Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1663: Dead fish

But just today, she suddenly heard that He Hao had been killed, and suddenly felt that her life had lost its direction.

After coming to Zhongdu Academy, she practiced assiduously, striving for as many training resources as possible, even at the expense of her body, praying for Lin Tiancheng to help her improve her strength.

These are the motivations for He Hao's hatred of the entire Jinyang Gang.

Although He Hao was dead, the hatred that had accumulated in her heart had not dissipated at all.

"He Hao, you bastard, you ruined me for a lifetime, and I haven't found you to pay for it." Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes were scarlet, her fists were clenched, and He Hao's fist was extremely angry and smashed into the chest.

"Do you think I can forgive you if you die? Even if you get to the Underworld Palace, I will settle the account with you."

Bai Xiaoxiao slowly turned around and stared at Hao Haidong and his wife fiercely, "By the way, there are these two old things before going to the Yin Cao Difu to find you to settle accounts."

Bai Xiaoxiao was born in a difficult situation. After joining the Jinyang Gang, Hao Haidong and his wife looked down on her at all and never showed him a good face.

Therefore, in Bai Xiaoxiao's opinion, the people of the Jinyang Gang should die, and it will not end here just because of He Hao.

Moreover, He Hao was not killed by her herself.

Hao Haidong's figure jumped up, leaving several afterimages behind him, and slapped Bai Xiaoxiao's face with a slap, "Bitch, you are looking for death."

Wu Shilan's eyes widened, and she hurried to He Hao's bed, "Haoer, Haoer..."

The deceased is the big one, Wu Shilan flatly did not expect that Bai Xiaoxiao, a bitch, would be able to deal with a dead person.

"Haidong, kill this **** and let her bury us Haoer." Wu Shilan turned her head and stared at Bai Xiaoxiao viciously.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help frowning.

After Bai Xiaoxiao threatened herself to help her improve her strength last time, she had come to her many times.

Moreover, Bai Xiaoxiao almost tried his best, racked his brains, and prayed for Lin Tiancheng to help her in every possible way.

But Lin Tiancheng really didn't want to get involved in other people's disputes.

Although Bai Xiaoxiao also has electricity on his body, Lin Tiancheng is not a stallion, nor is it the kind that can't walk when he sees a woman.

He has also repeatedly persuaded Bai Xiaoxiao to let go of her grievances so that she can live happily.

Hao Haidong turned his right hand into a tiger's claw shape, and wanted to buckle Bai Xiaoxiao's Tianling cover, directly pinching it into blood foam.

Bai Xiaoxiao wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, hitting the ground with her right palm, advancing without retreating, and heading towards Hao Haidong's tiger claws.

"Old things, in the three years of the Jinyang Gang, you never regarded me as a human being. Today, even if I die with you, I will not hesitate."

Bai Xiaoxiao originally planned to find a way to kill He Hao when his strength was about to break through to the peak of the Golden Core Stage.

Then when she really broke through to the peak of the Golden Core Stage, it was time for the old dog, Hao Haidong, to settle the ledger.

Unfortunately, Lin Tiancheng was unwilling to help her.

Her cultivation speed has been halted since the last breakthrough.

"Just rely on you, bitch, if it wasn't for my Haoer who brought you to the Jinyang Gang, you might still be that mountain village girl in which ravine!"

Although He Hao is the adopted son of Hao Haidong and Wu Shilan, they all regard He Hao as their own son.

They hoped that He Hao could find a right person, but they never thought that He Hao actually found a village girl.

Therefore, for three years, Bai Xiaoxiao has always been cold to Bai Xiaoxiao.

In their opinion, Bai Xiaoxiao should be grateful to He Hao and to the Jinyang Gang.

Rong Rong was not interested in this sudden scene, she left here first because of her physical illness.

Soon, she left the Zhongdu Academy and returned to the blood clan, telling Ning Qiutian the news of Ning Xin's arrest.

Hearing this news, the children of the blood race in the entire hall became extremely angry.

"How could this be?"

"It's really deceiving people too much, the big deal is to enter the Zhongdu Academy, so that the old thief Zhuge can see how we are."

The blood mother wrinkled her brows slightly, and sternly shouted to those noisy blood race disciples, "Shut up."

Then, she turned around and asked Ning Qiutian, "Patriarch, the life of the lady is important, but we have to consider this matter from a long-term perspective."

Zhongdu College is not a casual place.

It was built by several silver-level forces, gold-level forces, and even individual legends and forces, so there are many forces involved.

Otherwise, they want to kill Lin Tiancheng, and there is no need to spend so much time and effort.

The blood mother-in-law knew that Ning Qiutian loved the two young ladies very much, and was worried that the patriarch would be very angry.

Ning Qiutian's face was so gloomy, he slowly asked Ning Rong, "Is it because of that kid Lin Tiancheng?"

Ning Rong nodded heavily, "Yes, Sister Ning Xin killed He Hao and blamed Lin Tiancheng, trying to break her relationship with the five major alliances.

But this kid saw through, and came to catch a turtle in an urn..."

"So, did Lin Tiancheng see through your identity?"

Ning Rong paused for a while, and kept shaking her head, "No, no, Lin Tiancheng has not seen my identity, I still have a chance to kill him."

Ning Rong knew that her father was very worried about herself, and at first he did not agree that she was hiding beside Lin Tiancheng.

Although Ning Rong suspected that Lin Tiancheng had not really seen her identity, at least she had doubts.

However, remembering the look in her sister's eyes before being taken to the jail, she wanted to take another gamble.

"My sister will sacrifice her life for the sake of the blood, and I can't let her down. Even if there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up."

Upon hearing this news, Ning Qiutian was actually a little angry.

He didn't agree with Ning Xin's strategy from the beginning.

"Rong'er, your sister has been detained, I don't want you to repeat the same mistakes, so you should keep the blood!" Ning Qiutian glanced at the blood children on both sides.

A tall and mighty child of the blood race immediately stepped forward and surrounded Ning Rong, "Miss, please come here!"

Ning Rong didn't expect her father to come here.

"No, father, you have to believe me, I will definitely come to see you holding Lin Tiancheng's head."

Ning Rong struggled to get out of the encirclement, but was controlled by these tall men and led down the hall.

Ning Qiutian turned around and said to the **** mother-in-law, "Tomorrow, you will go to the Zhongdu Academy to be an important person for me, and I will go to the Bai Clan in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, Southern Region."

Ning Qiutian got news not long ago that the witch of the Bai clan in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, was about to leave the customs, and it was said that her strength had broken through to the mid-Mahayana realm.

If she is willing to come forward, dealing with the old thief Zhuge will not be a problem.

Ning Qiutian wanted to have a fight with Zhuge Xun, even if he was not sure whether he would attract a gold-level, legendary-level power.

Zhongdu Academy itself is a neutral force. It was the old thief Zhuge who violated the blood race first, and Ning Qiutian could not bear it again.

However, the price of asking the witch to come forward is not small.

Ning Qiutian had been in contact with the witches of the Bai nationality in Jianchuan, Miao, since when he was refining Blood Sha Pill 30 years ago.

The witch has always wanted to get the blood evil technique of the blood clan to improve her Gu worm strength.

The blood evil technique is the supreme technique of the blood race, and Ning Qiutian has never thought of using it as a bargain.

But this time, Zhongdu Academy was also involved, and the old thief Zhuge made it clear that he wanted to fight their kinship with the five major alliances.

"The patriarch meant to surrender the blood evil technique of our blood clan, ask the witch to come forward and have a fish-and-death with the old thief Zhuge?"

Ning Qiutian nodded, "Without the power of our bloodline, even if this blood evil technique falls into the hands of the witch, it won't have much effect. I have my own decision on this matter, even if you can't let the old thief Zhuge have **** If you leave Xiner, you must also drag it back until I come back."


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