother that the president said?"

There is definitely such a possibility.

Because of Lin Tiancheng, Ning Choutian was defeated, it is impossible for him to swallow his breath.

It's just that Lin Tiancheng didn't expect things to come so quickly.

"What did Ning Qiutian's brother come to Zhongdu Academy for? Does he want the dean to drive himself out of Zhongdu Academy?"

In the Zhongdu Academy, even the gold-level sects did not dare to make another mistake.

Ning Qiutian would definitely find a way to force himself out of Zhongdu Academy, so that he could deal with himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Tiancheng immediately felt that if he wanted to find a way to save himself, he would have to stay in Zhongdu Academy anyway.

Ning Qiuyun found Zhuge Xun, and the two of them saw it right away, and their faces were filled with long-lost smiles.

"Brother Zhuge, I haven't seen you for a long time, your strength seems to have improved a lot!"

"Where and where, Brother Qiu Yun, where have you been all these years, I haven't heard from you at all." Zhuge Xun shook his head and said.

"This is a long story, let's sit down and talk!"

The dean ordered his coaching assistant to fill Ning Qiuyun with tea.

The two talked for a long time. When Ning Qiuyun talked about Zhongyu, Zhuge Xun's eyes shone with a little light, and he seemed to be very eager to go to Zhongyu for a good practice like Ning Qiuyun.

However, he still couldn't let go of this huge Zhongdu Academy, and couldn't be a wild crane like Ning Qiuyun.

While talking, Ning Qiuyun talked about Lin Tiancheng.

Zhuge Xun's heart was slightly startled, in fact, he had already guessed a little bit of Ning Qiuyun's intention before then.

It must be for Lin Tiancheng.

It's no accident that Ning Qiuyun happened to appear at this kind of knotty.

"Brother Zhuge, Qiu Yun wants to ask you about a person named Lin Tiancheng, is he a mentor in your Zhongdu Academy?"

Zhuge Xun shook his head, "No, just a disciple of our Zhongdu Academy."

Ning Qiuyun felt a little puzzled. If he was only a disciple of Zhongdu Academy, why Ning Qiutian had to help him by himself, it really puzzled him.

However, since he was only a disciple of Zhongdu Academy, things were easier to handle.

"Brother Zhuge, Qiu Yun has an unrelenting invitation here. The family brother seems to have some grudges with this kid named Lin Tiancheng. You know, Zhongdu Academy cannot hurt people casually.

I think……"

In fact, Ning Qiuyun couldn't tell.

An ordinary disciple of the Zhongdu Academy in a mere paltry asked him to come out in person.

However, this was what he promised his brother, and he could only ask Zhuge Xun for help cheeky.

And he believes that with his relationship with Zhuge Xun, it is impossible for him not to agree.

Zhuge Xun seemed to have guessed this a long time ago, frowned, and agreed to Ning Qiuyun's request.

Although Lin Tiancheng is a peerless genius, it is not that important compared to the deep friendship between him and Ning Qiuyun.

Few teachers are willing to offend their brothers and friends for the sake of a good student. This is the reality.

"Xiao Li, you go to the martial arts field and kick the kid named Lin Tiancheng out of Zhongdu Academy!

That is to say, as a disciple of the Zhongdu Academy, he did not practice well in the academy and interfered with the disputes between other strengths, which discredited the Zhongdu Academy. "

The coaching assistant Xiao Li put aside his work and walked out of the dean's office quickly.

Ning Qiuyun nodded in satisfaction, got up and said to Zhuge Xun, "Thank you, brother Zhuge, in the future, if you want to come to the Central Region to practice, you can come to Wulong Mountain to find me!"

Zhuge Xun nodded, and personally sent Ning Qiuyun out of Zhongdu Academy.

The Middle Territory is the most fascinating place for all cultivators, even if it is a strong cultivator with mid-Mahayana power like the dean, it is nothing to be there.

Above the realm of the Mahayana period is the Tribulation Period, and after the Tribulation is successful, he stepped into the ranks of immortals.

Human immortals, earth immortals, heaven immortals, golden immortals... this level of power is likely to be seen in the middle domain.

So, in terms of the mid-term strength of the Dean's Mahayana period, it really doesn't count as much.

On the martial arts field, Lin Tiancheng certainly couldn't wait for the dean to drive him away, he had to find a way to stay here.

With his current strength, there is really only a dead end when he goes out of Zhongdu Academy.

Lin Tiancheng said to Teacher Ziru, "Teacher Ziru, in fact, my ability to possess all-attribute physique is not due to talent, but for another reason."

As soon as these words came out, almost all the disciples who were practicing the fire-attribute exercises stopped, and got close to Lin Tiancheng.

Let me ask, who doesn't want to use it for multiple attribute physique?

Fang Ziru looked at Lin Tiancheng in surprise, "What's the reason?"

As a young lady of the legendary power sect, she has never heard that her physical attributes are not the result of her talent. Could it be that she can be changed artificially?

Lin Tiancheng was serious nonsense, "It's true that I have a set of ancestral exercises in my family that can help cultivators change their physique."

Zhang Qiuyue’s physique was changed after Lin Tiancheng helped her improve her strength with special exercises, so she couldn’t help but think of what Lin Tiancheng did on her chest.

If this guy wants to use this pretense to fool other female cultivators, she may have to look at Lin Tiancheng differently.


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