Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4968: Kaijiang

A big seal penetrated the void and headed straight towards the human realm. There seemed to be a human figure wrapped in the big seal.

It was the Human Lord Seal that protected Lan Hou when he came to the realm of living beings. After the Undead Lords came out, they felt the suppression and threat from the rules of heaven and earth, so they could only stay in Hongmeng City without moving. Lin Tiancheng used the Human Lord Seal to protect him. Then Lanhou flew out.

At this time, the Master Seal transformed into a battle armor and wrapped around Lanhou's body. Not only did it hide the death energy on her body, it even made her feel the feeling of flesh and blood being connected again, which made her even more shocked and excited. Incomparable.

Soon, the master's seal brought him to Lin Tiancheng. Lanhou hurriedly knelt down on one knee to salute, and said in a very excited tone, "Lanhou has met the master. I wonder if the master summoned me this time to deliver a military order? "

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng smiled slightly and said, "Don't be so nervous. There is no war. I just asked you to come over and meet a few people!"

When Lan Hou heard this, she looked at Lin Tiancheng with a puzzled expression. In her heart, Lin Tiancheng should not have such an indifferent character. If there was nothing wrong, the other party would not be so anxious to summon her to the living world. yes.

Lin Tiancheng chuckled and pointed at Zixuan and the others in front of him and said, "These are all Hedao who have just come down from the upper realm. As the top general under my command, you naturally want to get familiar with them, so as not to There will be conflicts in the future, and they said they might enter the realm of the dead in the near future. As the host, you can also provide them with some convenience!"

As soon as these words were said, Zixuan and the others suddenly opened their mouths with dull faces. The world of the dead was guarded by the four heavenly kings. They knew this very well, but now Lin Tiancheng threatened that the dead man in front of the world of the dead now The spiritually powerful can make the final decision, but what about King Xitian and others?

The answer is obviously that the world of the dead has undergone tremendous changes. The previous era of the four heavenly kings dividing the four realms has passed. Now the strong man of the dead in front of him is the new controller of the world of the dead supported by the human race!

However, they couldn't believe that such a thing would happen in the world of the dead that has been inherited for countless years. You must know that even in the world of living beings, it is not easy to subdue a clan if you want to destroy it, let alone the fundamental control of death. The world of the dead without fear.

"Master, you mean...the real person in charge of the world of the dead is the person in front of you?" Zixuan asked with some disbelief.

As soon as these words came out, Lanhou felt that he was being looked down upon, and the death aura on his body suddenly rose to the sky. He stared at Zixuan with his eyes matter-of-factly, "What? This gentleman seems to have doubts about my identity?"

Seeing Lan Hou, whose tone was very unkind and exuding a dangerous aura, Zixuan immediately waved her hands to indicate that this was not her intention.

Lin Tiancheng sneered, "Okay, this is Master Zixuan who has come down from the upper realm. Lan, don't be rude, otherwise people will think that we in the Human Alliance have no manners and that the visitor is a guest!"

Lan Hou snorted coldly, glanced at the other party with warning eyes, and then said, "You'd better control your mouth. You'd better be honest in front of the master, otherwise I won't mind tasting yours." The taste of the soul!"

With Marquis Lan's warning, Zixuan and the others did restrain themselves a lot. Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "Okay, how is the lower realm?"

"Let me tell you, Lord, everything is fine in the lower realm now. The rebellion in the Four Kings Domain is almost wiped out. By then, it will be able to develop normally. Although there are still battles from time to time, they are all under control. I believe that they will be under control again. In a few days, the world of the dead should be stable!"

Lin Tiancheng nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "That's good. You should also tell them not to go deep into the Galaxy of the Dead. When everything is stable, we will dedicate manpower to help you clean it up!"

Marquis Lan nodded in agreement, but immediately stopped talking. Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"Yes!" Marquis Lan said excitedly, "I had a territory of my own during my lifetime, which was within the human realm. This time I go up to the realm, and I want to... go back and have a look!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "What's the difficulty? It's just that the original territory has probably changed its name now. You can work with the Soul Emperor and the others and ask the Soul Emperor to point out your original fiefdom for you. And I also have the final say today. This fiefdom will still be returned to you and its original name restored!"

Hearing this, Marquis Lan excitedly knelt down on one knee again to salute Lin Tiancheng, and said with a serious face, "Thank you, Lord, for your gift!"

"Yes!" The Soul Emperor on the side also felt helpless and stood up to signal Marquis Lan to go first.

"Go and take a good look at your territory. If the name changes now, I will give you the power to change it back and it will still be your territory!" Lin Tiancheng smiled lightly.

When Marquis Lan heard this, she was trembling with excitement. Although she was now a dead soul and could not enjoy the territory of this living world, this honor engraved in her bones gave her the urge to die for her bosom friend!

"Thank you, Lord!"

Thousands of words came to his mouth, and his choked throat opened but he couldn't utter a single word. In the end, he only uttered four words and left under the watchful eyes of Lin Tiancheng with a smile.

The Soul Emperor also had a strange look in his eyes at this time, and said in his heart, "The master has the appearance of a great emperor!"

With these few words, he won all the favor of Lan Hou. He had no doubt that now, even if Lin Tiancheng asked Lan Hou to die, he probably would not hesitate at all. This is the power of the emperor, although Lin Tiancheng used it He is still very immature and crude, but I have to say that this really makes him admire him!

Zixuan and others on the side were completely dumbfounded. Originally, they thought they were bragging when they heard from Lan Hou and Lin Tiancheng that they had leveled the world of the dead. But now it seems that the control of the Four Kings Realm has really been lost. It fell into the hands of the human race!

Even if they don't know much about the Necromancer World, they also know the position of Necromancer Tianhe in the Necromancer World. Since Lin Tiancheng has made plans to attack the depths, the Necromancer World has probably lost its outermost resistance. Got it!

As soon as they left, Lin Tiancheng looked at the people in the field again. At this moment, everyone was extremely quiet, and the four Zixuans still looked dull.

Upon seeing this, Lin Tiancheng chuckled with satisfaction and said, "I let you guys see the joke, and you are being neglected. However, this matter is related to the honor and disgrace of my human race general. It must be arranged properly. I hope you guys won't take offense!"

Hearing this, Zixuan couldn't help her inner doubts and asked, "Master, the world of the dead...has it really been defeated by you?"

Lin Tiancheng nodded with a smile, "These are visitors from the upper world, so it's not surprising that you don't know about it. You should hear about it when you return to your respective tribes!"

The few people who received affirmative replies were already feeling turbulent in their hearts at this moment!

The realm of the dead... was really defeated by the person in front of me!

You know, even in ancient times, the realm of the dead was not defeated. Such an achievement has never been achieved since ancient times!

Of course, it’s not that we couldn’t defeat it in ancient times, it’s just that the Human Emperor didn’t think it was necessary, but it doesn’t mean that it’s easy to do. Otherwise, no one would spread the war to the world of the dead in more than 100,000 years, when all races were at their peak. .

It’s not that I don’t want to, but that I’m powerless to open up new territories, not just the world of living beings, but the world of the dead… that’s also territory!

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