Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1638: Gender distinction

Lin Tiancheng raised his hand to put Su Lan on the bed in a princess hug, and pulled up the curtain.

Just as Lin Tiancheng was about to pick up his gun and mount, there was a rapid knock on the door outside the room.

This scared Lin Tiancheng into a panic, put on his clothes and got out of bed.

"Brother Tiancheng, Senior Brother Tiancheng..." A hurried call came from outside the room, which sounded like Rongrong.

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly opened the door of the room, Rongrong ran in with horror, with several wounds all over her body.

The blood has stained her white dress.

Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hand to catch it, only to realize that two dark shadows outside the room had disappeared.

It seemed that the kid He Hao really wanted to kill people.

It's just that Lin Tiancheng is curious, how did Rongrong know Su Lan's wing and call her name directly?

Moreover, the first time he escaped, he thought about finding himself.

Before he could think about it, Lin Tiancheng helped Rong Rong, who was covered in injuries, to return to his wing.

"Lan Lan, Rong Rong is seriously injured now, I need to bandage her up, you should rest first." Lin Tiancheng was too late to get Su Lan's response, and helped Rong Rong out of Su Lan's room.

Lin Tiancheng knew that Su Lan was a little bit hostile towards Rongrong.

In this way, I am afraid that it will be more difficult for Lin Tiancheng to get Su Lan's forgiveness.

No way, Lin Tiancheng can't help but die, right?

The two disciples who were chasing Rongrong retreated to He Hao's side, and told him, "Brother He, we failed to kill that stinky girl. He went to find the kid named Lin Tiancheng again."

He Hao slapped each of them very angrily. "It's really useless. Neither of them killed him. What use I want you to do."

He Hao took these people to kill Lin Tiancheng and Rongrong secretly at night.

Never thought that Lin Tiancheng was not in his room.

At this moment, the guy who was shrinking on the wall suddenly flew down, and quickly reported to He Hao, "Brother He, Lin Tiancheng returned to his room with the stinky lady on his back."

He Hao quickly flew on top of the wall and found that what the disciple said was indeed true.

"That guy named Lin Tiancheng seems to be very powerful. If we fight him hard, I am afraid it is not his opponent. Do you have any good strategies."

Cc. 0

Several attendants shook their heads.

At this moment, a thin guy standing beside He Hao smiled and murmured a few words in He Hao's ear.

"Planning and setting up, let the boy talk in a thousand words, this method is really good." He Hao nodded with great satisfaction.

Rongrong had several sword injuries on her body, but they were all minor injuries.

"This guy named He Hao is really crazy. He wants to kill him if he can't get you."

With tears in her eyes, Rongrong looked at Lin Tiancheng idiotically, "As soon as you leave, they want to kill me."

After Rongrong's mood eased a little, she continued, "I am a new disciple of the training department, and I haven't had time to get to know you well. Thank you for helping me drive away those guys."

Lin Tiancheng's expression was stunned for a moment. This girl was indeed a new disciple, but why was she able to call her name directly?

Lin Tiancheng shook his head while wiping Rongrong's wounds, and said, "These are all senior brothers should do. I will take you to the dean tomorrow and let him punish this kid named He Hao."

Rongrong nodded, but looked at Lin Tiancheng idiotically, and said nothing more.

Her goal now is to get close to Lin Tiancheng and win his trust.

Then when he relaxes his guard, give him another fatal blow.

Within the territory of the blood race.

Ning Qiutian walked back and forth above the hall with his hands behind his back.

"Xin'er, are you sure that your method is feasible?"

Ning Xin nodded and said confidently, "Father, don't worry. With sister Ning Rong's beauty and my seamless strategy, Lin Tiancheng will definitely die."

Ning Qiutian sighed long, as if he didn't believe Ning Xin very much.

Ning Rong is his illegitimate daughter, and Ning Qiutian has always felt that she is very sorry for this girl.

Now, Ning Xin actually wants him to trick Lin Tiancheng into a beautiful woman.

In case Lin Tiancheng finds a flaw, Ning Rong is a little kid by eating tofu. If he is framed by Lin Tiancheng's design, Ning Qiutian will regret it forever.

Although Lin Tiancheng felt pity for Rongrong, he didn't know her very well.

Therefore, Lin Tiancheng did not use 360 ​​antivirus software on her body, but used some common elixirs and trauma drugs to help her recover from her injuries.

Had it not been for the appearance of this girl, Lin Tiancheng would have been fully charged now.

After just contacting Su Lan, Lin Tiancheng's power barely reached 30.

Although it is possible to purchase the seeds of the Tree of Life, Lin Tiancheng's life may be in danger from now on.

Lin Tiancheng looked at Rong Rong's blood-stained chest and said, "This is the last wound left. There are differences between men and women. I'm afraid you have to..."

Lin Tiancheng and Rong Rong are not familiar with this girl, and of course he can't take the liberty of offending her private parts.

Lin Tiancheng got up and was about to turn around, but Rongrong grabbed her, "It's okay, it's not very convenient for me now, you can help me with medicine! I wouldn't mind this, if I met you, I'm afraid I would have Killed by that guy."

While speaking, Rongrong shed tears.

There is no way, Lin Tiancheng can always encounter such things.

"Okay, then you have to endure some pain."

When I first met, Rong Rong didn't mind seeing her breasts, which made Lin Tiancheng a little suspicious.

In fact, Rongrong was still extremely reluctant in her heart.

But this is what Ning Xin wants her to do.

Ning Xin told Ning Rong that Lin Tiancheng was a complete eroticist. If Ning Rong wanted to gain Lin Tiancheng's trust, she had to open herself to Lin Tiancheng without reservation.

In this way, she has the opportunity to seize Lin Tiancheng's flaws and kill him with one blow.

Ning Xin promised Ning Rong that as long as she succeeded in killing Lin Tiancheng, Ning Xin would agree to Ning Rong's mother returning to Ning Qiutian's side.

Ning Rong is not only for her own future, but more for her mother's happiness.

Her mother worked hard to raise her up, but she didn't get a rightful place, nor was she able to accompany her father.

So, what is Ning Rong doing for her mother?

Lin Tiancheng began to apply medicine to Rongrong's chest, and the feeling of getting started made Lin Tiancheng's heart tremble.

"There is electricity!"

Surprisingly, Lin Tiancheng discovered that Rongrong's body had electricity.

Of course, the accident is an accident, and Lin Tiancheng never thought of taking advantage of others.

Although he urgently needs electricity, he is not very familiar with Rongrong.

If she offended her for no reason, it would only end up with a bad reputation, not to mention Lin Tiancheng's current identity as a mentor.

"Huh huh..." Rong Rong snorted softly, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she turned her head very shyly.

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly withdrew his hand back, and said guiltily, "I'm really sorry, or you still..."

Rongrong shook her head and said softly, "It's okay, you can go on!"

Rong Rong began to tell Lin Tiancheng about her hard life, the main purpose was to win Lin Tiancheng's sympathy and get his favor.


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