Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1639: Take the initiative

When Rongrong's blood touched Lin Tiancheng's finger, Lin Tiancheng's brow wrinkled slightly. This kind of blood seemed to be very different from ordinary people's blood.

Since Lin Tian's adulthood has become one, he has practiced medical treatment. There are not a thousand or a hundred people saved. Naturally, the blood stained is not a few.

However, Rongrong's blood seemed to be very different from ordinary cultivators, and it seemed to contain extremely powerful energy.

The feeling of this kind of blood is the same as the blood drunk when Lin Tiancheng and Gu Cheng Wushang were allied.

After combining all the previous things, since Rongrong is a new disciple of the Refining Sect, then why did she know Su Lan's residence.

When Rongrong was hunted down, she actually called out Lin Tiancheng's name in a hurry, but Lin Tiancheng didn't seem to have introduced herself to him from beginning to end.

Moreover, he did not shy away when healed her.

In this case, Lin Tiancheng could not help but be suspicious.

He immediately used 360 antivirus software to conduct a wave of analysis of this blood, and he found the clues.

Rongrong seemed to be aware of something, coughed violently, and quickly turned her body sideways.

"Did you find that my blood is a little different from ordinary people?"

"Oh, it's no different."

Lin Tiancheng is basically certain that this girl named Rongrong must be from the blood clan, because the blood flowing in her body contains the power of blood.

"Is this girl sent by Ning Qiutian to deal with me?"

Lin Tiancheng felt that something was wrong the more he thought about it.

After this girl met herself, she trusted herself very much and approached herself extremely eagerly.

Rong Rong began to sob again, "Woo..."

"Me, Senior Brother Tiancheng, don't get me wrong, I'm really not from the blood race.

In fact, one night sixteen years ago, a group of blood people passed by our village, and then one of the blood people did something like that to my mother, and then I was there.

Although I have the blood of a blood tribe, I never admit that I am a blood tribe, I was pulled by my mother. "

Rong Rong burst into tears, telling vividly.

However, in Lin Tiancheng's view, this is the place where there is no silver three hundred taels. The more Rong Rong explains, the more it shows that there is a problem.

But Lin Tiancheng didn't want to expose his tricks, he was ready to do everything.

So many women fought with Lin Tiancheng, and finally they knelt before him and sang to conquer.

In Lin Tiancheng's view, Rongrong will not be long.

Moreover, this girl was flawed from the moment she approached herself, and she was not an undercover material at all.

Lin Tiancheng leaned down and wiped Rongrong's tears, his face filled with sympathy, "Sorry, I shouldn't reveal your sad past."

Lin Tiancheng acted very sincerely. After wiping Rongrong's wound, he carefully covered her with a quilt.

Rongrong's hanging heart finally let go.

She did neglect this point, the blood of the blood race was indeed different from ordinary cultivators, but she couldn't hide this.

However, looking at Lin Tiancheng like this, his lie should be round and perfect, and that guy had already believed stupidly.

It seems that Sister Ning Xin is really looking at this kid, he looks very cheating!

Rongrong turned around and looked at Lin Tiancheng affectionately, "Thank you for understanding me. If it weren't for you today, I might really be killed by the kid He Hao."

Lin Tiancheng shook his head.

"Well, it's getting late, so let's do this today! I will take you to see the dean tomorrow, I believe he will handle this matter."

Lin Tiancheng lay on the mattress. Although he closed his eyes, he could not fall asleep for a long time.

Rongrong had the electricity Lin Tiancheng wanted on her body, which was beyond Lin Tiancheng's expectation.

Since he couldn't get the electricity from Su Lan, Lin Tiancheng would certainly not let go of the spy that Ning Qiutian arranged by his side.

Rongrong was lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

My elder sister clearly told me that Lin Tiancheng, this kid is lustful, why I am lying on this bed, this kid has no idea about me? What should I do?

Rongrong felt a little anxious.

Ning Qiutian promised to let Rongrong approach Lin Tiancheng, but Ning Qiutian also worried that his daughter could not beat Lin Tiancheng and something happened, so she only gave her five days.

That is to say, she must be close to Lin Tiancheng within five days to win his trust and kill him when he puts down his guard.

By the way, sister Ning Xin said, there are many women around this kid, and all of them are beautiful and beautiful.

To get closer to this kid, I have to take the initiative.

In order for her mother to be able to return to her father's side and to get a due status from the blood people, Rong Rong decided to give it up.

Just when she was thinking about what reason to approach Lin Tiancheng, thunder flashed outside the window, and the sound of the sky almost tore the eardrum.

"Ah...ah... I'm afraid!"

Nong Nong seemed to wake up from his sleep, jumped directly onto the mattress on the ground, and curled up behind Lin Tiancheng.

"Senior Brother Tiancheng, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..." Rong Rong's face was pale and her whole body trembled.

There was a smile at the corner of Lin Tiancheng's mouth. This girl was a bit unusual as expected, but it was in Lin Tiancheng's arms.


Lin Tiancheng quickly turned around, with a worried look on his face, while patted her arm with his hand, "What's the matter? Are you afraid of thunder?"

Rongrong nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking at rice, "I'm afraid. I've been afraid of thunder since I was a child. I sleep with my mother every time there is thunder..."

While talking, Rongrong looked at Lin Tiancheng again with a pitiful look.

Lin Tiancheng said bitterly, "What should we do? After all, we are different between men and women, and I am a mentor. If we let other members of Zhongdu College know about it, I'm afraid something will happen."

Lin Tiancheng worried that this was Rongrong's strategy, but Lin Tiancheng didn't want to miss her battery.

What to do then?

there is always a solution to a problem.

Rongrong was a little shocked in her heart. She didn't expect that she was already so proactive that Lin Tiancheng could still hold down the gun.

Is this really the **** sister Ning Xin said?

She even wondered if she had found the wrong person.

Rongrong shook her head, "It's okay, it's already midnight, so you will stay with me for one night, no one will find out. I really believe that Senior Brother Tiancheng is a person, if it weren't for you, I might be dead. It’s been lost, so I believe in Senior Brother Tiancheng."

Lin Tiancheng pretended to be reluctant, and nodded, "Well then! I only slept with you one night because you were afraid of thunder, not because of other..."

Rongrong wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and nodded repeatedly, "I understand, thank you Brother Tiancheng."

A smile appeared on her face soon, because she felt that she finally let Lin Tiancheng relax her vigilance.

In the next step, he completely won Lin Tiancheng's trust, and finally stabbed Lin Tiancheng to death with his sharp dagger hidden under the bed.

In this way, she was done.

Although Lin Tiancheng's overall personality is somewhat different from what Ning Xin said, it is not important. The most important thing is that Lin Tiancheng does not seem to be as divine and difficult to deal with as Ning Xin said.

The thunder outside continued, Lin Tiancheng slept on the outside of the bed, and Rongrong slept inside.

The room fell into silence again, and Rong Rong's mind began to spin again.

This made her really puzzled, she was already so proactive, it was simply sending sheep to the tiger's mouth.

But Lin Tiancheng did well, and fell asleep after falling down.

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