Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1679: Reunion

After narrowing the distance with Lin Tiancheng, Ning Rong's pain gradually improved.

The centipede shrank in the depths of the earth and did not dare to emerge, for fear of being hit by the brave beast again.

However, it told Jiang Suxi through contact with the owner, "Master, I have lost contact with the divine bird, and there is no way to control it anymore."

Jiang Suxi held the purple jade flute's right hand tightly, and happened to see her divine bird carrying Lin Tiancheng passing in front of her eyes.

The Pi Xiu Beast was very clever. It realized that he was not Jiang Suxi's opponent, and saw that his master had come, no longer had any greed, and went straight to Lin Tiancheng's recycling bin.

Lin Tiancheng was not stingy either, and directly threw the spirit of the **** flame monkey from Ouyang Jie to Pi Xiu Beast.

"Good job!"

"Xiaoqing, get out of here quickly, as fast as you can."

Looking back, Jiang Suxi was standing on the head of a centipede that was seven or eight meters high. She didn't chase after her, but she played the purple jade flute in her hand.

The jade flute's voice was really weird, echoing in the endless sea of ​​forest, like a woman crying.

Lin Tiancheng still underestimated Jiang Suxi too much. Just when he thought Jiang Suxi would not be chasing him again, a thin mosquito-like gu worm got directly into Costin's feathers.

"Chasing me, dare to steal my sacred bird, even if I hide in the inner ring area of ​​the domain of confusion, I will not let you go."

With that nymph-like gu worm, the centipede is far less speedy than Costin, but it can clearly perceive Costin's whereabouts.

What made Jiang Suxi very puzzled was how did Lin Tian become able to find the Gu worm in the body of the divine bird?

Recalling the last time when the blood races besieged the five major alliances, Lin Tiancheng had resolved her Gu worms, so that she did not play a big role in this battle.

She guessed that Lin Tiancheng might have some knowledge about Miaojiang Gu technique.

But even so, the **** bird shouldn't deny her master!

Jiang Suxi met the divine bird a year ago.

At that time, that is, in the outer ring area of ​​the Misplaced Realm, she used the mother worm to control the offspring to hunt down some weaker spirit beasts.

Jiang Suxi's centipede strength wants to be improved, not only by sucking the souls of other spirit beasts by itself, but also by sucking the souls of other spirit beasts to grow stronger, which can also have an effect on it.

Even this increase in strength comes faster.

On the same day, she released her own worms, which happened to be hunted down by Hai Dongqing hovering in the air.

This is a world of comprehension, and Costin at that time had no real energy power at all.

This actually attracted Jiang Suxi's attention. How did this ordinary sea Dongqing come to Zhongdu?

In this energetic capital, Jiang Suxi was also the first time he had seen Costin who had no real energy at all.

Things are precious!

Out of curiosity, Jiang Suxi captured this sea Dongqing and used Gu worms to help it improve its strength.

And named it "Xiaoqing" with the man she didn't want to mention.

Therefore, she didn't even know that Costin was possessed.

During the year of cultivating in the outer ring of the Misty Realm, Costin has made rapid progress.

Its cultivation path is unimpeded, without any stagnation, as long as it can absorb the souls of other spirit beasts, its strength will be improved.

Later, because of some things, the man who didn't want to talk about it left Jiang Suxi.

Jiang Suxi completely cut off everything he had with him, and even his personality became completely like a different person.

She even renamed Xiaoqing "Divine Bird" because its cultivation speed is beyond the reach.

At the next location agreed upon with Lin Tiancheng, Su Lan and Zhang Qiuyue were waiting here.

With a refreshing forest breeze, they smelled a pungent smell of alcohol.

"Qiuyue, where does the smell of wine come from this wilderness?" Su Lan looked around for a while, and asked a little puzzled.

Zhang Qiuyue's mind was obviously turning a bit faster, and she immediately grabbed Su Lan's wrist: "Come on, Sol must be chasing."

How can the smell of wine in this wilderness?

Zhang Qiuyue immediately thought of the plump belly of Thor.

Lin Tiancheng is not here, and with the strength of the two of them, it is probably difficult to deal with Sol.

Moreover, Sol caught up so quickly, he must have known that Lin Tiancheng was not here, or that he had brought a lot of people.

But before the two of them ran a few steps, a huge body suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Qiuyue.

She didn't have time to pull back and ran into it directly.

"Hey! You little girl, you didn't even look at the road when you walked, and broke my wine jar, I can't spare you!" Saul quickly pushed the wine jar to the side.

But Zhang Qiuyue happened to bump into Thor's chubby belly, and she bounced back.

Fortunately, Su Lan grabbed Zhang Qiuyue in time, and this did not make her fall to the ground.

Soon, six disciples of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group surrounded the two women.

Sol fiercely inhaled the fragrance left by Zhang Qiuyue, looking intoxicated.

Then he raised the wine jar and poured a few sips of strong alcohol into it, and burped deeply, "What a pair of handsome girls, I want to see where you can escape."

Sure enough, what kind of virtuous master will follow.

The disciples of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Corps who surrounded Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan stared at them with squint.

"Come on, catch them all for me, and when you get tired of Grandpa Suo's fun, everyone will try one by one."

Saul danglingly leaned against the towering tree aside.

Zhang Qiuyue hurriedly guarded Su Lan behind her, glaring at Thor, "Die fat man, you really don’t remember to eat or not. Our teammate is around here, and he will come back soon. Believe it or not, I will let him Break your wine jar."

Saul was really frightened by Zhang Qiuyue, and he tightly guarded the wine jar in front of his chest, and almost fell to the ground with this movement.

However, the disciple who was in charge of getting him the wine jar rushed to him in time and supported him.

I saw that disciple smiled and said to Saul, "The third regiment commander, do you think you are drunk again? That kid is not here at all, he is being chased and killed, and he cannot protect himself."

Sol seemed to be surprised by the words, and quickly shook his drunken head, "Oh, you stinky girl, I dare to scare you Grandpa Suo. It seems that Grandpa Suo has to train you!"

In fact, Zhang Qiuyue had already guessed that Thor seemed to have some strength, but he was hollowed out by the wine, and people became stupid.

If the disciple holding the wine jar does not show up, Zhang Qiuyue still has a way to fool Saul.

Su Lan clutched Zhang Qiuyue's corner tightly, cold sweat broke out on her palms, "Qiuyue, Tiancheng seems to be in danger."

From the mouth of the disciple just now, Su Lan learned that Lin Tiancheng was in danger and was being hunted down.

And she guessed that it was probably the strong man of the blood clan.

Zhang Qiuyue turned around to comfort Su Lan, "Did you not see that we were also in danger?"

The disciple holding the wine jar waved to the other disciples, "What are you doing stupidly? Get them quickly! Don't you want to be happy anymore?"


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