Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1652: One man

Ji Linxuan walked over quickly, bowed his hand towards coach Li, and said respectfully, "Teacher Li, I'm here to disturb you so late, but there are some things that must be handled by you personally."

He Hao endured the pain and moved forward, "Teacher Li, you must be the master for me. After being expelled from the Zhongdu Academy, this kid Lin Tiancheng even dared to sneak into the academy to do something with Junior Sister Rongrong. I was caught by me today. I wanted to arrest them and come to see you. Who knows that Lin Tiancheng, this kid, actually attacked me and made me..."

Ji Linxuan nodded, and threw the Wumeng hammer that had been split in half on the ground, "Junior Disciple He was true. The disciple wanted to capture Lin Tiancheng, but he also destroyed my Wumeng hammer."

Coach Li covered his mouth and coughed, "Ahem, there is such a thing, but you may not know it. In fact, just this morning, Tiancheng had resumed his post, and the dean approved him and Rongrong. Live together. So you don’t care about this matter."

To be honest, even if Ji Linxuan and He Hao did not misunderstand Lin Tiancheng, coach Li would not dare to point out Lin Tiancheng's fault.

After the last two lessons, he has realized that Lin Tiancheng is quite capable.

If you can't get through with Lin Tiancheng anymore, maybe the dean will really dismiss himself.

Ji Linxuan looked at coach Li with a puzzled face, "How is this possible? There has never been a precedent for male and female disciples living together in Zhongdu College. Coaching Li, you must be mistaken?"

He Hao glanced at Lin Tiancheng and Rong Rong, "Yes! How is this possible? The disciple seriously suspects that Coach Li is deliberately favoring this kid."

Last time, Lin Tiancheng severely injured He Hao, and coach Li only accused Lin Tiancheng of one sentence, and did not bring justice to him.

He Hao has always been brooding about this matter.

Now he is facing such a situation, so he can't help but wonder whether Li coaching is favoring Lin Tiancheng.

Ji Linxuan said, "If this is the case, then we have to go to the dean to confirm, and his elderly will definitely give us a reasonable explanation."

There was obviously a trace of unconvinced in his words.

Lin Tiancheng severely injured He Hao and ruined his Ji Linxuan's Wumeng Hammer. If that was the case, wouldn't Lin Tiancheng be lawless in Zhongdu Academy?

Moreover, there has never been such a precedent for male and female disciples of Zhongdu College to live together, and Li's coaching is simply prevarication.

Ji Linxuan felt that He Hao was right, and that Li was coaching him in favor of this kid.

If the dean didn't give everyone a reasonable explanation for this matter, he could only wait for He Hao to ask his foster father Hao Haidong to handle the matter.

Yizi was kicked by Lin Tiancheng, and he would definitely not ignore it.

Coach Li said angrily, "He Hao, what are you talking about? It looks like you haven't copied enough by the penalty copy! If that's the case, I'll punish you to copy the "Fire Attribute Technique Knowledge Classics" twice."

"I'm not convinced. Coach Li is cheating for personal gains. I need to ask the dean to explain this." He Hao finally broke out.

This time he was kicked and broken by Lin Tiancheng. Nothing happened to coach Li. If he didn't break out again, he would be really a bitch.

At this moment, a sonorous voice came from behind the crowd, "No need."

Everyone turned their heads to look at the solemn dean.

The disciples alliance took down and greeted the dean.

"All are free!"

Coach Li arched his hands towards the dean, and said with a sullen expression, "I'm really sorry, the dean, I didn't expect it to be so late and wake you up."

The dean lives in this yard and sits in a north-south direction. Hears the noise outside the house and walks out.

The dean waved his hand, "I already know about this. If you have nothing to do, go back and rest first."

"President, these two people actually did that kind of dirty thing, Dean, you can't just spare them so easily." He Hao said unwillingly.

Ji Linxuan also stepped forward and said in a high-sounding voice, "Since the establishment of Zhongdu Academy, there has never been a male disciple and female disciple living together. These two have violated the rules of Zhongdu Academy. If not severely punished, it would be difficult. Convince the crowd."

"Enough, I approved the two of them living together, do you have any questions?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was dumb.

This is truly unprecedented, and the dean would interfere with the private lives of the disciples of Zhongdu Academy.

He Hao and Ji Linxuan still have something to say, "But..."

Coach Li said, "Although you two had a good original intention, you really misunderstood the truth. You all go back! As long as nothing happened today. The college will compensate you for your injuries. of."

Ji Linxuan knew that no matter how entangled this matter continued, there would be no result, so he had to leave with the disciples who inspected.

Of course, this matter will not be over.

Bai was beaten, and his heart was very aggrieved.

He Hao's eyes were wide, and he was stuck there like an iron pillar.

His body and mind have been severely damaged, how can he just leave?

"Why? What are you doing here if you don't leave?" The dean frowned slightly, as if thinking of something, "Your kid seemed to be slandering coach Li just now. You said I should punish you something! "

The dean didn't hear He Hao saying that he was kicked and broken by Lin Tiancheng.

"President, let this kid copy the "Fire Attribute Cultivation Knowledge Classics" twice!" Coach Li still sympathizes with He Hao's injuries, and asking him to copy twice is a relatively light punishment.

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"Let's go!" He Hao gave a lightly angrily, and then left with his followers.

The dean looked at Rong Rong, who was limp and weak, "Is this?"

In fact, Rong Rong didn't have the antidote at all. She wanted the dean to help her detoxify the cartilage powder, but she was worried that Lin Tiancheng knew that it was her own design to frame him, so she couldn't tell.

The dean remembered that Lin Tiancheng and Rong Rong had been caught by He Hao, and seemed to think of something, so he looked at Lin Tiancheng with a strange face, "I don't care what you young people do, but don't overdo it. "

Lin Tiancheng nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you for the dean's reminder, we will definitely pay attention in the future."

Coach Li frowned, and after thinking about it for a long time, he said to the dean, "Dean, Tiancheng ruined He Hao, I'm afraid, Hao Haidong of the Jinyang Gang..."

The dean frowned slightly, his eyes fixed on Lin Tiancheng, "This... Tiancheng, why are you not serious about your actions? Let me tell you how to do it."

The Jinyang Gang is a silver rank force in Dongcheng District. Although Zhongdu Academy is not afraid of its strength, this matter is really tricky.

"One person does things, one person, the dean can rest assured that Tiancheng will take care of it. If there is nothing wrong, Tiancheng will take Longlong and retreat first."

The dean waved his hand, "Go, go!"

Seeing Lin Tiancheng's back, the dean sighed for a long time, "This kid is really young and vigorous, and he doesn't know that he has caused such a big disaster."


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