Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1662: karma

Ji Linxuan was really scared, he was sure that Lin Tiancheng must know the real murderer.

Lin Tiancheng must be thinking about his old hatred now, with resentment in his heart and unwilling to help himself.

And the only one who can save himself right now is Lin Tiancheng.

At this juncture of life and death, Ji Linxuan thought of the only way.

He retracted his hideous face, and fell on his knees in front of Lin Tiancheng with a thump, "Tiancheng, it was all my fault before, I am here to make you a compensation. Now the only one who can save me is you, please. Can you tell the truth?"

Ji Linxuan showed a pitiful look, like a dog wagging its tail.

Ning Xin didn't know how deep the hatred between Lin Tiancheng and Ji Linxuan was. She worried that when Ji Linxuan kneeled like this, Lin Tiancheng really sympathized with him.

If this is the case, isn't he missing a person who cushions the coffin.

Thinking of this, Ning Xin immediately stepped forward and pointed at Ji Linxuan, "Ji Linxuan, I didn't expect you to be such a person. After I had agreed to kill He Hao, I blamed Lin Tiancheng for the crime. No I think you are such a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

This remark fell into the crowd like a blockbuster.

"No! Ji Linxuan actually joined hands with this person to kill He Hao."

"Bah, I didn't expect Ji Linxuan to be such a person. It is really despicable and shameful."

"It's no wonder that this guy has been biting Master Lin all the time. It turns out that they had premeditated."

"Never mind if you slander Tutor Lin, you still have the face to beg Tutor Lin for forgiveness. It's shameless to get home."

Ji Linxuan's eyes turned black, and he immediately felt the sky spinning around. He only felt that in the darkness, thousands of eyes were staring at him viciously, and he was about to be drowned in saliva.

At this moment, he finally understood what it means to grow melons and get melons, and grow beans to get peas.

This is self-reliance, karma.

"And you, who on earth are you?" Hao Haidong pointed to another person in black and asked.

Ning Xin knew that in the mid-Mahayana stage, in front of two peak powers of the Jindan stage, it was impossible for her to escape.

Ning Xin slowly took off her veil, and the crowd of onlookers made a surprised voice again.

"Well, isn't this the daughter of the blood demon?"

"It turns out that these two dog men and women killed Brother He together."

"It's you, it turns out that you two killed my Haoer, and I want you to pay for my Haoer."

Hao Haidong made tiger claws with both hands and suddenly stretched out to the necks of Ji Linxuan and Ning Xin.

The dean strode forward and suddenly waved his sleeves, and the whole room was violent.

Hao Haidong was impacted by a powerful energy, and he could not get close to Ji Linxuan and Ning Xin.

By now, the dean also roughly guessed the ins and outs of the whole thing, and he felt that this incident was likely to be related to Lin Tiancheng.

After all, Ning Xin is Ning Qiutian's daughter, and Ning Qiutian has always wanted to kill Lin Tiancheng.

Perhaps, from head to toe, He Hao was just a victim of war.

Although that was the case, the dean would never publish his guess to the public.

This is not Lin Tiancheng's fault, even if it is his, the dean must try his best to help Lin Tiancheng.

"Bang Master Hao, even though this matter has already come to light, there are many forces involved in this matter. Ji Linxuan is a disciple of my Zhongdu Academy. No matter how you say it, I have to notify the Refining Sect in advance! I hope Gang Master Hao If you can forgive me, Zhuge Xun is here to guarantee his personality. Tomorrow, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Hao Haidong was unwilling.

Lin Tiancheng walked towards him slowly, "Fang Master Hao, trust the dean! Since the murderer has been arrested, are you still afraid that they will not escape?"

Gangmaster Hao frowned, then sighed, "All right! But if I don't get a reply tomorrow, I will definitely not spare these two little beasts."

At this moment, Wu Shilan walked in quickly from outside the wing, and when he came up, he caught Lin Tiancheng, "You pay me back, didn't you say that he was in temporary shock? You pay me back."

"Madam, I'm sorry, Tiancheng didn't deliberately deceived you." Lin Tiancheng shook his head helplessly.

Although Lin Tiancheng found the real culprit who killed He Hao, He Hao was indeed innocent. He died in Ning Xin's hands because of himself.

The dean said, "Madam, the sorrows have changed, Tiancheng did this, and only wanted to help find the real culprit who killed He Hao. He didn't intend to hurt you."

Hao Haidong's face sank, and he stretched out his hand to pull Wu Shilan behind him, "Enough, don't cry anymore."

Hao Haidong failed to avenge his son. He was initially upset when he heard his wife crying and crying, making him furious.

Wu Shilan was so frightened that her crying voice gradually decreased, and finally turned into sobbing.

Hao Haidong can understand what Lin Tiancheng did.

In fact, after Elder Chen identified that the white powder was cartilage powder, Lin Tiancheng had already been charged.

He didn't need to worry about this anymore. Hao Haidong guessed that Lin Tiancheng might be helping himself because of his friendship.

Therefore, Lin Tiancheng is kind to their Jinyang Gang.

When Gangmaster Hao saw that his wife was so rude to Lin Tiancheng, Gangmaster Hao was naturally furious.

Coach Li worried that Wu Shilan would become excited again after knowing that Ji Linxuan and Ning Xin were the killers of He Hao, so he winked at the disciples next to him and signaled them to take them into the jail, and sent heavy troops. guard.

Ning Xin is the daughter of the great blood demon Ning Qiutian. If he knew that his daughter had been detained in Zhongdu Academy, he might be robbed tonight.

This matter cannot be sloppy.

Before leaving, Ning Xin glanced at Ning Rong secretly, as if telling her, "The task of killing Lin Tiancheng is up to you. Don't let my father down."

Rongrong's eyes were slightly moist and she felt like crying, but she still held back.

Just after everyone thought this matter was going to fall for a while, there was a bang bang in the wing.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and suddenly discovered that a woman in white was actually "whipping the corpse."

The woman punched He Hao's body with punches, not the kind of small punches that punched your chest, it was a fist.

Lin Tiancheng frowned and suddenly felt a bad feeling.

The woman who beat He Hao's body was Lin Tiancheng's Bai Xiaoxiao who had weak legs not long ago.

This reminded Lin Tiancheng of something.

Bai Xiaoxiao was also a disciple of the elementary fire department, and at first she had a lot of friendship with Zhang Qiuyue.

However, after Bai Xiaoxiao discovered that Lin Tiancheng possessed the techniques to help other cultivators improve their strength, they began to disagree with Zhang Qiuyue.

She wanted Lin Tiancheng to help him improve his strength, and then seek revenge from the Young Master of the Jinyang Gang.

Because the young master of the Jinyang Gang deceived Bai Xiaoxiao's feelings, and after losing the freshness in her, he ignored her, even with his eyebrows cold.

From the beginning, the gang leader and his wife looked down on Bai Xiaoxiao, a village girl from the countryside, thinking she was not worthy of her son.

This also caused her status in the Jinyang Gang to plummet, and even some servant servants didn't take her seriously.

Bai Xiaoxiao suffered a lot in the Jinyang Gang, and finally she was favored by the dean for her cultivation aptitude and helped her escape the sea of ​​suffering.

The hatred of the Jinyang Gang can be said to be carved into Bai Xiaoxiao's bones.

Of course she also knew that He Hao was cultivating in Zhongdu Academy, but there was still a big gap between her strength and He Hao, so she had been forbearing.


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