Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1669: Yujing bottle

Ouyang Jie wanted to take the opportunity to recover some of his losses, but he didn't expect to have such a moth again, and his face was blue with anger.

Ji Linxuan didn't kill anyone, and was punished at most.

Ouyang Jie continued to stay here and he couldn't afford to lose this person. He simply turned around and took the other disciples of the Refining Sect and left first.

"Despicable man, he has such a vicious heart at a young age, and he keeps saying that he is my good brother to Haoer..." Hao Haidong pointed at Ji Linxuan and cursed.

Ji Linxuan lowered his head, his face flushed.

He knew that it was no longer possible to get the ore for refining the spirit weapon from Hao Haidong.

The dean waved to the disciples outside the lobby, "Come here, pull Ji Linxuan out and hit the 80th board again, and cancel his spiritual supply this month."

Hao Haidong arched his hand towards the dean, "Dean Zhuge, let me deal with Ning Choutian's evil seed!"

Things have reached this point, and the Jinyang Gang is not worried about their blood family's revenge.

Moreover, there are already many entanglements between them.

"Go..." The dean sat back to his original position a little tired, and waved his hand at Hao Haidong.

Although the dean has the strength of the mid-Mahayana period, dealing with a blood clan is not a problem.

However, he was invisible and involved the neutral force of Zhongdu Academy into a dispute.

If the fund-raising forces behind Zhongdu College were to blame, the dean could not afford it.

Lin Tiancheng stepped forward slowly, "Dean, Tiancheng wants to participate in this autumn hunting training with others, and hopes that the dean will be successful."

The Blurred Domain is very dangerous. Lin Tiancheng said that Zhang Qiuyue must be protected before Master Zhang wakes up. How could he watch this girl enter the Blurred Domain without paying attention.

Moreover, the dean also took this girl into that ruin.

The dean slowly raised his head, "I am about to tell you about this too! My opinion is the same as Zhang Qiuyue, in fact, we don't want you to participate in this autumn hunting training."

The dean tried his best to protect Lin Tiancheng even at the expense of offending the blood.

Now if Lin Tiancheng was allowed to participate in the autumn hunting trial, it would simply send the wolf into the tiger's mouth, and the blood race would never let go of such a good opportunity.

However, Lin Tiancheng's attitude is also very firm. He said that even if the blood Ning Qiutian appeared, he still had the capital to compete.

After all, Ning Qiutian's daughter is in his hands.

The dean was lost in thought.

He knew that when Lin Tiancheng opened this heavenly box, he should have a great connection with that ruin, so it was natural to bring him.

"Let's do it! You can go, I will protect you secretly on the road, and then I will take you into the ruins together."

Lin Tiancheng nodded, and carefully picked the small tree nearly one meter high from the black soil.

The tree of life has matured, and the power of life it now contains is very strong.

The sparse leaves, each glowing green, look full of life.

But the trunk is extremely thick, the root system is even more developed, and the roots are intertwined.

The dean's eyes were a little bright, staring straight at the tree of life in Lin Tiancheng's hand.

"This, this is the legendary tree of life?" The dean was also the first time to see this kind of sacred tree, and couldn't help but inhale the fragrance that filled the air.

Suddenly, the whole person felt refreshed, as if his strength had improved a little.

"Yes, five days are just right!"

The dean shook his head, "Tiancheng, the tree of life is so precious. To rebuild the foundation of Shangguan Yanyu, it won't take so much life force. I think you can leave this tree of life and do something else. He uses it!"

"Otherwise?" Lin Tiancheng asked puzzledly.

"Yes, this time Mother-in-law came to Zhongdu Academy, which is actually equivalent to declaring war. In other words, we will fight the blood race in a short time! But this tree of life containing the power of life can The power of suppressing the blood of the blood people will bring you great benefits."

Lin Tiancheng shook his head helplessly, "Tiancheng has indeed considered what the dean said.

However, the suppression of the power of blood by the life force is not long, I am afraid..."

The life force is for the blood people with the stronger bloodline, the shorter the suppression time.

Lin Tiancheng will definitely deal with the elite of the blood race, so he will have such concerns.

The dean shook his head, "I also thought of you. I can ask Shangguan Yanyu and her two sisters to help you. Come with me."

Although the Dean's strength is strong, he cannot follow Lin Tiancheng all the time, he must do everything possible to ensure that Lin Tiancheng will not have an accident.

With doubts, Lin Tiancheng followed the dean to the courtyard where Shangguan Yanyu was.

Shangguan Yanyan was sitting on the edge of the bed looking after her awake sister.

All kinds of spiritual materials are filled in this small room.

This is the medicinal materials sent by the younger brothers who are pursuing Shangguan Yanyu, hoping to help Shangguan Yanyu's injury.

It was not until the dean walked in front of Shangguan Yanyan that Shangguan Yanyan recovered and quickly got up and owed her body to the dean.

Her eye sockets were a little moist, and her eyes were bloodshot.

It seems that this girl should be very worried that her sister will never wake up again.

Lin Tiancheng said to Shangguan Yanyan with some guilt, "Yanyan, don't worry, I have found the tree of life. I believe the dean will help your sister rebuild the foundation soon, and your sister will wake up soon. ."

"Really?" Shangguan Yanyan's eyes lit up.

She couldn't believe that Lin Tiancheng could actually find the tree of life.

You must know that this kind of legendary sacred tree will only appear in the territory near the Mu people in the Western Region.

The Mu people have guarded these sacred trees for generations, but when the Mu's territory was breached, the tree of life was also completely destroyed.

In fact, it's hard to see such trees in this cultivation world.

"You stand back, so as not to be hurt by this powerful energy fluctuation!"

The dean took out the tree of life that Lin Tian had sold to him and placed it on Shangguan Yanyu’s chest. At the same time, he injected the powerful steam power in his body into the tree of life, preparing to guide the life force into Shangguan Yan. In the pubic area of ​​jade.


With a harsh sound of wind, Lin Tiancheng could clearly see waves of green ripples surging from the tree of life.

Shangguan Yanyu's body became crystal clear in an instant, and every vein under his skin was full of vitality, which looked like a willow tree with branches and leaves scattered in spring.

Seeing that Shangguan Yan Yu was about to wake up, the dean called Lin Tiancheng aside.

"Tiancheng, their Mu people have a sample spirit jade bottle specially used to carry life force, you can borrow it for use.

At that time, you don't have to worry about the time for the force of life to restrain the force of blood is too short! "

The dean is also thinking of Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng's current strength is still in the early days of the Golden Core period, but the battle with the blood race is about to come, and he should prepare as soon as possible.

Zhongdu College needs talented tutors like Lin Tiancheng to train more outstanding students for it.

Lin Tiancheng's face was bitter.

He was not kind to these two sisters. After all, without Lin Tiancheng's arrow, he would not have caused so many demon moths.

In this situation, how could they lend themselves to family sacred artifacts, this is really difficult for them.


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