Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1680: infatuation

Lin Tiancheng had already arrived at the agreed place, and he had already seen everything that just happened.

But just when he was about to step forward to rescue Su Lan and Zhang Qiuyue, the whole forest set off a wave of demon winds.

A huge crane swooped down, and its nearly five-meter-wide wings once again set off a gust of wind, flying the six disciples surrounding Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan.

I saw a jade-faced man wearing white clothes and holding a green feather fan standing tall on top of the crane.

This man has a sharp face and a thin face. With the green feather fan in his hand, he gently waved it, giving people a kind of secular demeanor.

"Three regiment leaders, Bai, Bailiyan!" The disciple holding the wine jar quickly stepped back and looked at Bailiyan, with a look of fear on his face.

Hearing the words Bailiyan, Saul couldn't help but shivered, and quickly rubbed his hazy eyes.


Bailiyan flew to Su Lan and Zhang Qiuyue, politely owed them to them, "The two girls are all right!"

Zhang Qiuyue was still a little wary, but Su Lan smiled and said, "Thank you, son, for your help!"

The wine is strong!

Saul took a few sips of strong wine again and boldly walked towards Bailiyan, "Okay, Bailiyan, you want to ruin my good deeds again, don't deceive people too much!"

"Oh, isn't this the third commander of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group? We haven't seen each other for a long time?" Bai Liyan walked towards Saul with a smile on his face.

Thor quickly drew back and protected the wine jar behind him.

Obviously, Bailiyan has broken his wine jar.

"Huh! I heard that the vice president of your dark guild is seriously ill. It won't be long before your dark guild will no longer be arrogant."

Bai Liyan's face immediately became grim, "My elder brother is so good, you dare to slander him, it seems to be itchy!"

I saw that the blue feather fan in his hand was spinning rapidly, and it was split into a dozen sharp knives, and they flew past Saul.

Without the Taiyi Meteor Hammer, Thor was even more not Bailiyan's opponent, and he hurriedly wanted to withdraw his body.

But in an instant, a dozen sharp knives turned into a green feather fan hovered in front of Thor, and one of them pointed directly at the center of his eyebrows, making him unable to move.

The little brother standing next to Saul said in a little fear, "Three Commanders, we are not Bailiyan's opponents, or we should go first!"

Gu Zilong, the vice-chairman of the Dark Union, was seriously ill, and the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group could take the opportunity to swallow it.

At that time, Bailiyan would no longer be proud.

"Bai Li Yan, I'm never finished with you, you wait for me!"

Saul put down this sentence and tried to withdraw from the circle of sharp knife.

Before leaving, he even said with a fluke, "Hehe, this time I finally saved my wine jar. This **** Bailiyan, I won't be able to take care of you then."

"Kang Dang..."

Thor's wine jar made a crisp sound, and the sweet wine spilled all over the place.

As long as Saul met Bailiyan, his wine jar never escaped catastrophe, and both shattered into one place.

Saul's face was extremely flushed, staring at Bai Liyan in anger, but with a helpless look.

Lin Tiancheng saw all this in his eyes.

Although Sol is a wine bag and rice bag, he is after all the third leader of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group, and there are two older brothers on his head.

But he is obviously afraid of Bailiyan, which shows that Bailiyan's strength and origin are extremely difficult.

After confirming that Saul and others had left, Bai Liyan turned around and smiled at Zhang Qiuyue and said, "This lady does not need to be nervous, I just happened to be passing by and there is no hostility."

And Lin Tiancheng also walked over at this time.


Seeing that Lin Tiancheng was not injured, Su Lan's eye sockets were a little moist, and she ran all the way, holding Lin Tiancheng tightly.

After seeing Lin Tiancheng appear, Zhang Qiuyue took back the long sword in her hand and relaxed her guard a little.

"Little Qing..."

After seeing Hai Dongqing behind Lin Tiancheng, Bai Liyan flew over at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Tiancheng quickly reached out to stop him, worried that he would be disadvantageous to Costin.

But he also heard Bailiyan calling Costin "Xiaoqing", and he was a little surprised.

"This son, this Hai Dongqing is my spirit beast, could you have seen it before?"

After seeing Bailiyan, Costin jumped up happily, as if meeting old acquaintances.

"I've not only seen it, may I ask you..." Bai Liyan suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng lost contact with Costin for about a year.

During this year, Jiang Suxi helped Costin raise his strength to the early stage of the Golden Core period.

Various signs indicate that this Bailiyan may know Jiang Suxi.

Jiang Suxi is chasing herself, and if Bai Liyan really knew her, she might help her deal with herself.

Su Lan took Lin Tiancheng's arm and took the initiative to introduce to Bai Liyan, "This is our teammate, his name is Lin Tiancheng, and he is also my boyfriend."

The previous Su Lan was a little shy when she talked about Lin Tiancheng, but now she has completely accepted Lin Tiancheng.

Therefore, when telling others that Lin Tiancheng is her boyfriend, she will never show the same twitchy look like before.

Zhang Qiuyue heard it in her heart, but there was an inexplicable feeling in her heart, and she unconsciously turned her body over.

At this time, Costin took the initiative to communicate with Lin Tiancheng in animal language, "Boss, this person was also my hostess about a year ago, and the one who chased you before was my hostess. But they are all already. It's the past tense. Xiaoqing is only loyal to the boss."

Lin Tiancheng stroked Costin’s wings and used the interpreter to communicate with him, “I don’t blame you, I didn’t take care of you. However, you can tell me what is going on.”

Seeing Lin Tiancheng and Hai Dongqing nodding frequently, Bai Liyan guessed that they should be communicating.

He was a little surprised and said to Su Lan and Zhang Qiuyue, "Your teammates can speak animal language. This is incredible!"

During the exchange with Xiaoqing, Lin Tiancheng confirmed his guess.

That is, a year ago, Costin hunted in the outlying areas of Desire.

She was accidentally subdued by Jiang Suxi and recognized her as the hostess.

And the Bailiyan in front of him was its male owner, and he accompanied Jiang Suxi and Bailiyan to live in this blurred realm for a long time.

But then Bailiyan disappeared inexplicably, Jiang Suxi never waited for him to return, so he took Hai Dongqing and left the realm of confusion.

Since then, its name has also changed from "Xiaoqing" to "Sacred Bird".

Lin Tiancheng arched his hand toward Bailiyan, "Thank you, Lord Baili, for saving my two teammates. About Xiaoqing, it has roughly told me."

"It told you something." Bailiyan asked impatiently.

He really wanted to know where the woman he had been thinking about had gone, and is she living well now?

He felt that the most sorry person in his life was her, and he returned to this blurred domain and joined the dark guild to become a member of the guild, which was actually for her.

"Bai Liyan and Jiang Suxi, the femme fatale, used to be a lover!"

Lin Tiancheng roughly relayed what Hai Dongqing had told him to Bailiyan, but only concealed the fact that Jiang Suxi was in this blurry realm and was hunting him down.


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