Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1651: Public revenge

"Senior Brother He, Senior Brother He..." Several of He Hao's attendants rushed over and helped him from the ground.

He Hao angrily reprimanded, "What are you guys doing in a daze, don't you kill him for me..."

Several of his attendants frowned, looked at Lin Tiancheng with a lingering fear, and retracted unconsciously.

You must know that He Hao's strength has reached the middle of the golden core period, but he is not Lin Tiancheng's opponent, how can these little followers dare to challenge Lin Tiancheng.

He Hao held the crotch with one hand, and struck them heavily with the other hand, each of them gave a violent thud, "Trash, what use do I want your group of trash?"

At this moment, people from the inspection team walked in.

"What's the matter? It's all this point, don't go back to sleep, what are you doing here?" A man wearing a brocade came in with five patrol disciples.

This man looked majestic, but Lin Tiancheng recognized him at a glance, Ji Linxuan of the Refining Sect.

It can be said that Ji Linxuan and Lin Tiancheng had already forged a beam in the sky market.

Seeing Ji Linxuan walk in, He Hao quickly released the hand underneath, squeezing a smile on his face, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Senior Brother Ji, you are here just right. Get these two dogs and men and women quickly."

It seems that He Hao and Ji Linxuan's relationship is not shallow.

"Do you mean that this kid and this junior sister are fighting here?" Ji Linxuan pointed to Lin Tiancheng and Rong Rong as if he had discovered the New World.

"Not only that, Brother Ji may not know something. I have caught them for the second time. The kid was expelled from Zhongdu Academy by coach Li last time, so he is still trespassing into Zhongdu Academy." He Hao said vividly.

The few of his followers nodded again and again, "Yes, Brother Ji Mingjian, and what Senior Brother He said are all my own eyes and there is absolutely nothing false."

Ji Linxuan nodded, and looked at Lin Tiancheng maliciously, "Lin Tiancheng, we are really an enemy Luzhai, I didn't expect you to fall into my hands again."

"According to the rules of Zhongdu Academy, if there are disciples in the college who commit adultery, they need to be kept in the academy's jail for at least one year. Those who are not disciples of Zhongdu Academy but intruders need to be detained for one month. Come on! People take away."

Rong Rong shrank behind Lin Tiancheng, apparently she did not expect such a thing to happen again.

She simply hated He Hao in front of her.

If it hadn't been for his nostalgia twice, Rong Rong had already cut off Lin Tiancheng's head and returned to her life.

Rongrong regretted that she shouldn't ask He Hao for help.

It's okay now, this is getting more and more messy.

Ji Linxuan noticed that He Hao was sweating on his forehead and his whole body was weak. He immediately asked, "Junior Brother He, what's the matter with you?"

He Hao looked embarrassed, a little hard to tell, "It's true, Brother Ji, I wanted to capture these two dogs, but I was not Lin Tiancheng's opponent, and he hit the fatal part with a kick."

After saying this, He Hao sank unconsciously.

"What? It happened?" Ji Linxuan slapped He Hao's shoulder, and said solemnly, "Don't worry, I happened to be patrolling today. Since I encountered this incident, I will definitely not Regardless of."

Ji Linxuan knew that He Hao's foster father was Hao Haidong of the Jinyang Clan. If it was because of this incident, it would be good to make a good relationship with the Jinyang Clan.

"What? Do you still want to avenge your private revenge?" Lin Tiancheng said to Ji Linxuan without changing his face.

It can be perceived that the strength of this kid Ji Linxuan has reached above the mid-Gold Core period.

However, Lin Tiancheng was able to defeat Ji Linxuan in the first place, and he can do it now. He is still very confident in his own strength.

"You said it's okay for me to avenge my personal grievances or handle the case impartially. Since I encountered this incident today, you can't think about it."

After saying this, Ji Linxuan waved at the five disciples behind him, "Come on! Take him to the jail!"

Rong Rong is very worried now, because He Hao accuses them of adultery. It stands to reason that both of them will be imprisoned in the prison.

Ning Qiutian only gave her a five-day deadline. If she were to be detained in the jail of Zhongdu Academy, then her plan would be completely ruined.

Several disciples wanted to take Lin Tiancheng down, but Lin Tiancheng turned his true energy and pushed it toward these people.

The Dali Pian Fa tactics in the Profound Stage Nine Transformation Transfer Secret Art were not covered, and the strength of those disciples was only in the expansion period, so it was naturally impossible to withstand Lin Tiancheng's heavy blow.

"Well, you Lin Tiancheng, you dare to resist arrest. The crime adds to the crime, the crime adds to the class."

Seeing Lin Tiancheng dared to resist, Ji Linxuan was very happy.

He originally wanted to find an excuse to teach Lin Tiancheng a meal, but now it's better, Lin Tiancheng refuses to arrest, he can teach Lin Tiancheng a fair meal.

Moreover, after the lesson is over, he can still be put into the jail.

He Hao was of course very happy to see this scene and encouraged Ji Linxuan, "Brother Ji, help me teach this grandson well."

"Junior Brother Ji, don't worry, this kid is unlucky when I meet me, and I must beat him to the prison."

After Lin Tiancheng placed Longlong aside, he fought fiercely with Ji Linxuan.

After a quarter of an hour, the outcome was clear.

The Wumeng Hammer that Ji Linxuan had just been repaired was chopped in half by Lin Tiancheng's Tai'ajian again.

Without the Wumeng Hammer, Ji Linxuan was like losing his right-hand man, his strength was greatly reduced, and he could not be Lin Tiancheng's opponent.

He Hao was stunned. He never thought that even Ji Linxuan was not Lin Tiancheng's opponent.

"What can I do? Can you watch Lin Tiancheng get away with it?"

Ji Linxuan wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, feeling very angry inside.

He believed that if Lin Tiancheng didn't have that golden broadsword, he would definitely be able to defeat it.

However, it doesn't matter if Lin Tiancheng hasn't been defeated. Guan Tianlao is definitely indispensable for this kid doing such things in Zhongdu Academy.

"Come here, go and invite coach Li, saying that someone is doing stubborn things here and arrested." Ji Linxuan tilted his head and said to the disciple behind him.

Lin Tiancheng took a step forward and reached out his hand to stop him, "No need, I will walk with you."

He and Rongrong were approved by the dean, and even if it was reported to the dean, he was not afraid.

"Well, I really don't want to die before the Yellow River, I want to see if you see coach Li can still be so tough!"

Several disciples were about to step forward to capture Lin Tiancheng and Rongrong.

Lin Tiancheng shook his arm fiercely, "No, I will go by myself."


After saying this, Lin Tiancheng turned around and helped Rongrong.

This girl eats the fruit of her own life and is hit by the cartilage powder. If Lin Tiancheng uses 360 antivirus software to help her remove the toxins in her body, she will definitely see the flaws.

Since the poison was inflicted by her herself, she must have a solution.

Soon, a group of people came outside the coaching wing of Li.

Hearing noise outside, Coach Li put on a coat and walked out of the room.

"What's the matter? It's midnight, what are you doing here without going to bed?"


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