Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1655: Centennial Tree Man

"President Zhuge, my son was sent here to practice well, but now you let me send a white-haired person to a black-haired person, don't you want to give me an explanation?"

The Dean and Coach Li looked at each other awkwardly, and then Ji Linxuan said, "Come on and point out the murderer to Gang Master Hao!"

The dean didn't want to do this, but Lin Tiancheng's behavior really disappointed him.

After such a big event had happened, he really didn't want to drag down Zhongdu College because of Lin Tiancheng.

Only then did Hao Haidong set his sights on Ji Linxuan.

At this moment, he happened to see Lin Tiancheng and immediately bowed his hand to Lin Tiancheng, "Big Brother Lin".

Hao Haidong is straight-tempered, and he had to call him eldest brother when he saw Lin Tiancheng after agreeing to Ye Xuantian.

So naturally he didn't look like Ye Xuantian twitched.

Lin Tiancheng smiled awkwardly, "Fang Master Hao, long time no see."

Lin Tiancheng was thinking, "Although I'm talking and laughing with Gangmaster Hao now, maybe Gangmaster Hao will turn his face later."

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little surprised, and they didn't understand what was going on.

The leader of the Jinyang Gang, Hao Haidong, actually called Lin Tiancheng, a few dozen years younger than him, which is really confusing.

Ji Linxuan's expression was slightly taken aback, but first he arched his hands towards the Hao Gang Master, "Hao Gang Master, I am a sitting disciple of the Great Elder of the Refining Sect, and also He Hao's brother. I know who the murderer is?"

Hao Haidong put his hand on Ji Linxuan's shoulder, and hurriedly asked, "Oh? Tell me who killed my son of Hao Haidong?"

Ji Linxuan nodded, and told Hao Haidong vividly about the crime process just inferred.

Hao Haidong looked at Lin Tiancheng in shock, "Lin Tiancheng?"

Then, he asked Zhuge Xun for proof, "Dean Zhuge, is this really the case?"

Zhuge Xun frowned and wanted to say something for Lin Tiancheng, but he didn't know how to say it, so he nodded.


Although Lin Tian couldn't become a human being, he used to be a disciple and mentor of Zhongdu Academy after all, and he also helped many disciples in the academy to improve their skills and acquire multiple attribute physiques.

In any case, he now regrets a talent like Lin Tiancheng.

Ten years of trees, a hundred years of trees.

If you want a comprehension disciple to become a master of comprehension, maybe 10 years of guidance is enough.

But for a comprehension disciple to learn how to be a human being, it probably takes a lifetime of education.

After this incident, the dean also realized that the academy cannot focus solely on teaching disciples and helping them improve their cultivation strength.

Attention should also be paid to the character education of disciples.

"Yes, Gangmaster Hao, Lin Tiancheng was the murderer who killed He Hao. Come on, you guys quickly subdue this murderer to me." Ji Linxuan immediately urged the patrol disciple standing behind Lin Tiancheng.

Ji Linxuan's heart is extremely comfortable. He was defeated by Lin Tiancheng last night. He tossed and turned throughout the night, unable to sleep at all.

He has been thinking about how to deal with Lin Tiancheng, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing early this morning.

"Wait!" Lin Tiancheng waved his hand to stop the patrol disciples who came to arrest him, and came to Ji Linxuan with a light applause.

"Yes, yes, this wave of analysis by Brother Ji is very strong, and it can be distorted as false. Presumably everyone now thinks that I killed He Hao?"

"Lin Tiancheng, I hope you give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise, don't blame me for not thinking about Sect Master Ye's face." Hao Haidong said angrily.

Hao Haidong no longer called Lin Tian the eldest brother.

Although He Hao is the adopted son he adopted, he has grown up with him, and he has already had a deep relationship between father and son.

Ji Linxuan stared at Lin Tiancheng coldly, "The facts are here, what else do you want to explain? Your cruel thug is not worthy of entering Zhongdu Academy."

Lin Tiancheng ignored Ji Linxuan at all. First he bowed his hands towards the leader of Gang Hao, the dean, and coach Li. "Predecessors, in fact, He Hao is not dead at all. He is only in shock because of excessive bleeding."

Everyone looked at Lin Tiancheng in shock.

This is simply telling lies.

He Hao fell to the ground and stiffened with no blood on his body. Ji Linxuan and the dean had also checked before, and He Hao had long lost his breath.

Rongrong's back was a little cold, her palms were sweating, and she thought to herself, "Isn't it possible that after assassinating He Hao, my sister didn't check whether he really died?"

If that were the case, then it would be in great trouble.

"Let's take a look first. If He Hao is really not dead, I must tell my sister about this as soon as possible."

The disciples onlookers couldn't help but blame Lin Tiancheng, "This guy is talking nonsense here in order to get rid of his crime."

Some disciple Xiaosheng even underestimated, "I really don't know what the dean liked this guy, and even let him be the instructor of our Five Elements Department."

Although the voice was small, it still fell into the ears of the dean, making his expression stunned.

What this disciple said was reasonable, it was indeed because he did not know people clearly, and he did not realize Lin Tiancheng's behavior earlier.

"But having said that, how could Old Man Nie personally introduce such a person to my Zhongdu Academy.

Doesn't he know people clearly? "

Hao Haidong grabbed Lin Tiancheng's wrist, "Since you said that my son was only in temporary shock, there is a way to wake him up."

Ji Linxuan frowned and arched his hands towards Hao Haidong again, "Fang Master Hao, don't be fooled by this kid's rhetoric, my brother has lost his breath two hours ago."

Lin Tiancheng took a step forward and pushed away the whispering Ji Linxuan with a palm, "Get out of the way, I'm going to save people."

Ji Linxuan gave Lin Tiancheng a vicious look, "You..."

However, he is not Lin Tiancheng's opponent.

With so many seniors here, he didn't even dare to do anything to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng squatted down, took out a pre-refined pill, and prepared to give it to He Hao.

This was after Lin Tiancheng overheard the strategy of the star and Rong Rong, he returned to Zhongdu Academy and immediately planted a three-grain grass on his red land.

What is three-grain grass?

This is a kind of spiritual material that specializes in the treatment of cartilage powder.

Just last night, Rong Rong was worried that her sister was not He Hao's opponent, and asked her how to deal with He Hao.

Ning Xin shook the bottle in her hand and said with some pride, "Don't forget that I still have cartilage loose."

Ning Xin found out from Rongrong that He Hao, like Lin Tiancheng, was a womanizer.

So she planned to sacrifice her hue a bit, approach He Hao first, and then figure out a way to let him grow his own cartilage, so that she could easily kill him.

Lin Tiancheng happened to overhear this, so he bought the three-grained grass seeds from his own farmer app store and planted them on the red land in time.

He found that Sanwengrass not only can dissolve the toxicity of the cartilage powder, but also make this colorless and odorless venom condense into a powder on the surface of the poisoned person.

In this way, he has a way to get rid of the crime for himself.

It is not difficult for Lin Tiancheng to get rid of his own crime, but how can he let everyone know that it is not Lin Tiancheng who killed He Hao, but the stinky girl of the blood clan Ning Xin.

After a little thought, Lin Tiancheng thought of a wonderful way.

Due to time constraints, Lin Tianzhi plans to plant the seeds of the three-grain grass purchased from the farmer’s app store on the black soil.

However, the seeds of the tree of life have already been planted on the black soil.


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