Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1674: Seven evil magic tiger

After confirming that Saul hadn't followed, Su Lan stopped and asked Lin Tiancheng concerned, "Tiancheng, were you injured just now?"

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "We have to go deep as soon as possible. I guess all those guys won't let us go so easily!"

Shang Lin Tiancheng ruined his middle-grade spirit weapon again, and seriously injured his left arm. I am afraid that it will not be long before he will rush over with the people of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group.

"Well, Tiancheng is right! Since Sol will appear here, it means that the surrounding area has been cleaned up by the people of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group. We can only go to deeper places to hunt." Zhang Qiuyue Yongchang The sword split open the thorns in front of everyone to clear the way.

In the mountains and forests not far away, I don't know if it was because the cultivator was a predator or a wild beast.

Then came a breathtaking tiger roar.

"Is it a member of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group?" Su Lan's expression immediately became serious.

"Look, there is a blood stain here!" After Zhang Qiuyue split a thorn, she found a trace of someone passing.

"Bloodstain..." Lin Tiancheng leaned down and checked the direction of this bloodstain.

However, he soon discovered something more terrifying.

"This is the blood of the blood race people, and it is also the blood of a certain elite of the blood race!"

Through dealing with the blood people for a long time, Lin Tiancheng can easily distinguish the blood of the blood people with the power of blood.

The blood on the ground is diffused with powerful bloodline power, and it is very rich. Obviously only the elite of the blood clan, the strong can have such strong bloodline power.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but glanced at Rong Rong, her expression was extremely calm, not pretending.

Lin Tiancheng guessed that she probably didn't know who Ning Qiutian sent.

"It seems that we are in greater danger. This wounded man of the blood race must have come for Tiancheng." Zhang Qiuyue analyzed.

"Ah, what should I do?" Su Lan's expression was obviously a little worried.

Compared with the demon wolf mercenary group, the blood clan will be more dangerous for Lin Tiancheng.

In the gap between several people's communication, danger came quietly.

"Boom bang bang..."

The earth began to tremble violently, and the towering trees in front of them fell down in rows, and it seemed that the wild and wild beasts of unusually large size were approaching quickly.

Everyone soon realized that they were standing on the path of the wild beast chasing the blood people.

"Listen to me, we are divided into two groups. I will take Junior Rongrong all the way, Qiuyue you and Su Lan all the way, we will meet at the next location!"

Before he could explain, Lin Tiancheng grabbed Rongrong's wrist and ran in the opposite direction.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng and Rong Rong going away, Su Lan's expression was a little lost.

"Hurry up! Otherwise, it's too late!" Zhang Qiuyue urged quickly.

Right now, even if a few of them can work together to deal with this wild beast, but the blood people are nearby, of course they can't do that.

As for Lin Tiancheng, he was too late to talk to Su Lan, Zhang Qiuyue explained.

Rongrong is an undercover agent arranged by Ning Choutian. Lin Tiancheng takes her and he has a lot of personality and weight. After all, he is Ning Choutian's daughter.

In addition, Rong Rong still has a small amount of electricity that Lin Tiancheng needs, so she is naturally the most suitable candidate.

The disciples of the Demon Wolf mercenary group that Thor sent to follow Lin Tiancheng saw Lin Tiancheng and the others, they were divided into two teams, and they were still confused at the time.

However, when they noticed that the surrounding light became dim, a powerful breath approached, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Only then did they realize that the danger had arrived.

"Seven, seven, seven evil magic tiger...Ah!"

"Ah...Run away..."

After just two shouts, only the roar of Qisha Huanqihu left here.

This is a seven evil magic tiger at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and its strength is close to the initial stage of the Mahayana stage, and it seems that it is possible to break through at any time.

Its roar sounded obviously a bit sad.

In its left abdomen, it seemed to have been pierced by some sharp weapon, and blood bulged out.

Qisha Magical Heavy Tiger's eye sockets were red, and its towering tree-like sturdy tiger claws directly trampled several corpses on the ground into blood foam, and then continued to chase in the direction where the blood race people fled.

Obviously the kinsman seriously injured it, and it was going to kill the kinsman.

Before Lin Tiancheng and the others ran away, they heard heart-piercing shouts from where they had just left.

Lin Tiancheng guessed that he might be a disciple of the blood race, or a member of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group brought by Thor.

This could not help speeding up his pace.

What Lin Tiancheng needs to do most now is to find a safe place to subdue the mature spirit gathering fruit on the black soil of the farmer, and break through his strength as soon as possible.

Of course, if the last bit of power can be drawn from Rongrong's body, it would be better.

Soon, they came to the bottom of a protruding cliff, which could barely be used as a temporary shelter.

"Rongrong, my strength is about to break through, you help me look out for the wind!"

When Lin Tiancheng said that she was going to be promoted, Rongrong's eyes lighted a little, and she nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, Tiancheng, I will definitely not let anyone approach you."

When a cultivator is weakest, it is during his promotion period.

Because when he was promoted, he had to concentrate on controlling the true energy in his body to break through the last "pass".

If there is any discrepancy, it is possible to get confused and fail the promotion.

At this time, he must be unintentionally vigilant. Rong Rong only needs to seize the opportunity to kill Lin Tiancheng with one blow, and then her mission will be completed.

Although the blood master who assassinated Lin Tiancheng had already arrived in the realm of the blur, Rongrong could not wait.

The Miscellaneous Realm is extremely dangerous, and if you stay for one more day, you may die here.

What's more, Rong Rong's sister is still being held in Zhongdu Academy, Rong Rong must hurry back to rescue Ning Xin.

On the surface, Rongrong promised Lin Tiancheng to help him watch the wind, but in fact her eyes were erratic on Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng's consciousness entered the farmer's application, and he carefully picked the mature spirit gathering fruit from the black soil.

Exactly the same as the one given to the blood mother last time, this is also a seven-star spirit gathering fruit, and the powerful spiritual power it contains is not comparable to that of ordinary spirit gathering fruit.

Lin Tiancheng didn't hesitate to put it in his mouth, sitting with his legs crossed, like an old monk entering concentration.

At this moment, Rong Rong pulled out the dagger that had been hidden between her sleeves for a long time without blinking, and pierced Lin Tiancheng's chest directly.

"Go to hell, Lin Tiancheng."

Rongrong exerted all her strength, she waited too long for this day.

In order to be able to kill Lin Tiancheng, she even sacrificed her body.

And her sister has now been imprisoned in the jail of Zhongdu Academy.

Nowadays, a large number of people in Zhongdu Academy have come to the realm of confusion.

Rongrong believed that she would be able to rescue her sister easily.

Reminiscing about Ning Xin's "death as home" before she was detained, Rongrong's eyes couldn't help but moist.

"Sister, wait for me, I will come back to rescue you immediately!"

Suddenly, her wrist seemed to be contained by a vise, and she could not get close to Lin Tiancheng's chest by half an inch anyway.

Lin Tiancheng grabbed the black dagger in Rongrong's hand, slowly stood up, smiled, "Thank you for serving me so comfortably for so long, but I might still disappoint you!"


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