Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1632: Soft egg

Elder Peng shook his head and smiled, "Yanyan, this is not a big brother. He is the newly appointed mentor of our Five Elements Department, and he is also a genius with all attributes."

"Tutor?" Shangguan Yanyan was taken aback, and quickly took a step back, and said to Lin Tiancheng, "I have seen the tutor. Yanyan has just been unreasonable, and I hope the tutor will forgive me."

Her guess was right.

The person who can get the soul-raising tree is definitely not easy, but he didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to be like this. He was already a mentor at Zhongdu Academy at a young age.

Lin Tiancheng smiled and straightened Shangguan Yanyan, "The instructor is just a fake name. From now on, you can call me Big Brother Lin."

Shangguan Yanyan has the electricity that Lin Tiancheng wants. If Lin Tiancheng is truly worthy of being a teacher and disciple, how can he further develop the relationship.

"How can it be?" Shangguan Yanyan was flattered, she never thought of "coming brothers" with her mentor.

Lin Tiancheng said with a majestic face, "I can say yes. From now on you will call me Big Brother Lin, and I will call you by your name!"

Shangguan Yanyan did not dare to refute, nodded, "Yeah."

Lin Tiancheng turned his head and asked Elder Peng, "Elder Peng, I just heard you say that the dean went to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association to ask for a pill?"

Elder Peng nodded, with a worried expression on his face.

In fact, he still doesn't know what injury Shangguan Yan Yu suffered.

The dean didn't say, he seemed to be hiding a secret.

When Elder Peng saw that the dean didn't want to talk, naturally he wouldn't ask.

At this moment, the dean flew down from a high altitude and came to Lin Tiancheng and the others.

There was some excitement on his face, and some excitement. He glanced at Shangguan Yanyan, and then said to Lin Tiancheng, "You two come in with me."

After entering the room, the dean asked Elder Peng to take the guard disciples to leave first, and then closed the door.

"Yanyan, your sister has lost her foundation because she saved you. Now you can use your life force to stabilize her injury, but you can't hurt yourself."

The dean knew that Shangguan Yanyan's skill was slightly weaker than Shangguan Yanyu, and the life force in her body alone was not enough to rebuild Shangguan Yanyu's foundation.

The dean went to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association and learned that it turned out that the tree of life had not even used its roots.

"Tiancheng, in fact, these two girls are from the Xicheng District, the Mu people of the Western Regions. There is a special power flowing in them, called the force of life.

Yan Yu's foundation has been severely damaged because of the treatment of Yanyan's injury, and she urgently needs enough life force to nourish.

I just went to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association. Brother Nie, oh, that is, your president told me that the tree of life at the Alchemist Association’s headquarters has no more roots, but he said life. The tree is from you. "

In the entire Zhongdu Academy, apart from the two sisters themselves, only the dean knew their origins.

It was an elder of the Western Region Mu Clan who handed these two girls into his own hands.

The matter was urgent, and the dean did not intend to hide this secret from Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng suddenly realized, "So, I didn't expect these two girls to be from the Mu tribe of the Western Regions."

Before Lin Tiancheng planted the tree of life, the people at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association believed that the force of life was a legend, and no one had seen it.

There can be no waves without wind, and it is precisely because the power of life is real that there are such rumors.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't be more aware of the tree of life at the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

At that time, in order to deal with the blood race, the headquarters of the Alchemist Association could be regarded as exhausted.

After they drained the sap of the tree of life, even the wood of the whole tree was ground into powder and sprinkled in the small river running through the headquarters of the Alchemist Association.

The dean is sure to go for a trip.

In other words, the two sisters, Shangguan Yanyu and Shangguan Yanyan, are the force of life flowing in their bodies.

Life force is one of the eight great powers, and it is no wonder that she can completely heal Shangguan Yanyan's injury.

Shangguan Yanyan knelt down in front of the bed, conveying vitality to her sister while comforting her sister, everything will be fine.

"Sister, you can't do anything, the Mu people are still waiting for us to go back! You will be fine."

Lin Tiancheng looked very worried, "Dean, I do have a way to get the tree of life, but I still can't get it out. Give me five days."

"That's great, this matter is not in a hurry, Yan Yu is just the foundation destroyed, and it will not threaten her life." The dean looked a little excited.

After all, the elder of the Mu tribe also personally handed these two sisters into his own hands.

Of course the dean can't let them have something to do.

Lin Tiancheng wanted to take Shangguan Yanyan to take care of her sister. After that, he left the courtyard of the training department.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the hospital, Ye Qingyun brought his group of attendants and appeared in front of Lin Tiancheng.

It turned out that this kid didn't leave at all. He knew that Lin Tiancheng would definitely pass by here, so he led people to jam here.

Because of Su Lan's affairs, Ye Qingyun had long ago hated Lin Tiancheng.

Now, Lin Tiancheng wanted to disturb the beauty of his sisters Yan Yu and Shangguan Yanyan, he naturally couldn't agree to it.

Moreover, he seriously suspected that Lin Tiancheng had subcontracted his soul-raising tree, and Teacher Peng must have a relationship with this kid and favor him.

A flame of fire flew at Lin Tiancheng at an extremely fast speed. Fortunately, Lin Tiancheng was agile and caught it before letting it penetrate into his chest.

"Boy, you have disturbed my good things time and time again, since you have accepted my fire order, then we will see you in the martial arts field."

Yanhuo Ling actually represents a challenge book.


Lin Tiancheng sneered, and then threw the fire order back to Ye Qingyun.

He is now anxious to recharge, there is no thought to teach Ye Qingyun this kid.

"Sorry, I have no time to play with you."

"Hmph, slap you up, you are afraid that I will kill you!" Ye Qingyun stood straight in front of Lin Tiancheng, blocking his way.

Although Ye Qingyun already knew that Lin Tiancheng was a mentor, he did not consider him as a mentor at all.

Ye Qingyun's followers were quite arrogant at first, but after knowing that Lin Tiancheng was a mentor, they turned back slightly.

"Don't think you are a mentor. We can't do anything to you. If you don't accept the challenge of our Senior Brother Ye today, you can't leave here."

Lin Tiancheng was surrounded by these people into an iron bucket. He took a step forward, and those people followed suit.

It seems that he can't leave today. If you don't show Ye Qingyun a little bit of color, he really takes himself seriously.

In fact, when he was in the Huoyun Sect, Lin Tiancheng had already realized how to crack Ye Qingyun's seal.

If it is said that Ye Qingyun has not made that progress after so long, then he is looking for death here.

Lin Tiancheng snatched the flame order from Ye Qingyun's hand, "It is no problem to accept your challenge, but if you lose, you will never get close to the two sisters of Shangguan Yanyu from now on."

Ye Qingyun sneered, "This is exactly what I want to say, if you lose, never approach them again."

Shangguan Yanyan, Lin Tiancheng still has a good impression of her.

As for Shangguan Yan Yu, Lin Tiancheng did not have much possessiveness.

However, seeing that Ye Qingyun wanted to get Shangguan Yan Yu so much, Lin Tiancheng was also excited.

Surrounded by several attendants, Lin Tiancheng and Ye Qingyun came to the stage of the martial arts training ground.

The news that the two were going to compete soon spread, and disciples from various factions came to watch one after another.

Among them is Ban Sulan, senior fire department.

He wanted to know who dared to challenge Ye Qingyun, of course, what he wanted to see most was the scene where Ye Qingyun was crushed by others.

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