Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1677: Raised a grandpa

The Pixiu beast shook his body, and the bones and muscles all over his body crackled like thunder.

Jiang Suxi and Ning Rong cast their gazes on the Pixiu Beast, with a little surprise on their faces.

They seemed to see the uniqueness of this brave beast at a glance.

The centipede's body unconsciously lowered a few points, and looked at the brave beast in shock, "God, beast..."

Jiang Suxi could feel that the centipede was afraid, and said sharply, "What are you afraid of? You sucked its soul for me!"

"Enlighten Master, its blood has suppressed me."

Regardless of the huge size of this centipede, when it is reduced, it may only be the size of a thumb.

She is not only Jiang Suxi's spirit beast, but also the female worm that Jiang Suxi uses to control other Gu worms, so she directly calls it the female worm.

The blood of the ancient sacred beast was born with the blood of the sacred beast, and the bloodline suppression of the general spirit beast was equivalent to the existence of an emperor.

Although the strength of the centipede is comparable to that of the brave beast, the sense of awe from the blood will come spontaneously.

But who would have thought that Pi Xiu Beast had no intention of fighting, turned his head and wanted to return to Lin Tiancheng's recycling bin.

Lin Tiancheng really hates iron but not steel.

He used his true energy to directly adsorb the blood mist flame monkey soul in the recycling bin into his hands, "If you don't help me defeat it, I will destroy this soul now, and I will never find a soul to feed you again. "

Although the Pi Xiu Beast has great abilities, if it can't be used for himself, then Lin Tiancheng has raised a grandfather.

Lin Tiancheng realized that in the future, he might have to spend some thoughts on cultivating this brave beast, otherwise it will always look good and lazy.

And this time the autumn hunting trial can also be used as an exercise for the brave beast.

Pi Xiu Beast looked at Lin Tiancheng with extremely resentful eyes, "No, no, isn't it just a smelly centipede? You have to force me to do it."

Lin Tiancheng knew that Pi Xiu Beast was able to speak.

However, spirit beasts that are not divine beasts must break through their strength to the early stage of Jin Dan stage before they can speak truth, just like the centipede in front of Lin Tiancheng.

After realizing that Lin Tiancheng's spirit beast was a divine beast, Jiang Suxi whispered to the centipede, "Mother insect, kill the beast in front of you and absorb its soul, which will be of great help to your strength improvement."

Pi Xiu Beast felt that he was insulted, and aerosol sprayed from his huge nostrils, and his limbs as thick as a towering tree were gaining momentum, constantly making the sound of kicking.

Lin Tiancheng clenched the blood mist flame monkey soul in his hand with five fingers, threatening Paixiu beastly, "If you lose, I will destroy this soul, don't you shame me."

Under the encouragement of Lin Tiancheng, the already angry Pixiu beast's blood-red hair between the armor turned red like a burning flame.

The centipede quickly moved the centipede, and rushed towards the brave beast at an extremely fast speed.

"Be careful……"

Just when Lin Tiancheng thought that the centipede would entangle the Pixiu beast, the huge body of the Pixiu beast actually left only an afterimage in place.

In the next moment, with extremely arrogant force, he used his extremely tough bull head to hit the centipede's abdomen.

Seeing this, not only Lin Tiancheng, but Jiang Suxi also showed a very shocked look.

No one had imagined that the Pixiu beast, which was as large as a mammoth, had such a quick body.

This speed is definitely beyond the reach of a hundred-legged centipede of the same class.

It seems that the number of feet is not directly proportional to speed.


When Pixiu's bull head hit the centipede's abdomen relentlessly, the seemingly tough armor on the abdomen appeared dense cracks, and dark red blood oozes out.

A powerful energy surged away, and the surrounding bushes flew directly upside down under the impact of this powerful energy, and the tall towering trees also made the sound of hunting.

Soon the Pixiu beast got out of the attack range of the centipede, turned around, looked at Lin Tiancheng proudly, and repeatedly kicked its iron hoof, as if showing off to Lin Tiancheng.

The Centipede was also the first time it encountered such a strong opponent. Before it had time to check its injuries, it got into the ground and disappeared completely.

Jiang Suxi flew to the front of Lin Tiancheng, and stretched out the thin white jade hand to Lin Tiancheng, "Hand over the antidote, I might let Chief Ning spare your life!"

"The antidote is on my body. If you want it, you can take it by your ability." Lin Tiancheng tightened the Tai A Jian in his hand, staring at Jiang Suxi's cold and beautiful face with a little surprise.

The strength of this woman was definitely above Lin Tiancheng. When she was approaching, Lin Tiancheng felt an extremely powerful aura, and even had some difficulty breathing.

Jiang Suxi seemed to hate any man staring at her face, and pulled out a purple jade flute from her cuff in a thunderous manner, "Look again, I will goug your eyes!"

The jade flute in Jiang Suxi's hand looked ordinary, but when it pierced Lin Tiancheng's eyeballs, Lin Tiancheng actually saw a purple snake with sharp fangs.

At the same time, Lin Tiancheng's eyeballs shrank, and the Tai'a sword in his hand shook, directly slashing at the purple jade flute in front of him.


The purple jade flute and Tai'a sword collided with each other, making a crisp sound.

But Tai Ajian didn't leave any trace on the purple jade flute. Instead, the purple jade flute vibrated with a weird sound like a woman crying.

This is not an ordinary weapon strike, it is a contest of true energy.

Lin Tiancheng felt his arm numb from the shock for an instant, and he couldn't help but step back a few steps, cold sweat was already coming out of his back.

"So strong..."

Although Lin Tiancheng was stunned by Jiang Suxi, her eyes fell on the big golden broadsword in Lin Tiancheng's hand, "High-grade spiritual weapons, you have a lot of treasures for this kid..."

Lin Tiancheng was about to raise his head, but found that the soles of his feet were cold, as if something cold had touched him.

When he lowered his head, he realized that there were poisonous snakes all around him.

Two small cyan snakes have wrapped around his ankle, revealing those sharp fangs about to pierce Lin Tiancheng's leg.

"No wonder, it turns out that the sound of this flute can attract poison..." Lin Tiancheng picked up with a backhand and directly cut off the two small blue snakes on the ankles.

It was just a contest between moves, Lin Tiancheng spent a lot of zhenqi, and if he continued to delay, there would really be a dead end.

Moreover, this woman came from Miao, who was good at making all kinds of gu poisons, Lin Tiancheng didn't know much about her, so he didn't plan to fight it hard.

Standing above the sky, everything underneath the brave beast, finally, it found a trace of a centipede.

"Boom..." A wave of sand and rocks stirred up on the ground, and rows of towering trees fell.

A huge body is like an Optimus Prime stab at Pixiu Beast at a very fast speed.

The brave beast didn't even dodge at all, but instead rushed forward at a faster speed, relying on its extremely tough bull head to directly collide with the centipede.


The next moment, I saw Pi Xiu beast with the huge body of a centipede directly hitting the ground, and a huge pit nearly 20 meters wide was smashed out of the ground.


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