Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1656: Dead horse as a living horse doctor

In desperation, Lin Tiancheng had to plant the seeds of Sanwengrass on the red soil, and spent 10 electricity, purchased two packs of chemical fertilizers, and then ripened the Sanwengrass overnight.

In order to obtain this three-grained grass, Lin Tiancheng consumed 25 electricity.

Adding in the 30 electricity used to purchase the tree of life seeds and the 2 electricity used to eavesdrop on Ning Xin, Lin Tiancheng now has only 8 electricity left.

There is no need for Lin Tianzhi why Hao Hao wasted these 25 electricity, after all, this kid was not very friendly to him before his death.

However, Lin Tiancheng considered the overall situation.

Ning Xin wanted to frame the crime on her own head in order to eliminate the trust of the leader of the Hao Gang in Lin Tiancheng, and then she could disintegrate the five major alliances.

By doing this, Lin Tiancheng always in turn strengthened the trust of Gangmaster Hao in him, and at the same time tried to let him know that it was the blood clan who killed He Hao.

In this way, the relationship between the five major alliances will be closer, and the spearhead will be directed at the blood family, rather than civil strife.

Early in the morning, Lin Tian secretly refined it into a three-pattern pill.

Wu Shilan, the wife of the Jinyang gang leader, saw that Lin Tiancheng wanted to ask her son about the unknown pill, and quickly stopped it, "What do you want to do?"

She worried that Lin Tiancheng would continue to poison her son.

"Madam, you don't have to believe me Lin Tiancheng, but if you drag on like this, He Hao will probably never wake up again, so you have to think twice."

Ji Linxuan immediately snorted, "I really thought that Hua Tuo was alive. If you can't save He Hao, I will see how you end up."

Hao Haidong walked over quickly and directly helped his wife from the ground, "Madam, let's trust him once!"

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

He Hao had lost his breath now, and of course they didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng had the ability to bring the dead back to life, but they still chose to believe it once.

Rongrong's small hands were tightly clenched, very worried that He Hao would open his eyes.

The dean solemnly said to Lin Tiancheng, "Tiancheng, I hope that what you are telling is the truth, otherwise, Gangzhu Hao and his wife will be chilling."

Lin Tiancheng nodded, leaned down again, and stuffed the three pattern pill that had spent 25 electricity in exchange into He Hao's mouth.

The onlookers couldn't help but leaned forward.

Although they didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng could bring He Hao back to life, they were curious about it by nature.

Before long, a thin layer of powder appeared on He Hao's pale face.

He Hao's complexion was originally pale, and coupled with this layer of powder that appeared out of thin air, it was really a little embarrassing.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, "This, what is this?"

Ji Linxuan was a little disturbed. He was not worried that he had wronged Lin Tiancheng, but worried that Lin Tiancheng would use a small dose to get rid of the charges.

"Everyone feels weird! In fact, everyone does not know that before Lin Tiancheng came to Zhongdu Academy, he was actually a disciple of the Alchemist Association. I'm sure this must be some of his tricks using the history of alchemy. Blind our eyes, so don’t believe it."

"Lin Tiancheng, is this really the case?" Hao Haidong was questioned by Lin Tiancheng.

If Lin Tiancheng really did this, it would definitely chill the living, and the dead would not be able to look at him.

Lin Tiancheng took out a pre-prepared scraper from his cuff, and carefully scraped some powder from He Hao's face.

He turned around and came to the dean, "Dean, these are the components of the cartilage powder. I have used the three-pattern pill to force out the toxic substances in his body. He Hao is only in temporary shock, he is undergoing my day and night conditioning, I will be able to wake up tomorrow morning."

Lin Tiancheng's words became more and more mysterious, and everyone couldn't help but frown, and did not listen to what Ji Linxuan said.

A cold sweat broke out behind Rongrong, and she quietly left the crowd while Lin Tiancheng was not paying attention.

"How did Lin Tiancheng know that his elder sister had dispelled the cartilage to He Hao? It seems that He Hao is really not dead. I must tell my elder sister this matter as soon as possible.

Rong Rong also thought of another thing. Lin Tiancheng might have discovered that she had used tongssan on her in the bathroom.

Of course she was just skeptical, not sure.

If this is true, then she would be in danger if she continued to hide beside Lin Tiancheng.

"What? He Hao is not dead? How is this possible?" Ning Xin looked at Ning Rong in shock in the inn room.

"Rong'er saw it with his own eyes. Not only that, but Lin Tiancheng also used the Three Pattern Pill to force out the cartilage powder in He Hao."

Ning Rong looked at Ning Xin with some concern, "Sister, I suspect that Lin Tiancheng may have seen through our strategy. If I continue to hide by his side, I am afraid it will be dangerous."

Ning Xin glanced at Ning Rong coldly, "Impossible, Lin Tiancheng happens to be a famous alchemist, and there are still two brush alchemists, and it is normal to be able to refine the three-pattern pill that dissolves cartilage. He cannot see through it. Our strategy."

Ning Xin didn't want to believe this fact for three reasons.

One: things have come to this stage, if you do not continue, all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Both: Ning Xin had made an oath in front of her father that if she couldn't take Lin Tiancheng's head, she would never step into the territory of the blood race again.

Three: The tactics she thought of were all based on her understanding of Lin Tiancheng, and they were absolutely seamless.

It is absolutely difficult for Lin Tiancheng to find flaws, unless Ning Rong has failed in some respects.

Ning Xin stared at Ning Rong with a somewhat questioning look, "I understand, you must be greedy for life and fear of death, and don't want to work hard for the blood race anymore. Don't you want your mother to get the status she deserves? Back to father?"

Seeing Ning Xin's eyes, Ning Rong stepped back unconsciously, her eyes were slightly ruddy, "No, just assume that I didn't say anything. I will definitely take Lin Tiancheng's life."

It was terrible, the look in Ning Xin's eyes was terrible.

It's not like a sister's eyes looking at her sister, it's more like a savage girl accusing her.

Ning Xinrong didn't want to look at this look more, and was ready to leave here quickly.

"Hold on, He Hao must die.

Since Lin Tiancheng has said that the sky will be able to wake up He Hao, we are determined to be in tonight when you and I meet inside and outside. "

Rongrong nodded, "Understood, I will find a way to distract Lin Tiancheng by then."

In fact, when Rong Rong quietly left the crowd, Lin Tiancheng had already found out.

An imperceptible smile flashed at the corner of his mouth, and he knew that his purpose had been achieved.

He just wanted Rong Rong to confide in the news, so as to be able to draw out the master behind the scenes.

At that time, Hao Haidong naturally knew who was the real killer of He Hao.

Ji Linxuan stepped forward and questioned Lin Tiancheng, "You said this is the powder of cartilage loose powder, right? I know if you lie to everyone?"

The dean glanced at Coach Li.

Coach Li immediately understood, and soon brought Elder Chen from the alchemy department.

Chen Hai is responsible for the management of the Xuehai Pavilion at the Headquarters of the Alchemist Association, and is also an instructor in the Alchemy Department of Zhongdu College.

Along the way, Coach Li told him the ins and outs of the whole thing.

Elder Chen shook his head immediately and solemnly said to Coach Li, "Impossible, Tiancheng cannot be such a person.

There must be something wrong with you. "


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