Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1670: Turn your elbow out

"Sister, elder sister, you finally woke up..." Shangguan Yanyan's expression was particularly excited, and she hugged her sister tightly.

Shangguan Yanyu had sat up straight, she patted Shangguan Yanyan on the back, "Silly girl, how can I die so easily... Don't worry, I'm fine."

Lin Tiancheng looked at Shangguan Yan Yu apologetically, "You are awake!"

Shangguan Yan Yu snorted coldly, and scratched Lin Tiancheng and said, "What are you still doing here, don't think you use the soul-raising wood to save my sister, I will forgive you!"

"Sister, how can you say that? If Tiancheng hadn't found the tree of life, I'm afraid..."

The dean coughed a few times, "Yan Yu, Tiancheng didn't intentionally hurt your sister, so stop resenting him."

Shangguan Yan Yu found out that the dean was also here, and quickly got up to salute the dean.

The dean waved his hand, "No, you two sisters are safe and sound, so I can rest assured."

At the beginning, the elder of the Mu tribe transferred the two sisters to the dean. The dean certainly didn't want the two sisters to have trouble.

"Yanyan, did you just mean the tree of life?" Shangguan Yanyu looked at his sister in a puzzled manner.

What a sacred thing the tree of life is, since the Mu clan was breached, the sacred tree has also been completely destroyed.

Lin Tiancheng took a step forward and put the tree of life in Shangguan Yanyu's hands, "It is it. If it weren't for me, your two sisters would not be hurt. Just treat it as my apologetic, and you don't have to be with me. polite."

The expressions of Shangguan Yanyu's two sisters were slightly taken aback.

This couldn't help but make Shangguan Yan Yu start to doubt the origin of Lin Tiancheng.

Last time, Lin Tian became the younger sister who saved him, and even directly took out one of the three sacred trees.

This time, in order to save himself, he actually took out the tree of life, and even planned to give it to himself.

The only possibility that Shangguan Yan Yu thought of was that Lin Tiancheng came from a legendary family, otherwise, which force would dare to give away such a precious treasure.

The dean's brows frowned involuntarily.

This tree of life could have been a great weapon for Lin Tiancheng to deal with the blood race, but Lin Tiancheng gave it away like this, even the dean felt sorry for him.

Shangguan Yan Yu snatched the Tree of Life from Lin Tiancheng's hands, and gave him a cold look, "Who would be polite to you? That's right, if it wasn't for you, neither would my sisters If you get injured, just treat it as compensation!"

Shangguan Yanyan leaned to Shangguan Yanyu's ear and whispered, "Sister, have you forgotten that our Mu clan was hunted down by other forces because of the Tree of Life?"

Shangguan Yanyu's expression became depressed. She watched the Mu people being killed by other forces, how could she not know the reason.

In the Western Regions, several major forces near the Mu tribe focused on the tree of life of the Mu tribe, and they united to attack the Mu tribe.

The tree of life is so precious, like the soul-raising tree, if it stays on their two sisters, it might cause catastrophe.

The elders of the Mu clan sent them here to give them peace of mind to practice.

Shangguan Yanyan snatched the tree of life from her sister and returned it to Lin Tiancheng, "Tiancheng, thank you for your kindness. We sisters are not blessed to suffer such holy things. Besides, this matter is just An accident, I never blamed you!"

Lin Tiancheng's heart couldn't help but warm, Shangguan Yanyan is really kind, and her sister is two extremes.

The dean gave Lin Tiancheng a look and motioned him to ask the two sisters about Yujing Bottle.

But Lin Tiancheng really didn't think it was necessary. As long as he had sufficient power, his strength could still be improved quickly.

I believe that at the moment when the battle with the blood race comes, Lin Tiancheng's strength may have reached the realm of the early Mahayana period.

But the dean didn't think so. Lin Tiancheng had to live well in order to train him more geniuses with all attributes.

Frowning, the dean said to the two sisters inexplicably, "Yan Yu, Yanyan, how do you think the dean treats you on weekdays?"

Lin Tiancheng can only be regarded as a balance between merits and demerits for the two sisters.

The dean wants to rely on his own relationship to play an emotional card with the two sisters.

Shangguan Yanyan nodded, with a few smiles on her face, "Very good! If the dean had not taken us in, we would be really homeless."

In fact, Lin Tiancheng already knew the life experience of their two sisters, Shangguan Yanyan no longer concealed it.

Shangguan Yan Yu hurriedly got up and arched his hands towards the dean. "President, it doesn't matter if you have anything to say. Our two sisters will definitely do our best."

Shangguan Yan Yu seemed to see at a glance that the dean had requested them, but this made it difficult for the dean to speak.

The dean stretched out his hand to help him up, "It's nothing serious. I must have heard of the grievances between Lin Tiancheng and the blood clan..."

The dean told the two sisters some of his thoughts and Lin Tiancheng's current situation.

Lin Tiancheng didn't know what to say for a while.

It would be better if you could get Yujing bottles from the Mu clan.

If not, Lin Tiancheng can also use the farmer to plant a variety of heaven and earth spiritual materials to improve his strength.

Shangguan Yan Yu didn't expect that he would be placed by the dean.

If the dean wanted to help Lin Tiancheng from the beginning, then she would never say the sentence just now.

"Dean, this, I'm afraid..."

Shangguan Yanyan directly took out their wood clan's high-grade spiritual tool Yujing bottle from the space ring and put it into Lin Tiancheng's hand.

"Take it! We won't use this baby for now!"

Shangguan Yan Yu gave his sister a hard look.

Shangguan Yan Yu was still blocking Lin Tiancheng's anger, so naturally he didn't want to give this jade bottle to him so easily.

The dean smiled awkwardly, "If this is the case, then you are ready for the autumn hunting trial in three days!"

After saying this, the dean left happily.

When Lin Tiancheng was about to turn around and leave, Shangguan Yan Yu clasped Lin Tianquan's wrist.

"Lin Tiancheng, it's not impossible to lend you this jade clean bottle. But you have to exchange something for it!"


Shangguan Yan Yu guessed that Lin Tiancheng must have come to be proud of his family, and he was most likely to be a legend and influence.

The strength of her and her sister has been slow to improve since this period of time.

"Yes, this thing can't be borrowed for nothing, you have to get two spirit-gathering pills in exchange!"

Shangguan Yanyan hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed his sister, "Sister, isn't it difficult for you to be strong? Tiancheng, don't listen to her, let's go!"

Although the Gathering Pill is not as precious as the Tree of Life and the Tree of Soul Cultivation, it takes a lot of spirit stones to exchange it.

At the beginning, the blood mother almost spent 200 spiritual stones for a spiritual gathering pill.

What's more, Shangguan Yan Yu unexpectedly opened his mouth and asked Lin Tiancheng for two spirit gathering pills.

In addition, Lin Tiancheng borrowed the Yujing bottle and didn't return it.

Shangguan Yan Yu turned his head and cast a blank look at his younger sister, "How can you turn your elbow away, you dead girl? Isn't this also for the cultivation of our two sisters?"

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "No problem, but I won't be able to give it to you until the autumn hunting trial comes back!"


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