Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1631: Have electricity

The dean realized the seriousness of the situation after checking Shangguan Yan Yu's body.

The girl Shangguan Yanyu actually used almost all the life force in her to treat her sister's injuries.

The power of life is one of the eight divine powers. It has strong healing properties and can even bring people back to life.

Obviously, Lin Tiancheng's arrow hit Shangguan Yanyan's heart. If Shangguan Yanyu doesn't do this, her sister is likely to die.

Exhausting the life force in her body is her only way.

However, the ensuing consequences will be very tragic.

In fact, these two girls are Mu people from the Western Regions. Like the blood people, there is a mysterious power flowing in their bodies.

The blood of the kinsman is the power of blood, and the blood of the Mu people is the life of the blood.

Once the power of life is exhausted, at the slightest level, the power will stop, and at the worst, the utilitarian will regress, and it will be impossible to continue practicing.

The dean knew that these two girls had a huge mission on their shoulders, and no matter which of them could not practice, it would cause huge damage to their hearts.

However, it is not impossible to treat Shangguan Yan Yu.

Unless, her life force can be supplemented.

At this time, the dean thought of his brother Nie Li.

He had heard from Nie Li a long time ago that there was a tree of life planted in the Alchemist Association headquarters.

As long as Shangguan Yanyu can get enough life force in the tree of life, her cultivation will not have any impact.

The dean left the yard and asked Elder Peng to send someone to guard the outside of Shangguan Yanyu's wing.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng had also helped Shangguan Yanyan to recover from her spiritual trauma, and then only needed to slowly recuperate with the help of the soul-raising wood.

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Tiancheng still couldn't give this soul-raising wood to Shangguan Yanyan, otherwise it would harm her.

It's not that Lin Tiancheng is stingy. He has a farmer app. As long as he has enough power, he can grow a few more.

But the soul-raising tree is such a precious thing, if it stays with Shangguan Yanyan, I don't know how many people will fight for it.

In this case, it would have harmed Shangguan Yanyan.

Lin Tiancheng wanted to know what Shangguan Yanyu did with her sister, and you could save her life.

Therefore, Lin Tiancheng tentatively opened Shangguan Yanyan's clothes on her left chest.

Through the gap, Lin Tiancheng was surprised to find that Shangguan Yanyan's injured chest was intact, still so light.

Only the clothing was stained red with blood, and there was no scar on it.

May I ask, apart from Lin Tiancheng's 360 antivirus software, does the world really have such a sophisticated technique?

In addition, when Shangguan Yan Yu just collapsed on Lin Tiancheng, Lin Tiancheng noticed something wrong with her.

Combining the two together, Lin Tiancheng felt that it was very likely that Shangguan Yanyu used the special power in her body to heal Shangguan Yanyan, which caused her exhaustion.

After Lin Tiancheng came back to his senses, he realized that his power had actually risen from 24 to 30.

"How is this going?"

"Shangguan Yanyan actually has electricity on her body."

Lin Tiancheng's eyes were a little bright, but he was not that kind of beast, so naturally he would not take advantage of others.

Lin Tiancheng got up and prepared to leave the room after covering the Xu on Shangguan Yanyan.

"Who are you?" A slightly dumb voice sounded behind Lin Tiancheng.

Shangguan Yanyan took a look at her body, only to find that her injury was completely healed, only her spiritual consciousness was a little weak.

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"Could it be that my sister treated me for the injury? But how did she help me heal my lost consciousness?"

Shangguan Yanyan knew that her sister had only the means to heal her chest injury, and she didn't know how her sister helped her restore her consciousness.

When Lin Tiancheng turned around, he realized that Shangguan Yanyan was sitting upright on the bed.

Lin Tiancheng said apologetically, "It was I who hurt you, so I'm really sorry. However, your spiritual consciousness has not been fully recovered, so leave your spiritual consciousness recovery to me these days!"

Shangguan Yanyan asked with some curiosity, "It stands to reason that my God Ten should have been greatly damaged. How did you help me heal it?"

Spiritual wounds are different from general physical injuries, and it is very difficult to heal.

"Soul Tree." Lin Tiancheng replied.

Shangguan Yanyan was taken aback for a while, nodded, and got up and bowed deeply to Lin Tiancheng.

Naturally, she knew what kind of fetish the soul-raising tree was.

She suddenly felt that Lin Tiancheng was definitely not a simple person.

"What are you?" Lin Tiancheng was very puzzled, hurried forward and helped her onto the bed.

Shangguan Yanyan's eyes looked at Lin Tiancheng, "You can't be blamed for this matter. In fact, it's my sister and I for not knowing how to use the God Hunting Bow, otherwise, I won't shoot that arrow casually."

In fact, after the two sisters got the magic hunting skills, they couldn't wait to test on the archery field.

But they didn't have time to understand how to use the Hunting God's bow, and accidentally shot a sharp arrow, and they went far away from the target.

Lin Tiancheng was a little shocked. Although Shangguan Yanyan and Shangguan Yanyu were exactly the same, their personalities were different.

Shangguan Yanyu has a decisive personality, clear loves and hates, and relatively straightforward.

Shangguan Yanyan's personality is relatively empathetic.

"It's great if you can think of it this way, but your sister seems to have been injured for treating your injuries."

Shangguan Yanyan's expression immediately became anxious, and she immediately climbed out of the bed, "What happened to my sister? Where is she now?"

"Don't worry, I will take you there now."

Such a considerate girl, coupled with the electricity Lin Tiancheng wants in him, Lin Tiancheng has a beast's idea, that is to launch an offensive for this girl.

As soon as Lin Tiancheng walked out of the room, Ye Qingyun and his attendants rushed over to surround Lin Tiancheng.

Seeing Shangguan Yanyan's eyes gleaming, Ye Qingyun directly held Shangguan Yanyan's palms with both hands, "Yanyan, your injury is healed? I'm worried to death."

Shangguan Yanyan quickly drew her hand back, and even pushed Ye Qingyun, "Don't bother me anymore, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

Shangguan Yanyan was worried about his sister's injury and didn't want to pay attention to Ye Qingyun at all, and she didn't like Ye Qingyun.

Ye Qingyun was unwilling, showing a worried expression on his face, and leaned forward again, "Yanyan, don't worry, the dean is already helping you solve your injury, and he will be fine soon."

It can be seen that Shangguan Yanyan should hate Ye Qingyun, Lin Tiancheng shielded Shangguan Yanyan behind him with one hand, and pushed Ye Qingyun away with the other.

Lin Tiancheng looked at Ye Qingyun with some playfulness, "You have just finished your courtesy to Shangguan Yanyu, now are you ready to court Shangguan Yanyan? You really are a complete licking dog!"

Ye Qingyun glared at Lin Tiancheng, squeezing his fists as if he wanted to do it.

"What nonsense is your kid talking about! Your kid has been disturbing my good things over and over again, believe it or not, I keep you from getting out of Zhongdu Academy."

"Ye Qingyun, this is the site of my weapon training department, what is your disciple from the formation system doing here?"

Elder Peng hurried over when he saw that Ye Qingyun wanted to trouble Lin Tiancheng again.

Ye Qingyun pointed at Lin Tiancheng and said fiercely, "Boy, you wait for me, I will find you to settle the account sooner or later."

After saying this, Ye Qingyun and others left angrily.

"Yeonyan, how are you?"

Shangguan Yanyan nodded at Lin Tiancheng to show her gratitude, and then walked to Tutor Peng, "Tutor Peng, I am fine, where is my sister, I heard she was injured!"

Elder Peng glanced at the wing next door, "Here, the dean has already gone to the Alchemist Association headquarters to get a pill, and your sister's injury will heal soon!"

Shangguan Yanyan's anxious expression only eased slightly.

Her eyes picked up slightly, as if thinking of something, she quickly said to Tutor Peng, “Teacher Peng, this senior is not to blame for this matter, but my sister and I are not cautious in doing things.”

When he thought that Lin Tiancheng was willing to use the Shenmu to save her, his heart was only grateful for Lin Tiancheng.

Moreover, this matter was not originally Lin Tiancheng's fault.

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng's heart was actually very moved.

Shangguan Yanyan was even worried that Mentor Peng would blame herself for this kind of knotty.

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