Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1692: Send the sheep to the tiger's mouth

Just an hour ago, Thor was holding a can of wine jar, and started patrolling the mountain with a dozen disciples of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group.

Sol this guy is **** except wine.

He knew that the one-month autumn hunting trial at Zhongdu Academy had begun.

As night fell, the female disciples of Zhongdu College must have camped and stayed in this forest.

Of course he can't miss such a good opportunity.

Can’t catch a few female disciples who are Shui Lingling and go back to the camp to enjoy it?

Maybe God saw his hard work and soon rewarded him with a stunning beauty.

Before the team led by Sol had left the camp, they saw a woman in plain clothes lying on the ground rolling in pain.

Sol hurriedly greeted his disciple and walked over, and when he took a closer look, he found that it was one of the three girls who were with Lin Tiancheng.

Salton's eyes lit up, his left hand held the wine jar, his right hand directly carried Ning Rong on his shoulder, and he returned to the camp without looking back.

Ning Rong's girl was already trembling with pain because of the heart-biting pill, and she didn't have any resistance at all.

But when Sol carried Ning Rong on his shoulders and just stepped into the camp of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Corps, he happened to meet his second brother Suo Dan.

"Third brother, shouldn't she be a female disciple of Zhongdu Academy again?" Suo Dan pointed to Ning Rong and asked Saul.

Thor smiled, "Second brother, don't worry about that much."

At this time, Ning Rong recovered a bit and began to struggle **** Thor's right shoulder.

But even if she didn't take Lin Tiancheng's Heart-Biting Pill, with Thor's strength, she could easily capture it with one hand.

Suo Dan shook his head and said helplessly, "The instructor from Zhongdu Academy has been here several times. If you don't restrain yourself, Zhuge Xun will come to you sooner or later. Even the eldest brother will not be able to protect you."

A short man standing beside Suo Dan suddenly said in surprise, "Second regiment commander, I have seen this woman before. She was in the dark union camp before!"

This short man was a scout sent by Sodan to monitor the dark union.

He just saw the disciple of the dark union from a hundred meters away suddenly heightened his vigilance and added several lines of defense, so he hurried back and reported the matter to Suodan.

Suo Dan seemed to have thought of something, and quickly stepped forward to stop Thor, "Hold on, third brother, you give me this girl first."

Since this girl came out of the dark union camp, she must know the true situation of the dark union.

What Suo Dan wanted to know most now was whether Gu Zilong was really sick.

Once this matter is confirmed, he will immediately send someone to report to the head of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group, who is his eldest brother.

Saul looked at Suo Dan with a weird expression, "No, brother, when did you get the hang of it? It's OK for you, but there must be someone who comes first!"

Sol couldn't imagine that the second brother, who had never been close to women, had made such a request at this time.

Could it be that he fell in love with the woman on his shoulder at first sight.

This really subverted his perception of his second brother.

Suo Dan glanced at Thor fiercely, "Don't talk nonsense, what comes first? This girl is from the dark union, and she can surely get a lot of information from her.

Give her to me quickly. "

Suo Dan's expression was a bit agitated, and he directly reached out to Suoer for Ning Rong.

The people in the dark trade union blocked any news about Gu Zilong very deadly. Suodan had sent out several batches of disciples, but there was no breakthrough.

And this girl who came out of the dark guild is simply the best gift God has given him.

Ning Rong was carried on her shoulders by Thor. Although her whole body was still twitching in pain, she had guessed what Suo Dan wanted to do?

In fact, along the way, she also roughly knew what was happening with the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group and the Dark Union.

Ning Xin escaped from the dark trade union, but actually wanted to find Jiang Suxi, hoping she could bring herself back to the blood clan.

Staying by Lin Tiancheng's side is either treated as a hostage to threaten the blood race, or there is only a dead end.

She had personally ruined her sister, and at the same time she must have disappointed her father.

Therefore, she had to flee desperately, no matter whether she could live or not, at least she should not be involved in the blood clan.

But how could she have thought that she had fallen into Saul's hands, it was simply sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger.

In a hurry, she thought of a good idea.

"Let me down quickly, I have the information you want."

Saul slapped her buttocks with a slap, how could the fat in her mouth make her fly like this.

"Second brother, I don't care about your intelligence or not, anyway, I caught this stinky girl, so I have to wait for me to enjoy it first!"

Saul’s mind is full of women and wine, and everything else is insignificant to him.

He wished to throw Ning Rong on the bed immediately.

Suo Dan's face was full of anger, and he shook Saul back with a punch, and then personally helped Ning Rong from the ground, "Do you know about Gu Zilong's illness? Tell me quickly. I can let you make a living. "

Saul didn't expect that his second brother would actually do something to himself, and after staggering back a few steps, he sat down on the ground.

Suo Dan didn't want to bother with that trash brother anymore, just scratched him severely.

Ning Rong held her chest in pain, and said out of breath, "Do you have any pain relief pills here? Give me first, I'll tell you!"

Suodan quickly winked at the short man beside him, "Quickly, help her into my camp."

Before leaving, Suo Dan sent a word to Saul, "You can have fun, but after I get information."

Sol immediately smiled, and it took a lot of effort to get up from the ground, "That's it, my second brother loves me the most."

Suo Dan knew that his third brother could no longer support the wall with mud, and it would be more difficult for him to quit drinking and rebooting than climbing to the sky.

But no matter how much he is his own brother, he can only be so used to it.

Suo Dan shook his head helplessly and returned to his camp.

Saul was drinking strong wine while waiting anxiously for the second brother to finish.

He couldn't wait to get Ning Rong.

Ning Rong took several pain-relieving pills in a row, but none of them seemed to have any inhibitory effect on the Heart-Biting Pill.

"Lin Tiancheng, if I have a life to live, I will definitely make you suffer hundreds of times more pain than the pain of a heart-biting pill!"

After a short breath, she said to Suodan, "I know what you want to know, I can tell you, but you have to help me with one thing."

"Say!" Suo Dan stood in the middle of the camp with his hands behind his back.

"When you take down the dark union, I hope you will help me catch a kid named Lin Tiancheng."

"Lin Tiancheng? Isn't he with you?"

It was the second time Suo Dan heard the name Lin Tiancheng.

Not long ago, Thor told Suo Dan that his Taiyi Meteor Hammer was destroyed by a kid named Lin Tiancheng, and that fellow was still a young disciple from Zhongdu Academy.

Thor wants Thordan to avenge him.

"Just leave it alone!" Ning Rong suddenly felt tight in her chest, her throat was slightly sweet, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

Suo Dan frowned. He guessed that this girl might have escaped from the dark trade union, and that she might have hatred with Lin Tiancheng, who was seriously injured by Lin Tiancheng.

Of course, he has no time to take care of these.


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