Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1640: Siege

This scene seems familiar. Isn't this what Ning Xin used to deal with herself?

Lin Tiancheng can basically guess that this should be Ning Xin's bad idea.

And what Lin Tiancheng needs to do is to do everything.

"Boom..." A dazzling white light flashed outside the window, followed by the thunder that almost shattered the sky.

Suddenly, Rong Rong climbed onto Lin Tiancheng's body and tightened him tightly, trembling all over.

"Senior Brother Tiancheng, I am afraid."

Rongrong's nose was almost next to Lin Tiancheng's neck, so Lin Tiancheng could clearly feel her breath.

At the same time, this girl's legs were also pressed against Lin Tiancheng's belly button.

If this is the case, if Lin Tiancheng hasn't responded yet, then maybe he really has some problems.

Rong Rong felt Lin Tiancheng's change, and an imperceptible smile flashed across her mouth.

"It turns out that this kid is a boring man. It seems that I only need a little more initiative to completely remove this kid's disguise."

Lin Tiancheng coughed awkwardly, "Sister Rongrong is not so good!"

Because her white jasmine dress was soaked in blood, Lin Tiancheng gave her a generous plain robe of his own.

Because of this position of lying on her side, a large amount of white was exposed on her chest. ??? The slender legs rested on Lin Tiancheng's body, white as jade, and gentle.

In addition, Rongrong's body also exudes a unique body fragrance.

In fact, this kind of taste information is not clearly perceived by the sense of smell, but it will directly affect the central nervous system.

Therefore, a young and beautiful girl, even without any cosmetics, can attract the attention and approach of boys within a certain distance.

With age, this estrogen declines slowly and its influence also weakens.

Therefore, body fragrance is also an important factor in Lin Tiancheng's reaction.

"In fact, Senior Brother Tiancheng, let me tell you, I heard about your deeds as soon as I entered this Zhongdu Academy, and became a tutor at a young age. Junior sister admires you very much!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled indifferently, "Is it? The first time I saw Junior Sister Rong Rong, it was a real fairy."

Lin Tiancheng knew Rongrong's intentions, and he planned to go down the **** to achieve his purpose of charging.

"It turns out that Senior Brother Tiancheng likes Rongrong too! Rongrong is so happy!"

Rongrong got closer to Lin Tiancheng, and Lin Tiancheng could clearly feel her body temperature.

Rong Rong had already spoken for this purpose. If Lin Tiancheng didn't know how to seize the opportunity, he would really have failed Ning Choutian's painstaking efforts.

Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hand and hugged Rong Rong, who was curled up in his arms like a kitten, with his chin resting on her forehead.

A smile flashed at the corner of Rong Rong's mouth, and she thought to herself, "Yes, that's it. Get closer."

It was still in a hurry, because Ning Xin repeatedly told Ning Rong that she must wait for Lin Tiancheng to enter a completely relaxed state before she could do it.

When is it to completely relax?

Generally speaking, only after a man has done that kind of thing and completed a major achievement in life, he will completely enter a state of relaxation.

Rong Rong raised her chin, and pressed her lips to Lin Tiancheng's cheek.

"Senior Brother Tiancheng, Rongrong likes you very much. En Rongrong who saves her life has nothing to do with her. If the brother doesn't mind, Rongrong is willing to agree with her.

"Senior brother also likes Rongrong."

Feeling Rongrong's enthusiasm, Lin Tiancheng turned over to take the lead, and he was about to start attacking the city.

Of course, what he said was just to perfuse Rongrong.

To be fully charged, he must perform the play well.

It wasn't because of her appearance that Lin Tiancheng had already charged Su Lan's body, so she had to pay for the loss.

Rongrong was a little surprised.

This guy is really a lascivious, and the kind of super boring.

Obviously the body wanted it very much, but he showed the appearance of a gentleman.

However, because of the change of posture, Rongrong's dagger hidden under the bed happened to be pressed by her.

And taking it out in this position would definitely make Lin Tiancheng aware of it in advance.

She has only one chance, so she definitely can't miss it, only wait for Lin Tiancheng to relax completely.

Lin Tiancheng started from top to bottom, not letting go of any opportunity to recharge.

Rongrong pretended to be enjoying herself, but she bit her silver teeth, and she longed for Lin Tian to be broken into pieces.

She was waiting, waiting for Lin Tiancheng to relax completely.

However, this time is extremely long every minute.

Rongrong comes from a small mountain village in the border area of ​​the Eastern Region and has never had any contact with young men.

And this time, for the sake of her mother and her own future, she was also willing to give up.

Because Sister Ning Xin promised her that as long as she did this thing well, her sister would let the mother and daughter enter the blood clan, and at the same time admitted that she was her sister.

Ning Rong was scolded as a wild girl since she was a child. Of course, she wanted to have her father by her side and her own home.

Therefore, watching these nasty things Lin Tiancheng was sitting on her body, she could only bite her teeth and swallow them.

Rongrong suddenly said, "Brother Tiancheng, let Rongrong take the initiative to cooperate with you!"

Lin Tiancheng's heart was slightly startled, and he looked forward to the cooperation that Rongrong said.

But he also guessed, it should be this girl who wants to do it to herself.

However, having said that, this girl can really bear it. She has tasted her upper part wantonly, and this girl has not shown the slightest resistance, and even cooperated with herself intentionally.

Let me ask, from ancient times to the present, how many women who are spies can do this.

Let alone, Rong Rong is a super charging treasure. Just in that period, Lin Tiancheng's power has gone from 30 to 90.

If it is possible to break through the next step, Lin Tiancheng believes that full power is definitely not a problem.

However, he felt a little pity again.

If he waited to expose this girl's conspiracy, wouldn't it be possible for Lin Tiancheng to continue to charge her with his tricks?

This made Lin Tiancheng feel it was a pity.

Rong Rong sat up straight, and her slender jade hand began to stretch towards the lower part of Lin Tiancheng.


The purpose of her doing this was nothing more than to better take out the dagger hidden under the bed, so that Lin Tiancheng could be killed by a single blow, and then escape overnight.


With a loud noise, the door of the room was knocked open by a powerful force.

"Teacher Li, I didn't lie to you! You see, they are doing nasty things here."

He Hao took the lead and led a group of people into Lin Tiancheng's room. Coach Li was standing in the middle of the team.

Rongrong was so frightened that she quickly turned over and got out of bed. The sudden scene shocked her.

When she saw He Hao's kid, she understood what was going on.

This kid must be worried that Lin Tiancheng will retaliate against him, so he wants to plant the crime on Lin Tiancheng.

He did not expect that he would directly invite Li to coach.

When these people broke in, Rong Rong happened to be sitting on Lin Tiancheng's body, and that scene must have been seen by these people.


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