Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1657: Mad dog bites

Coach Li sighed, "As for whether Lin Tiancheng is like that, isn't this waiting for you to verify?"

Elder Chen couldn't help speeding up his pace.

When Coach Li mentioned that Lin Tiancheng's character was problematic, Elder Chen's face darkened.

It can be said that Elder Chen knows Lin Tiancheng very well.

When Lin Tiancheng first came to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association, he showed his hand in the Xuehai Pavilion that Elder Chen was in charge of, which really shocked Elder Chen.

However, this guy is very humble. After solving two problems, he is unwilling to show his sage in front of others.

This is enough to show that Lin Tiancheng has extremely high attainments in alchemy, but he is very humble.

Then, the big demon Ning Qiutian escaped from the prisoner's den, and the entire alchemist association headquarters was in trouble.

Lin Tianzhi could escape by himself, but he didn't do so, only relying on his own power to rescue the president and the six elders from Ning Qiutian's hands.

This is enough to show that Lin Tiancheng is a fellow who values ​​love and justice.

Then the blood clan besieged the five major alliances for the second time, and Lin Tiancheng stepped forward again.

How can such a big hero be a despicable villain with corrupt character.

After seeing Lin Tiancheng, Elder Chen walked over quickly, with a worried expression on his face, and asked with concern, "Tiancheng, they didn't do anything to you? Don't worry, if they dare you to touch your hair , I will go back and ask the president to come forward."

Without Lin Tiancheng, I am afraid that the entire Alchemist Association headquarters has been destroyed by the blood people.

Therefore, for Lin Tiancheng, Elder Chen would not have reservations even if he was an enemy of the major forces present.

Lin Tiancheng smiled and shook his head, "Thank you Elder Chen for your concern, everything is fine for Tiancheng."

The dean coughed lightly and handed the white powder Lin Tiancheng gave him to Elder Chen, "Elder Chen, I asked Coach Li to invite you over, so I want you to see what it is?"

Elder Chen took the white powder in the hands of the dean, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, then pinched it a little bit and rubbed it with his fingertips.

Lin Tiancheng didn't stop Elder Chen's behavior. Although the white powder is a component of cartilage powder, ordinary cultivators may be poisoned by this poison upon contact.

However, as Elder Chen, as a great pharmacist, dealing with various spiritual materials of heaven and earth all the year round, he will naturally have his unique means.

"Red Tuckahoe..."

"Blood paste..."

"Silver Grass..."

"Shrink Amomum..."

Elder Chen frowned slightly, "This is the ingredient of the cartilage powder. It seems that the deceased should be poisoned by the cartilage powder before the murderer can take advantage of it."

From beginning to end, no one had mentioned to Elder Chen what this white powder was.

Relying on his alchemy experience, Elder Chen quickly revealed that this was the ingredient of the cartilage powder, which coincided with Lin Tiancheng.

Ji Linxuan stepped forward and said, "What can this prove? Maybe you put the cartilage loose! And, don't forget, Lin Tiancheng has always been a disciple of the Alchemist Association headquarters, and has a lot of friendship with Elder Chen Maybe they will sing and play together here, playing everyone like monkeys!"

Lin Tiancheng reached out and grabbed Ji Linxuan's neckline, "I can tolerate you framing me in every way, but I don't allow you to slander Elder Chen's reputation."

Looking at Lin Tiancheng's fierce eyes, Ji Linxuan shrank unconsciously.

He is indeed not Lin Tiancheng's opponent, but there are so many seniors here, is Lin Tiancheng publicly teaching himself.

If he really does this, it will further prove that he is suspected of this crime.

When someone stepped on his tail, he started jumping off the wall.

"What? I guessed the truth, you want to get revenge on me, right?"

Lin Tiancheng is not an impulsive person. He can endure Ji Linxuan's slander of him in every possible way, but he does not allow Elder Chen to suffer this unreasonable disaster.


Ji Linxuan suddenly felt dim and dim when he added the "Great Compassionate Palm" to the Dali Pian Jue in the Nine Zhuan Go Sheng Jue.

The whole body lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Not only that, his entire jaw was skewed by Lin Tiancheng.

Ji Linxuan was not mentally prepared at all, because he didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng dared to hit himself in front of everyone.

Elder Chen stepped forward to contain Lin Tiancheng's wrist, and persuaded, "Tiancheng, don't be reckless, your mouth grows on someone else's body, we can do it well and sit upright."

Ji Linxuan struggled to get up from the ground, pouting a slanted mouth, and muttering to the dean, "The courtyard, the dean..."

Before Ji Linxuan could continue speaking, the dean sternly shouted, "Enough is enough, let's go back soon."

Ji Linxuan was a little dazed. He was branded like this by Lin Tiancheng in front of the dean, and the dean even scolded himself.

Coach Li stared at Ji Linxuan, "Ji Linxuan, you are still a disciple of the Great Elder Ouyang of the refining sect, don't you understand it? Why did the murderer give He Hao a piece of bone?"

Hao Haidong stared at Coach Li with doubts, "Could it be that the murderer's strength is not as good as my son?"

"That's the case. As far as I know, He Hao is not Lin Tiancheng's opponent yet. If Lin Tiancheng really wants to kill He Hao, he won't need this slack at all. So I'm sure the murderer must be weaker than He Hao. ."

Such things as cartilage powder are not very common. If Lin Tiancheng wants to kill He Hao, there is really no need to prepare cartilage powder.

The dean walked towards Ji Linxuan slowly with his hands on his back. "The coach Li said very reasonable. From the very beginning, you bit Lin Tiancheng, and now you dare to slander Elder Chen of the alchemy department, you really let me Very disappointed in you."

Elder Chen is a very upright person. This is obvious to all whether it is in the headquarters of the Alchemist Association or in the Zhongdu Academy.

Even if Lin Tiancheng and Elder Chen had friendship, without telling him in advance, why could Elder Chen still see at a glance that the white powder is cartilage powder.

This shows that Elder Chen did not cover Lin Tiancheng, but this Ji Linxuan bites people here like a mad dog.

How dare to slander Elder Chen's reputation, this is where the dean is most angry.

The dean was also calmer at this time. He stretched out the cloth strip in his hand and analyzed it unhurriedly, "This cloth strip seems to be Lin Tiancheng's evidence of crime, but it is also the murderer's biggest flaw."

Hao Haidong asked puzzledly, "What do you say?"

Lin Tiancheng accepted the words of the dean, "Since He Hao is poisoned by the cartilage powder, he has no strength to tear this piece of cloth from my clothes. In other words, someone deliberately planted and framed me."

Hao Haidong nodded thoughtfully.

After the dean and Li coached this explanation, the onlookers all looked at Ji Linxuan with strange eyes.

Ji Linxuan was unwilling, clutching his crooked mouth, turning his head to look at Hao Haidong, "Fang Master Hao, He Hao and I are very good brothers. What I said is true. You must believe me."

Hao Haidong is not stupid. After listening to the analysis by the Dean and Coach Li, he naturally put aside his doubts about Lin Tiancheng.

He directly passed Ji Linxuan and came to Lin Tiancheng, "Brother Lin, since you can find this flaw, then you must have a way to help me find the murderer who harmed my son."

"That's natural. When I give He Hao another pill and some healing methods, he will naturally tell who the murderer is after he wakes up."


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