Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1661: Ji Linxuan apologizes

During the conversation between the two, Hao Haidong appeared in front of Ji Linxuan with lightning speed, and an invisible airway slammed into his chest.

Ji Linxuan's face suddenly darkened, and his whole body flew upside down like a cannonball. The moment he landed, he vomited blood.

That's right, Hao Haidong really had a murderous intention, and he didn't intend to let these two men in black go.

"If you are acquainted, quickly take off your veil, I might make your death easier."

Hao Haidong is a peak powerhouse of the Golden Core period, and the mysterious high-level Jinyang Dafa of the Jinyang Gang is well-known throughout the Dongcheng District.

Ning Xin certainly can't reveal her identity, she is still waiting for an opportunity to find the possibility of escape.

However, Ji Linxuan was terrified and wanted to show his true colors.

He was not the real murderer of He Hao, and he didn't have to take the blame for the person next to him.

But how can he prove that he is not the murderer who hurt He Hao?

"By the way, Lin Tiancheng set up this game. He must have known that the murderer will show up tonight, ready to catch turtles in an urn."

Then, as long as he pleaded with Lin Tiancheng and let him be his testimony, he might be able to let go of his life.

But when he thought of this, Ji Linxuan felt troubled again.

He has a deep grudge with Lin Tiancheng, if he now asks Lin Tiancheng to be his personal testimony, I am afraid Lin Tiancheng is not willing.

But there is only one way out before him. If he doesn't do this, he really has to wait to die.

After a fierce struggle in his heart, Ji Linxuan clutched his painful chest and struggled to stand up from the ground, "Hold on, hold on, Hao Gangzhu is merciful, I will lift the veil now."

The moment he lifted the veil, the audience was shocked, and everyone looked at Ji Linxuan with a strange look.

Ning Xin's heart tightened, and she thought to herself, "What does this guy want to do? Does he still want to clean himself up?"

If that were the case, of course Ning Xin would not let him succeed.

In this situation right now, there is one that can pull one back.

She can only stir the muddy the water, the less crisis it will bring to the blood race.

"Okay, you bastard, you keep saying that it is my son's good brother. It turns out that you are the one who killed my son." Hao Haidong had scarlet eyes and stared at Ji Linxuan in anger.

Coach Li's expression was also shocked, "Ji Linxuan, how could it be you?"

Lin Tiancheng didn't expect that the other black shadow would be Ji Linxuan.

In the middle of the night, appeared in He Hao's wing, could it be...

Lin Tiancheng's heart sank involuntarily, he seemed to guess what Ji Linxuan wanted to do.

Suddenly there was a feeling of lingering fears.

Fortunately, this guy didn't succeed, otherwise, it would be very difficult for him to draw out the man behind the killing of He Hao.

Hao Haidong's tiger's body shook, and his figure suddenly moved, preparing for a palm and Ji Linxuan.

When Hao Haidong's palm was about to land on Ji Linxuan's Sky Spirit Cover, Ji Linxuan was sweating all over, and his legs could not help shaking.

"Wait, Gangmaster Hao, I am not..."

Just when everyone thought that Hao Haidong would kill Ji Linxuan with a single palm, Hao Haidong's palm could not fall.

Even the true energy in his palm was lost a little bit.

The aura of the entire room has become different, and the breath of a supreme powerhouse is currently filling this wing room.

"Leader Hao, your subordinates are merciful."

The dean walked in slowly from outside the wing with his hands on his back, and saw him wave his hand gently.

Hao Haidong's palm, which was hovering in midair, could receive a powerful force and slammed back.

Ji Linxuan felt like he was amnesty, not only in a cold sweat, but also trembling all over.

"Dean, Dean, I have something to say..."

Hao Haidong looked at the dean extremely angrily and asked, "Why don't you let me kill this beast?"

Ji Linxuan killed his son, if he could surrender, Hao Haidong might feel better in his heart.

But after killing He Hao, this guy turned out to be exactly like a okay person, even in front of everyone, cleverly trying to push the blame on Lin Tiancheng.

The dean felt that there was something strange about this matter, and he couldn't make a conclusion so quickly.

Moreover, Ji Linxuan was also a sitting disciple of Elder Ouyang of the Qi Refining Sect, if he just let Hao Haidong kill him casually.

Not only the Jinyang Gang and the Refining Sect will have grievances, but even the Zhongdu Academy will not escape the relationship.

Therefore, even if Ji Linxuan really killed He Hao, he had to notify the Refining Sect in advance.

"Fang Master Hao, I don't think this matter is that simple."

The dean then turned around, looking at Ji Linxuan with a little disappointment, "What else do you have to say?"

Hao Haidong said with some dissatisfaction, "Dean, it's not that I don't give you face. If you deliberately favor your students, don't blame me Hao for turning your face and denying people."

Ji Linxuan no longer hesitated, immediately turned around and looked at Lin Tiancheng with a pleading look, "You set this round, you must have known the real culprit who killed He Hao!"

Lin Tiancheng looked at him blankly, but did not reply.

From his first sentence, Lin Tiancheng guessed what this kid wanted to do.

Lin Tiancheng is not a good person either. This Ji Linxuan wanted to put the murderer's crimes on his head indiscriminately, but now he wants to identify himself for him, which is really ridiculous.

Ji Linxuan also glanced around, "Actually, I don't want to hide it from you. Before this, I had a lot of grievances with Lin Tiancheng. It was my fault before. You should not deliberately put the crime on Lin Tiancheng's head because of personal enmity. . I solemnly apologize to Lin Tiancheng here."

After saying this, Ji Linxuan bowed deeply to Lin Tiancheng.

Ji Linxuan raised his head and glanced at Lin Tiancheng, "I know, maybe you still hate me very much, but I still want you to testify for me that it is not me who killed He Hao, but her."

Ji Linxuan turned around and pointed at the man in black beside her.

"Actually, when I look like this, I also want to catch the murderer who killed my brother. I just didn't expect it to be in this situation. Public is public, private is private. I hope that Lin Tiancheng will be able to face the big right and wrong, no Regardless of personal grievances, join me to find the real murderer."

Ji Linxuan's statement can be said to be perfect.

He first set up a "honorary arch" for himself to catch the murderer for his brother, and then shirk all the charges on the man in black next to him. Finally, the most shameless move was from a moral perspective. He threatened Lin Tiancheng to help him.

Lin Tiancheng looked guilty, "I'm really sorry, although I set this game, I really don't know who the murderer is."

Lin Tiancheng looked at Ji Linxuan with a playful expression, pointed at him, then pointed at Ning Xin, "Is that you? Is it her? Or maybe you two joined forces to kill He Hao."

Ji Linxuan suddenly became violent and stared at Lin Tiancheng furiously, "Lin Tiancheng, don't spit blood."

Ji Linxuan wanted to be rude to Lin Tiancheng, but he was not that stupid.

If he really did something to Lin Tianquan, the few powerhouses present could end up their lives at any time.

"Ji Linxuan, what else can you say?" Hao Haidong asked Ji Linxuan, pointing to him.


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