Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1693: Eight hundred miles expedited

"Is it that simple?"

"Yeah! Well, I will tell you now that Gu Zilong is seriously ill and is in danger.

Your magic wolf mercenary group had better launch a general attack on their dark union tonight.

Because he will get a cure tomorrow. "

When Ning Rong escaped from the dark union, she had overheard Gu Zilong's condition.

But because she walked too hurriedly, she didn't know that Lin Tiancheng had already brought Gu Zilong back to life.

The reason why she said that Gu Zilong would be able to get the medicine pill tomorrow was because her heart-biting pill was less than fifteen hours away from the complete attack.

She had to let the people of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group launch a general attack as soon as possible to help her catch Lin Tiancheng, so that she might get the antidote from Lin Tiancheng's body.

In this way, she might still have a chance.

Suodan’s face was immediately covered with a smile, and he couldn’t wait to say to the short man next to him, “Eight Baili expedites, tell me the news, let him take all horses, and join me tonight. And take down the dark union."

Ning Rong stood tremblingly from her seat, "I have told you what you want to know the most, and I hope you can fulfill your promise!

Also, my father is Ning Qiutian from the blood clan. I would like to ask you to send a disciple to tell my father about me!

Then my father will be grateful to you. "

Suo Dan's brows couldn't help but frowned, and he was surprised secretly, "Ning Choutian."

Who is Ning Qiutian?

He was the **** demon who set off a **** storm in the entire cultivation world of Dongcheng District, Central Capital 30 years ago.

He had already broken through to the early stage of Mahayana.

The power of the blood family at that time can also be said to be the first place under the silver rank forces in Dongcheng District, Central Capital, and no one dares to offend it.

As the so-called centipede insects, die but not stiff.

Even if more than 30 years have passed, the blood clan has been suppressed by many forces, but it is still not something that any silver rank force dares to easily provoke.

Sol, who was standing outside the tent, was really waiting a little anxiously, and swayed in holding the wine jar.

He secretly rejoiced that he had stopped his third brother in time.

"Second brother, you are so anxious to kill me, how about it? I can take you away!" Saul stretched out his hand to catch Ning Rong.

Sodan clasped his wrist and pushed him away hard, "You can't move this person!"

Ning Choutian's daughter, if one of her hair is moved, the big demon will not be able to overturn the entire Demon Wolf mercenary group.

Suo Dan yelled at the disciple outside the tent, "Take this woman down so that I can live and wait."

Saul was still at a loss, wondering why his second brother turned back.

In the dark guild camp...

The spies reported: Sotu, the leader of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group, is bringing a large number of people to Sodan's camp to meet up.

"Tiancheng, it seems that stinky girl really went to the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group."

Lin Tiancheng nodded, and he did not expect things to develop in the most terrible direction.

"The Demon Wolf Mercenary Group is now our common enemy. I want you to join our dark union and fight against them with us." Bailiyan solemnly said to Lin Tiancheng.

He didn't expect things to suddenly become like this.

If Gu Zilong's affairs could be concealed for three days, the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group would not dare to be so presumptuous.

Gu Zilong asked Bailiyan to invite Lin Tiancheng to join the Dark Union, which might resolve the crisis of the Dark Union.

Lin Tian cheng said earnestly, "You are right, the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group is our common enemy.

I’m the one who caused the dark guild. I can meet the enemy with you, but I will not join the dark guild. "

Lin Tiancheng had never thought of joining any power sect.

Lin Tiancheng still felt very guilty because of Ning Rong, which caused the Dark Union to fall into a crisis.

However, joining the dark guild to work for them is really not a crime.

"Well, let's not talk about joining or not.

You are willing to share the same hatred with us, that is enough. "

Afterwards, Bai Liyan and Lin Tiancheng discussed the countermeasures against the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group.

The leader of the Demon Wolf Mercenary Group, Suo Tu, has the strength of the peak of the Golden Core Period, and, like Gu Zilong, will soon break through to the early stage of the Mahayana state, and his strength is extraordinary.

Bailiyan personally told Lin Tiancheng that he had the strength of the early Mahayana period before, but because of some things, his skill was greatly suppressed, and currently only has the strength level of the peak realm of the Jindan period.

As for the Baiyao Sect, although he has the strength at the peak of the Golden Alchemy Stage, what he focuses on is alchemy, and I am afraid that the actual combat ability is not strong.

Bai Liyan shook his head, "We'd better get out of the Baiyao Sect! He might have slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet."

Bai Liyan knew that Baiyao Sect was not only an insatiable person, but also wanted him to do things, unless it was profitable, otherwise he didn't even think about it.

If Bai Liyan hadn't offered to pay "Sleeping Fairy" as a reward, he would never have come to this perplexing and fuzzy realm.

"That said, the apprenticeship he paid to me is about to kill him!"

The Baiyao Sect wanted to learn ancient alchemy from Lin Tiancheng, but only proposed to use Lingshi as a teacher's ceremony.

You must know that the ancient alchemy is a divine art that has long been lost, and no matter how many spirit stones you use, you can't buy it.

Bai Liyan nodded helplessly, "Who said no!"

Although the Baiyao Sect was worshipped by the Baili family, no matter what he wanted him to do, he had to give generous rewards in advance.

Soon, the Scarlet Man came to Bailiyan and told him, "Chairman, the Baiyao Sect has gone to the headquarters of the Alchemist Association!"

Sure enough, as Bai Liyan said, this guy is really quick to smear the soles of his feet.

"In this case, you can only deal with Suotu. I can only do my best for Suodan, and Thor will give it to my two friends!" Lin Tiancheng pointed to Zhang Qiuyue who was standing not far away. And Su Lan.

Lin Tiancheng was just talking, he and the Demon Wolf Mercenary Corps only had some grievances, how could he be guilty of fighting his life for the Dark Union.

Moreover, Bai Liyan looked like a weak scholar, but Lin Tiancheng couldn't see his true strength.

As for the guy Saul is a wine bag and rice bag, he has been emptied by the wine, and his Taiyi meteor hammer has been destroyed by Lin Tiancheng.

Zhang Qiuyue and Su Lan, these two girls, although they lack actual combat experience, they also have the strength of the mid-term Jindan period, and it is not a problem to deal with a Thor.

Moreover, the real purpose of their participation in the autumn hunting trial is to improve their actual combat experience, which will also be of great help to their future cultivation.

Bailiyan looked suspicious and looked at Lin Tiancheng, "Are you sure you want to deal with Suo Dan?"

As far as Bailiyan knows, although Suo Dan's strength is below Suo Tu, he is in the middle of the Golden Core period just like Lin Tiancheng.

But this guy is scheming, and his methods of dealing with people are very cruel.

The Demon Wolf Mercenary Group can climb to a position second only to the Dark Union in just a few years, in fact, most of the credit is due to Suodan.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Does Young Master Baili doubt my strength?"

Lin Tiancheng is not arrogant.

Last time, with the help of the Seven-Star Spirit Gathering Fruit, he successfully broke through to the mid-Golden Core Stage, but he was already approaching the peak of the Golden Core Stage.

Originally, the Spirit Gathering Fruit was used by the cultivator to break through from the middle of the Golden Core Period to the peak of the Golden Core Period.

Lin Tiancheng has a farmer application, and there is no shortage of spiritual materials when there is electricity.


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