Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1673: The power of the middle grade spirit weapon

Thor's meteor hammer is more like an agile viper, constantly looking for Lin Tiancheng's flaws, always wanting to pierce its fangs into Lin Tiancheng's body.

Lin Tiancheng clenched the Tai'a sword with both hands, like an arrow from the string, piercing the wine jar on Thor's chest at a very fast speed.

A smile flashed across Saul's mouth, because he was already prepared and didn't worry that Lin Tiancheng would ruin his wine jar.

Not only that, he had already made absolute preparations, ready to make a move that would end Lin Tiancheng's life.

Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan couldn't wait. They were worried that Lin Tiancheng would have an accident, so they pulled out the long swords from their waists and prepared to join the battle.

Of course, Rongrong didn't want to be seen by others, so she had no choice but to draw out the long sword.

But soon, the smile on Sol's mouth froze.

He was fooled!

He was actually fooled by a little boy.

His thick arm was actually pierced by Lin Tiancheng.

"Ah..." Thor yelled in pain, his eyes full of anger.

At the same time, the wine jar held in front of his chest also fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

He almost used the strength of his whole body, picked up the Taiyi Meteor Hammer in his hand, and smashed it towards Lin Tiancheng's chest.

However, Lin Tiancheng had already withdrawn his body and escaped a blow perfectly.

"Boy, how dare you play with me!" Saul held the **** wound on his left arm with his right hand, staring at Lin Tiancheng with cracking eyes.

Saul knew that he was put on by Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng's attack target this time was not the wine jar in his hand at all, but his arm.

If Sol hadn't dodged in time, I'm afraid his left hand had been chopped off by Lin Tiancheng, it would not be as simple as a penetrating injury.

It's all right now, Sol didn't keep the wine jar that he had destined for, and left a penetrating wound with the width of his index finger on his left arm.

Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hand to stop Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan who were ready to come to help, "No, if I guess it's correct, this guy's strength is only in the middle of the Golden Core!"

Lin Tiancheng couldn't perceive Thor's true strength at the beginning, so he was naturally afraid.

Now, after testing out that Thor was only capable of the mid-Jindan period, Lin Tiancheng was not afraid.

Sol tore off a long strip of cloth from his clothes and tightly bandaged the wound. "Boy, you dare to slap my wine jar. Today, you are making Grandpa Suo troublesome! You guys! Don't even think about leaving."

Having figured out Thor's strength, Lin Tiancheng planned to kill Thor of this magic wolf mercenary group without stopping.

Otherwise, this guy will definitely let his two eldest brothers come to avenge him, then the trouble will be big.


The Taiyi Meteor Hammer in Thor's hand began to rotate rapidly again, and saw a huge poisonous snake entwined on it.

After the wine jar was smashed, Salton became full of fighting spirit, and the infuriating power escaping from his body seemed to become much stronger.

"Boy, Grandpa Suo will show you the power of this middle-grade spiritual weapon of mine!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Tiancheng's mouth, "It seems that the food for the brave beast is gone again."

A black shadow opened its mouth in the blood basin, and came towards Lin Tiancheng overwhelmingly, seeming to want to swallow it in one bite.

At this time, the Spirit Gathering Fruit in the Farmer's application has matured.

It takes a certain amount of time to advance to the level, and Lin Tiancheng does not intend to swallow the Spirit Gathering Fruit now.

Saul saw that Lin Tiancheng was not worried but happy, and thought he was frightened by his Taiyi Meteor.

"Boy, you broke my wine jar. Now even if you kneel down to me, I won't take you lightly!"

"Really?" Lin Tiancheng smiled.

He raised the Tai'a sword in his hand, and while pouring the true Qi power into his body, the golden sword body was actually shining with a dazzling lightning python.

At the moment when the spirit of Taiyi Meteor Hammer completely swallowed Lin Tiancheng's mouth, above the clouds, a thunder nearly ten meters wide crashed on the spirit of Lin Tiancheng.

In just a blink of an eye, the black energy that covered the sky and sun by the Meteor Hammer Spirit disappeared, and the breath became extremely weak.

Another dazzling thunderbolt blasted down, and Sol's proud Taiyi meteor hammer broke directly into powder.

At the same time, Thor was directly injured by the powerful thunder force, with a trace of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth.

It seemed that Pi Xiu hadn't completely digested the soul of a spirit beast, so Lin Tiancheng had to take the spirit beast spirit of Meteor Hammer back to the recycling bin.

Thor's eyes widened, and he looked at the golden broad sword in Lin Tiancheng's hand in disbelief.

"This, how is this possible? My middle-grade spirit weapon is just gone."

Sol was able to establish prestige in the Misty Realm, in addition to relying on his two brothers, relying on this middle-grade spiritual weapon Taiyi Meteor Hammer.

Without this spirit weapon, Thor's strength will be greatly weakened.

In addition, he was shocked by the power of thunder just now, and he realized that he might be difficult to deal with Lin Tiancheng.

"Boy, isn't this your holy weapon? No, it should be a high-grade spiritual weapon!" Sol's eyes greedily stared at the golden broadsword in Lin Tiancheng's hand.

There are four levels of magical tools in the realm of cultivation: spiritual tools, sacred tools, divine tools, and fairy tools. Each level is divided into high-grade, medium-grade, and low-grade.

Thor has yet to see a real sacred weapon, so he guessed that the sword in Lin Tiancheng's hand is most likely a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Lin Tiancheng took Tai Ajian back into his recycling bin and said coldly to Sol, "No comment!"

"Tiancheng, kill this bastard." Zhang Qiuyue's eyes staring at Saul were full of chill.

In order to avoid future troubles, Lin Tiancheng really had a murderous intention on Saul.

But at this moment, there was a noisy bird sound from the jungle not far away, and it was obvious that someone was approaching here quickly.

"It's too late, we have to go quickly."

Lin Tiancheng turned around and took Zhang Qiuyue, Su Lan and Rongrong left here quickly.

Saul realized that he was no longer Lin Tiancheng's opponent, and naturally did not hinder them anymore.

Looking at the three graceful backs, Saul couldn't help but lick his lips, "A high-grade spiritual weapon, three beautiful girls, I'm going to make it."

Lin Tiancheng was the first person who dared to jeopardize his wine bottle. Of course Saul would not let Lin Tiancheng go.

Moreover, which girl he fancy can escape the palm of his hand?

Then, he blew a whistle behind him.

Several men with wolf heads on their shoulders suddenly appeared and knelt down in front of Thor.

"Three regiment leaders, we are late!"

"Three leaders, this is your wine!"

Seeing the wine jar in the hands of the disciple, Sol couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and quickly took it over and poured a few shots of strong wine.

After he was completely addicted to alcohol, he said to the disciples who were kneeling on the ground, "You, the four of you will follow them secretly. If you lose any of them, I will only ask you!"

"Yes!" The four disciples of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Corps clasped their fists and nodded, and they soon hid themselves in the dense forest.

The disciple in charge of holding the wine jar said to Saul, "The third regiment commander, I just flew all the way and found many disciples of the bloodthirsty mercenary group, and I also saw Mu Yu's stinky girl"

When he heard the words "Mu Yu", Sol's eyes suddenly lit up.

Had it not been for the strength of Mu Shan, the leader of the bloodthirsty mercenary group, Thor would have already "hehehe"...

That's not right, Saul is not Mu Yu's opponent, so naturally there is no way to conquer her.

When he thought of this, Saul's eyes were a little dim, and he poured a few sips of spirits in boredom.

The disciple seemed to see the concerns of the third regiment leader, so he said with a wicked smile, "third regiment commander, isn't our second regiment leader nearby? We can ask him for help!"

Saul slapped him on the back of the forehead, "Yes, I just want my second brother to help me deal with the kid just now, go, and lead the way!"

Sol hugged his wine jar and followed the little brother out of here.


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