Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1676: Centipede

The expression on Ning Rong's face was slightly stiff, and she did not deny Lin Tiancheng's statement.

Judging from the bloodstain just left in the thorn bushes, Lin Tiancheng can be sure that he is definitely a strong blood clan with no low strength.

Although Lin Tiancheng had broken through to the mid-Gold Core Stage realm with the help of the Seven-Star Gathering Fruit, he was not sure whether he could defeat the opponent.

In the time when Lin Tiancheng was thinking, danger came quietly.

A strong smell of blood came over.

Lin Tiancheng raised his head fiercely, and saw a behemoth nearly seven meters high suddenly appeared in front of him.

This is a centipede with a huge body, which looks like an ancient giant python nearly 100 meters long.

Under the body that obscures the sky are the two dense rows of centipede feet, each of which is as thick as a human arm.

Two rows of centipede feet are moving rapidly, seemingly huge, but extremely fast.

Lin Tiancheng caught Ning Rong and flew backwards at a faster speed.

After pulling the distance away, Lin Tiancheng discovered that a woman in a purple short skirt was standing above the head of the centipede.

This female phoenix eyes cherry lips, slender waist and hips, slender legs and slender legs, above the purple skirt, is a tight black armor, which perfectly outlines the thrilling curve.


At this moment, an eagle's cry that pierced the sky echoed across the forest.

I saw a black eagle with an unusually large size falling on the woman's shoulder.

Lin Tiancheng knew at a glance that it was his sea holly.

"Miaojiang woman, how could she be? Is she also from the blood race?"

Not long ago, Ning Qiutian led the blood disciples to besiege the five major alliances. It was at that time that Lin Tiancheng met this Miaojiang woman and Hai Dongqing.

This woman used Gu insects to control thousands of disciples in the Five Major Leagues, and Elder Guo De was also quite victimized.

There is a big doubt here. If she is a member of the Bai Clan in Jianchuan, Miaojiang, why does the bloodstain she just left contain powerful bloodlines?

Ning Rong seemed to have intensive phobia, glanced at the densely packed feet of the Centipede, and quickly stepped back.

This Miaojiang woman is the chief disciple of the witch, named Jiang Suxi, who possesses the strength of the peak of the Golden Core Period.

Two days ago, Ning Qiutian personally came forward to invite the witches out of the mountain by the Bai people in Jianchuan, Miaojiang.

The witch's retreat was not over yet, so she asked her chief disciple Jiang Suxi to help the blood on her own behalf.

As a bargain, Ning Qiutian completely surrendered the blood evil technique of the blood clan's supreme art.

Before that, he and the witch had traded several times.

Ning Qiutian believed that there was no blood power in the blood of the Bai people in Miaojiang Jianchuan, and even if they gave them this complete blood evil technique, they would not be able to do much.

He brought back a disciple of a witch child, and Ning Qiutian felt that she was perfunctory.

But he knew that he was not the opponent of the witch, so he could only take the dumb loss and return to the blood clan with Jiang Suxi.

However, the witch child agreed to Ning Choutian, and when she leaves the customs, she will help Ning Choutian deal with Zhuge Xun.

But when Ning Qiutian returned to the blood clan, he heard that his little daughter had fled the blood clan territory privately and returned to Lin Tiancheng's side, he was really worried.

So he immediately sent Jiang Suxi into the realm of confusion, killed Lin Tiancheng, brought Lin Tiancheng's head to see him, and of course brought his daughter back.

As for Ning Qiutian himself, he also planned to retreat for a while, because he felt that his strength was about to break through.

Therefore, he was prepared to break through to the mid-Mahayana realm in his strength, and then join forces with the witch to deal with Zhuge Xun and the five major alliances.

Jiang Suxi's stern face revealed a chill, and her red lips lightly opened, "Go, screw off that kid's head for me."

This Miao Jiang woman wanted Lin Tiancheng's life when she came up. She looked glamorous, but she was actually a snake-hearted, and Lin Tiancheng didn't dare to slacken her efforts.

He immediately pulled out Tai'ajian from the recycling bin.

Lin Tiancheng stared at the blood-stained sleeve on Jiang Suxi's left arm, "Hold on, before you do it, I really want to know a question, since you are a Bai ethnicity, why is there blood in your blood?"

Lin Tiancheng also roughly knows the high-level composition of the blood clan.

He wanted to figure out what the relationship between this Miaojiang woman and the blood race was.

If this Miaojiang woman is like Ning Rong flowing with the blood of the blood, then it is natural for her to work for the blood.

But if it is said that this Miaojiang woman is not from the blood clan, it means that the blood clan and the Miao clan really colluded together.

This is bad news for Zhongdu College and the Big Five.

"Being nosy when you die!"

Jiang Suxi seemed unwilling to say a word of nonsense with Lin Tiancheng, directly driving her hundred-legged centipede to swept Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng knew that sooner or later he would have a battle with this Miaojiang woman, because this femme fatale took away the Hai Dongqing she had carefully cultivated.

From a distance, Hai Dongqing, standing on Jiang Suxi's shoulders, seemed to have grown bigger than before, and was filled with frightening hostility.

Lin Tiancheng guessed that after the femme fatale captured Hai Dongqing, she cultivated it into her own killer weapon.

This means that with the help of this femme woman, Hai Dongqing has already started the road to cultivation, and her strength is obviously not low.

The hundred-legged centipede crawled extremely fast, and Lin Tiancheng could barely get a certain distance from this behemoth only when he exerted the tactics of the Meteor Chapter in the Nine Revolutions to the Life Secret Art to the extreme.

At this moment, Jiang Suxi flew to Rongrong's side.

"You are Ning Qiutian's daughter!"

Rongrong stepped back subconsciously, and nodded after realizing that the other party was not hostile.

"Follow me!" Jiang Suxi grabbed Ning Rong's shoulder with one hand and flew directly onto Hai Dongqing's back in the air.

Rong Rong said to Jiang Suxi with a distressed face, "I, I was laid by that bastard!"

Jiang Suxi's expression was a little surprised, and he glanced at Lin Tiancheng fiercely, "Sure enough, men are not good things!"

She shouted at the centipede who was fighting Lin Tiancheng, "Keep this kid alive and force him to hand over the antidote to the heart-biting pill!"

Hundred-legged centipede actually vomited, raised half of its body high, and looked at Lin Tiancheng condescendingly, "Boy, you are not my opponent, hurry up and grab it!"

Lin Tiancheng possesses a high-grade spiritual weapon, Tai'a sword, and dual-attribute profound-level techniques of ice and fire. Even if the opponent is a fierce spirit beast, Lin Tiancheng cannot be at a disadvantage.

However, what Lin Tiancheng was worried about was Jiang Suxi. If the femme fatale and the centipede were to besiege him, it would be troublesome.

At this moment, there was a yawn in the silent recycling bin.

Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while.

It was also time for this Pixiu beast to wake up. It opened its dim sleepy eyes, and began to search for food in Lin Tiancheng's recycling bin.

It happened to see the spirit beast soul in the Taiyi Meteor Hammer that Lin Tiancheng snatched from Thor, his eyes straightened, and he rushed directly.

However, Lin Tiancheng used his consciousness to forcibly pull the guy who sleeps apart from eating out of the recycling bin.

After leaving the recycling bin, the size of the Pixiu Beast began to expand rapidly, reaching a height of four or five meters in the blink of an eye, just as huge as an ancient mammoth.

"In the middle of the golden core period..." Lin Tiancheng couldn't help but be speechless.

From the last time the Pi Xiu Beast awakened to the present, its strength has broken through directly from the early stage of the Golden Core to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Although it was devouring the mid-Golden Core Blood Mist Flame Monkey Soul that Lin Tiancheng had come from Ouyang Jie, the speed of the increase was really shocking.


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