Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4967: Undead out of bounds

Lin Tiancheng has seen Tiangu's strength, but even with such strength, his status in the upper realm is not very high. This is the reason why he was sent to the lower realm. In the upper realm, Tiangu's strength is not as strong as the real one. In front of the enemy, he is just a small soldier!

It can be seen from this that how deep the strength of the upper realm is, and the strength of the God Emperor, Immortal Emperor, Demon Emperor and others has been promoted to Hedao for a long time, but they rely on being kings in the lower realm and refuse to go up to the upper realm. Obviously because Their status in the lower realm will be higher!

"These guys must know something. It's a pity that when they killed the Immortal Emperor, their souls were scattered. Many of them have incomplete memories. There is no memory about this aspect. It makes me look forward to it!"

Lin Tiancheng licked his lips excitedly. He roughly knew something, but he was not sure yet.

Moreover, even if he finds the answer, his current strength is not enough to support him to make any changes, unless he has the strength of the original Human Emperor to go up to the world alone and defeat those rebellious people!

However, this is obviously impossible. In addition, the passage to the upper realm is also sealed at this time. If you want to go up, unless you erase the remaining power of the rules of heaven and earth, otherwise the power of the rules will hinder the entry and exit of people from both sides.

"Guys, I won't embarrass you, but you also need to do me a small favor and give me the layout and general landform of the upper world, otherwise it will be difficult for me to explain to other allies!" Lin Tiancheng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Zixuan and others looked at Lin Tiancheng in shock, "Do you want to..."

Lin Tiancheng interrupted the other party and said with a smile, "It's nothing, don't think too much, I just want to know more about the upper realm, don't make random guesses, of course you can refuse to provide it to me, but if there is any unnecessary conflict then I won't Okay, I believe you all know that extracting a person's memory is not difficult for our level!"

Lin Tiancheng's obvious threats did not bring the few people back to their senses. They were still in shock. Lin Tiancheng actually wanted to know the layout of the upper world. Anyone with a discerning eye could see what he had in mind at a glance!

It has to be said that Lin Tiancheng's courage completely shocked several strong men present. No one thought that Lin Tiancheng would actually think of counterattacking the upper realm!

"I can't guarantee accuracy. After all, the upper bound is very large and the places I've been to are limited..."

"It's okay. It's generally correct. I won't get lost if I go up later. Besides, there are four of you. I believe the areas we've been to will be different. We'll see clearly when we compare them. If it really doesn't match up at all. ..." Lin Tiancheng smiled and did not continue.

Zixuan and others looked at each other, with a look of dodge in their eyes. Lin Tiancheng was forcing them to hand over the general landform, and even gave them a warning in advance. After all, if the four of them had no overlapping areas, Lin Tiancheng would Tiancheng is not a fool either!

"Senior Hongmeng, you have been to the Upper Realm before. Can you please introduce me to me later?"

Hongmeng chuckled and nodded, "I'm very happy!"

Lin Tiancheng's beating was very obvious. Facing these powerful people, Zixuan and the other two people had no chance to confess in succession. They could only describe the landforms in jade slips and hand them to Lin Tiancheng.

But Lin Tiancheng did not rush to check, but continued to ask, "What is the purpose of the four of you going down to the world this time? Can you tell me? I am very curious. After your tribe has just experienced a tragic defeat, what are you doing?" How can you still be willing and dare to go down to the lower realms?”

"We don't want to come down, but there are people above us. They insist on us coming down. In fact, they want us to contain you and create a little pressure so that you can't let go and deal with all races. Then wait for the upper realm to open!" Zixuan said helplessly.

The powerful minds in the upper realm had good intentions, but they probably didn't expect that Zixuan and others would be surrounded as soon as they stepped out of the realm. Not to mention containing them, if this was not a good idea, Lin Tiancheng would lead many strong men to surround and kill them. , maybe they will lose some people today!

"Your superiors are really big-hearted. If you really want to contain them, then why don't you send more people down? Just a few of you, are you sure you can contain our Human Alliance?" Lin Tiancheng said with a smile.

Zixuan said helplessly, "The rules of heaven are still there. It's not that we don't want to, but the few of us who came here have paid a huge price. Let alone sending more, even one more, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky!"

Lin Tiancheng looked at Zixuan and the others with a smile. The purpose of the big shots in the upper world was actually simple. They wanted to use the lives of Zixuan and others to kill some of the strength of the human alliance. However, they did not know that the strength of these people had just come down to the lower world. It was blocked before I could recover!

Lin Tiancheng asked, wanting to laugh, "I'm curious about what's going on in the upper realm now. All races in the lower realm can't agree on one thing. Why does the upper realm seem so coordinated?"

Zixuan was a little embarrassed, "Actually, it's not coordinated. It's just that the strength and orders you showed this time have shocked the big shots in the upper world. They didn't expect you to be able to push all races to this point this time!"

"To be honest, we didn't take it seriously at first, thinking this mission was not very dangerous, until you surrounded us..."

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "You are honest, but my consciousness tells me that you still have something to hide from me, and it is your true purpose of going to the lower world this time. Are you sure you won't tell me?"

A flash of panic flashed in Zixuan's eyes, but soon her eyes were firm and she said in a somewhat unkind tone, "Everything I said is true. If you don't believe it, why are you teasing me like this? If you want to fight, just fight!"

Seeing the other party being so excited, Lin Tiancheng's smile grew a little thicker. Before, he was just a little suspicious, but now he is very sure that the other party is hiding something from him.

"Actually, even if you don't tell me, I can guess some things about the world of the dead, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Zixuan and others looked at Lin Tiancheng in surprise, and immediately glared at the three people beside them. It took a long time to come back to their senses, knowing full well that Lin Tiancheng had cheated them out of their trump cards.

Zixuan sighed helplessly, and said somewhat resignedly, "There is such a thing, but they didn't tell us who to look for specifically. They just said that if we go to the world of the dead, there will naturally be people who will contact us. The accident should be that some powerful men who died back then have revived and recovered some memories, and how they used some method to get in touch with the big shots in the upper world!"

Lin Tiancheng looked at Zixuan with a half-smile but not a smile. He knew that the other party still didn't tell the truth, but it didn't matter. Now the world of the dead is almost under his control, and all the four heavenly kings have fallen. Everything and everything we do now are supported by him.

"Okay, as long as you don't get involved in anything that threatens the interests of the Human Alliance, I don't want to get into it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a big seal suddenly shot out from behind Lin Tiancheng, and the terrifying aura instantly shocked Zixuan and others.

The next moment, the big seal instantly landed on Hongmeng Holy City. The big seal penetrated into the holy city unimpeded, entered the passage, and stopped steadily above the East King City. Lan Hou and others rushed out quickly. After entering the main hall, when he saw the Master Seal, he immediately released his spiritual consciousness and began to communicate with Lin Tiancheng across borders.

Soon, Lanhou waved his hand, and a group of Necromancer's guards instantly covered themselves in armor and soared into the sky. They followed the big seal and flew all the way out of the Necromantic Passage. Hongmeng sensed it, glanced at Lin Tiancheng and opened his mouth, But after being speechless for a long time, he finally let out a long sigh and released the restrictions of the passage.

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