Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1653: Behind the scenes

Coach Li also sighed, "Who said no! Hao Haidong of the Jinyang Gang, I have met several times, that guy's temperament is straight and a tendon. If he let him know, Lin Tiancheng ruined his righteousness. I'm afraid I won't let it go."

"Well, it seems that I have to go to the Jinyang Gang to intercede with Lin Tiancheng in person tomorrow morning, and see if Hao Haidong can play online."

Both people are wrong in this matter.

He Hao misunderstood Lin Tiancheng again and again, and he was indeed a little nosy.

However, Lin Tiancheng did things regardless of the consequences, and he turned out one move. Isn't this asking for trouble?

Lin Tiancheng helped Rong Rong back to his wing.

"It seems that this girl really has no cure. If she is left in a weak and weak state, Ning Choutian will definitely notice it. It will definitely create new troubles for herself."

After thinking about it, Lin Tiancheng decided to help Rongrong solve the poison first.

Lin Tiancheng took out an ordinary pill from the recycling bin and stuffed it into Rongrong's mouth. At the same time, he used 360 anti-virus software to remove the poison from her body after consuming five electricity.

"My one is a recovery pill, you will be able to regain energy immediately."

In the middle of the night, Rong Rong quietly got up and even slipped out of Zhongdu Academy to contact her sister.

Lin Tiancheng was naturally aware of it and quietly followed Rongrong.

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Rongrong walked into an inn and closed the door tightly.

Lin Tiancheng walked into the next room, and immediately used two electricity to turn on the speakers, hearing the sound of the next room clearly.

Ning Xin looked a little excited when she saw Ning Rong, "Sister Rong'er, how is it? Is that kid Lin Tiancheng dead?"

When Lin Tiancheng heard this familiar voice, he guessed it was Ning Xin's stinky girl.

"It turns out that Rong Rong turned out to be Ning Xin's younger sister, so to speak, all the tactics she used before were all Ning Xin giving her ideas!"

No wonder that Rongrong's behavior is so similar to that of Ning Xin's stinky girl, it turns out that all this was instructed by her.

"Well, you Ning Xin, you dare to be the master behind the scenes to frame me, but the undercover you arranged next to me is really terrible!"

Rongrong, the girl who approached Lin Tian from the very beginning, had many flaws and was obviously not as cunning as Ning Xin.

Rongrong shook her head, "No, sister, something happened again."

"How is it possible? My strategy is perfect. It's impossible for that kid not to be fooled. You must have done something wrong." Ning Xin said angrily.

Had it not been for Lin Tiancheng and the dean had seen her long ago, she would have liked to take Lin Tiancheng's life in person.

Ning Rong made mistakes again and again, which really disappointed Ning Xin.

"You said, did you have reservations and didn't do what I said." Ning Xin asked.

Seeing Ning Xin's majestic complexion, Ning Rong shrank unconsciously, "No sister, it's like this..."

Ning Rong told Ning Xin the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Finally, I begged Ning Xin to find a way to kill that kid He Hao, so that he would never disrupt his plan again.

He Hao was already a strong player in the middle of the Golden Core period, and Ning Rong had only the strength of the early Golden Core period, so she had to turn to Ning Xin for help.

Ning Xin was lost in thought, "He Hao, is it the adopted son of Jinyang Gang Hao Haidong?"

"Did you just say that Lin Tiancheng ruined the kid He Hao?" Ning Xin suddenly thought of something.

Ning Rong nodded in confusion, "I saw it with my own eyes, what's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Lin Tiancheng's body was close to the wall unconsciously, he was glad that he found Rongrong sneaking out.

Otherwise, I don't know what bad idea Ning Xin is going to make?

Ning Xin deliberately walked out of the room to check it out. After there was no one, she said to Ning Rong, "I thought of a better idea. When you go back and get a token from Lin Tiancheng..."

After listening to Ning Xin's strategy, Lin Tiancheng's back felt a little cold.

I have to say that Ning Xin did have some brains, but it happened that she met Lin Tiancheng.

Early the next morning, the kid He Hao hurriedly prepared to return to the Jinyang Gang to let his adoptive father vent his anger.

From now on, he will be a useless person, the fact that he cannot accept it anyway.

Unless Lin Tiancheng is also turned into a trash, and he has to be beaten severely, this breath can be relieved in his heart.

As soon as He Hao walked out of the gate of Zhongdu Academy, he ran into Ning Xin who was waiting here in advance.

The boy He Hao was lustful, his eyes straightened after seeing Ning Xin's beauty.

Ning Xin snorted towards He Hao.

He Hao suddenly felt a cold on the back of his hand, as if some liquid had touched his skin.

Then he collapsed weakly on Ning Xin's body.

He Hao suddenly realized something was wrong and wanted to withdraw his body, but it was too late.

"What do you want to do to me?" He Hao said weakly.

"Remember, Lin Tiancheng is to blame for you!" Ning Xin said to He Hao's ear.

Then, Ning Xin took out the dagger hidden in advance from her cuff, and stabbed He Hao to death without blinking her eyes.

Seeing the living corpse, Ning Xin habitually wanted to drain his blood.

However, she could not leave any clues related to the blood race, so she still resisted greed.

She stuffed a piece of cloth that her sister had taken from Lin Tiancheng into the palm of He Hao's hand. After she was sure that the clothes were seamless, she left with confidence.

When Lin Tiancheng got up, he found that his long gown was missing a corner, so he asked Rong Rong, who was sleepy-eyed next to him, "How come my clothes are torn? Didn't you see them when you washed them yesterday?"

In fact, Lin Tiancheng had known that this girl Rongrong secretly acted last night, just to see how she would react.

Rongrong's heart was startled, she didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to find out so soon.

But she still pretended to be calm and composed, "Yes, I had one missing piece here before I washed it yesterday. It's okay. I'll fix it for you later."

It didn't take long for He Hao's death to spread throughout the Zhongdu Academy.

In the mansion of the Jinyang Gang, the leader of the Jinyang Gang, Hao Haidong stood up from his seat, tightly grasping the collar of the informant disciple and questioned, "What did you just say? You say it again?"

The apprentice disciple was frightened, his words were a bit unfavorable, and his face was even paler.

A lady sitting opposite Hao Haidong hurriedly got up and persuaded Hao Haidong, "You hold on so tightly, what do you want to say?"

This lady was called Wu Shilan, Hao Haidong's wife and He Hao's stepmother.

After the reporter took a breath for a while, he said quickly, "He Shao was killed by someone. It was this morning. Helper, helper wife, let's go and take a look!"

Wu Shilan's eyes widened, and she was a little surprised, covering her mouth, "How is it possible? This..."

"Okay, don't say anything, come on, we will go to Zhongdu Academy now, I want to see who dares to touch my Haoer."

Although He Hao was their adopted son, they were also brought up by them, and they still have very deep feelings between each other.

The Dean and Coach Li were also quite shocked after hearing the news of He Hao's death.

The first thing they thought of was Lin Tiancheng, after all, Lin Tiancheng had such a motive.


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