Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1671: Demon Wolf Mercenary Group

Although Lin Tiancheng didn't necessarily need this jade purifying bottle, he didn't want to brush off the kindness of the dean and Shangguan Yanyan.

The expressions of Shangguan Yanyu and Shangguan Yanyan were a bit stunned, but they were two whole Gathering Pills.

Even some of the top silver rank forces can't easily say that they are given away.

Shangguan Yan Yu looked at Lin Tiancheng with a strange expression, "To be honest, are you from a legendary family?"

"No comment!" Lin Tiancheng took a word, turned and left.

The **** mother-in-law returned to the land of Baiyue only to find that the second lady had escaped.

"The disciple is incompetent, I didn't take good care of the young lady..." The four disciples who were in charge of guarding Ning Rong quickly knelt down in front of the blood mother.

It turned out that Ning Rong fainted the maid who was taking care of her and shoved it directly onto the bed.

And he left the blood family quietly disguised as a maid.

"Trash, the four big living people can't even look down on the young lady. I dragged it out and cut it!" The blood mother waved to the disciples behind her.

The blood mother-in-law had just returned from Zhongdu Academy, but she was unhappy in her heart for failing to bring back the eldest lady.

Now I heard that the second lady ran away, and didn't know how to face the patriarch.

At this moment, a disciple of the blood race rushed in, "Report..."

Mother-in-law gave him a cold look, "Say!"

"The disciple got news that Zhongdu Academy will hold an autumn hunting trial in three days!"

"That said, Lin Tiancheng and the second lady are likely to appear in the realm of confusion!" Thinking of this, the blood mother's expression finally eased a lot.

As for the eldest lady, we can only wait until the patriarch returns.

By that time, both Zhuge Xun and Hao Haidong would die.

Soon, three days passed, and the month-long autumn hunting trial officially began.

According to the arrangement of the academy, Lin Tiancheng joined the trial as a disciple of the academy.

After all, he has never entered the domain of confusion, and his experience against spirit beasts is still inadequate. The dean is also for the safety of him and other disciples.

Fang Ziru is responsible for leading Lin Tiancheng, Zhang Qiuyue, Su Lan, Rong Rong...

Zhao Wei brings Yun Mengyao, Liu Jie, Xu Sisi...

Elder Peng led Ji Linxuan, Ji Linfei, Shangguan Yanyan, and Shangguan Yanyu.

The tutor of Wu Hua formation law system and the elder of Xuan Tianzong, responsible for leading Ye Qingyun, Bai Xiaoxiao...

What needs to be mentioned here is that after Ye Qingyun agreed to help Bai Xiaoxiao improve her strength, Bai Xiaoxiao asked the dean to help her transfer to the formation system.

The dean saw that she had a battle with Hao Haidong a year later, so he agreed to her request.

As for Ye Qingyun, he was not a new student, but he persuaded Teacher Wu Hua for various reasons.

Only then is he qualified to join this trial, his purpose is very clear, waiting for an opportunity to kill Lin Tiancheng in the realm of confusion.

In addition to these teams, there are some mentors and disciples from other departments.

According to the usual rules, the instructor of the Zhongdu Academy will take the freshmen disciples to the entrance of the outer ring area of ​​the domain of confusion.

After entering the domain of confusion, the instructor will not follow the disciple. This is a challenge for the disciple, and it is also a rare experience.

In the end, the instructor responsible for leading them will wait for them at a designated location in the Central area and take them out of the realm of confusion.

Since then, the one-month autumn hunting trial has officially ended.

Sitting on the purple-gold butterfly against the scorching sun, half an hour later, Lin Tiancheng and others finally arrived at the outer ring entrance of the Misty Realm.

From a high altitude, looking from a distance, the entire field of confusion is like an endless primitive forest.

There are towering trees that are tens of meters or even hundreds of meters high. The dense thorn bushes cover the undulating mountains. Once the cultivator gets caught in it, it is easy to get lost.



From time to time, there are various weird and ear-piercing roars of spirit beasts coming from the depths of the mountains, which makes people timid.

Lin Tiancheng had long heard of the terrible name of this Blurred Realm, and people with little experience really didn't dare to break into it rashly.

Before Fang Ziru left Lin Tiancheng and the others, he sent each of them a map, which was their path in the mountains.

Once lost, it is very likely that you will get lost in the depths of the blurred realm, and you will never be able to get out of it.

What Zhongdu Academy did was a baptism on their cultivation path.

Because they will face all this eventually, and the disciples of Zhongdu Academy are not flowers in the greenhouse, they should have faced all this.

The dean hasn't appeared for a long time, Lin Tiancheng guessed that he should only appear before the end of the autumn hunting trial.

To find the relic, Lin Tiancheng and Zhang Qiuyue must complete the task as soon as possible, so that they have more time to find the relic.

As soon as he entered the realm of confusion, Lin Tiancheng saw that Ye Qingyun and Bai Xiaoxiao had left like themselves.

They talked and laughed, even cuddling, as if they didn't put this trial in their eyes at all.

"Lin Tiancheng, looking at your own woman in the arms of others, don't know how you feel?" Ye Qingyun's eyes were sneered.

Lin Tiancheng felt inexplicable and directly bypassed the two of them, taking Su Lan, Zhang Qiuyue, Rong Rong and others to prepare to follow the direction indicated by the map.

Ye Qingyun gritted her teeth, her eyes full of anger.

He didn't know what step he was missing, why Lin Tiancheng was so "magnanimous" when he saw his woman being held by others.

Bai Xiaoxiao yelled at Lin Tiancheng's figure, "Lin Tiancheng, one day you will regret what you did."

Bai Xiaoxiao was also very angry. She hated Lin Tiancheng for being unwilling to help her improve her strength anyway.

She hated Lin Tiancheng for being able to treat other women, but she was so indifferent to herself.

At this moment, a younger brother behind Ye Qingyun leaned forward and said with a smile, "Senior Brother Ye, I didn’t expect this guy to be so tolerant. If we want to give him a passionate drama, I don’t believe he can still Bear it!"

Ye Qingyun waved his hand, "No, I will make this guy look good then."

Now, Ye Qingyun's strength has been greatly improved by practicing the forbidden technique stolen from Xuantianzong forbidden land.

And he vaguely felt that this forbidden technique really hides a more powerful force, as long as he can fully understand it, defeating Lin Tiancheng will not be a problem.

He couldn't swallow this breath anyway, he must let Lin Tiancheng kneel down in front of him and beg for mercy before he could give up.

There is also a very important point, to prove to his Lao Tzu that Lin Tiancheng is not a disciple of any kind at all, but he is a defeated opponent of Ye Qingyun.

After walking for a long time, Lin Tiancheng and others did not find any spirit beasts, as if the place had been cleaned up.

"Tiancheng, look, there is someone in front!" Su Lan said in surprise, pointing to the front.

Following the direction Su Lan pointed out, there was indeed a fat man who was wide and fat, probably nearly 200 kilograms, walking towards him staggeringly.

He was wearing a short armor, showing his chubby belly, holding a large jar of wine in his left hand, and a pair of meteor hammers on his right shoulder.

Many cultivators in the Misty Domain know that there are three demon wolf mercenaries.

This person is Thor, the third leader of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Corps, and the Taiyi Meteor Hammer straddling his shoulders, a super powerful middle-grade spirit weapon.

Normally fat people don't look very fierce. Lin Tiancheng tentatively moved forward and arched his hand towards Na Thor. "Senior, why are all the spirit beasts in the nearby mountains gone?"

Thor gave a long burp, shook his red and round head, and blinked his eyes, "Uh!"

He sat down on a flat rock next to him, and started pouring his mouthfuls again.


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