Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4979: Send troops to Fengjie

"Fortunately, everything is still under control. Basically, those who died this time were at the level of the Undead Lord, which shows that the other party is still wary of it!" King Nan Tian frowned and sighed in his heart.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng was also comprehending some of the secrets of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. The so-called Lord of Rules meant that he and the Dao were completely integrated into one, and he was the epitome or carrier of the Dao.

In the past few years, there has been no Hedao in the world of the dead and living beings. This is probably because those people did not give up the Dao!

In other words, these avenues have now lost their controllers. Whoever can find a way to control one can become the new master of rules!

"There are more secrets among all the races in this world than I thought. No wonder the upper world and the world of the dead are ready to move. It turns out that they all want to take advantage of the establishment of the new heavenly way to seize the opportunity to merge and become the master of the rules as soon as possible!"

“It’s getting more interesting!”

Lin Tiancheng smiled. As his understanding of all races deepened, he discovered too many secrets!

Lin Tiancheng took a deep breath and did not heal the injury. Now his injury is recovering well, and he has almost recovered. The rest is only a matter of time.

Moreover, what he lacks now is the enlightenment of the Great Way. The enlightenment of the Great Way cannot be obtained through retreat and meditation. Fighting, calculation, planning, experience, and insights are the fastest ways to gain the enlightenment of the Great Way!

If one could gain enlightenment by simply meditating in seclusion, then it would be impossible for Hongmeng and others to make just such a small step forward in a hundred thousand years.

Guarding these people is the best proof. They have been sleeping in seclusion for too long, and they never understand what they don’t understand. However, I took them to Tianfu. Some things touched them, and some doubts were understood on the spot, and then they set foot on the road. Entering the path.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng walked out of the secret room, his figure emerged from the void, and walked out slowly.

And Marquis Lan, who had been waiting outside for a long time, naturally discovered him immediately and flew over in a hurry, "Master, how are you recovering?"

"It's okay, but I didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying existence in the Galaxy of the Dead. With my current strength, even a king-level person can handle one or two, but that person... scares me. I'm afraid I can only ask Bell. Only when seniors take action can we have a chance of winning!" Lin Tiancheng said with emotion.

Lin Tiancheng's heart went crazy when he thought that the person before could enter his world of perception and severely injure himself with his willpower. This meant that the other person failed to do his best, otherwise he would not be able to stand here and talk!

"Fortunately, it was discovered in time, which can be regarded as a good thing. Now that the world is closed to all races, as long as our mobilization of manpower is not obvious, even if some battle abnormalities are exposed, it will not attract too much attention from all races! It is an opportunity to take advantage of them to deal with them !”

Lin Tiancheng laughed and continued, "Inform Senior Hongmeng and ask him to bring people in. This time, we must completely clean up the undead world, not only the Four Kings Realm, but also the guys hidden in the Undead Galaxy. Let the Giant King, Roaring Emperor, Moon Emperor and others also come in and fight!"

"Forget it, I'd better go there myself and ask Senior Lingdang to come forward. With him in charge, I don't have to worry about the various races ruining my good deeds!"


Marquis Lan took the order and retreated, preparing to contact Hongmeng and others in person.

Soon, Lan Hou looked at Lin Tiancheng with a strange expression. Lin Tiancheng looked at him curiously, "Something happened?"

Marquis Lan nodded, "I just conveyed a message to General Hongmeng. It said there was movement in the Feng Realm, and a large defense array was deployed outside the realm, and... and the aura of Hei Feng and others was lost!"

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng's eyes flashed with cold light, and he said with a smile, "Okay! What a Phoenix Clan. He really didn't go to the house for three days, and sent an order to Hongmeng to gather troops for me and take down the Phoenix Realm first!"


Marquis Lan summoned the message again. At this moment, many powerful men in the living world were a little excited after receiving the news, "Master, are you still going to take down the Phoenix Realm?"

"It's a good thing, I've long been disgusted with those flat-haired beasts, and I just got rid of them this time!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the powerful men looked up to the sky and laughed!

Guard Tiankui feels that being an ally with Lin Tiancheng is actually quite comfortable, because he will arrange everything, and he only needs to be responsible for fighting. Not only is it great, but there will also be a lot of compensation afterwards, and no matter whether he wins or loses, he will not be treated badly. Pass!

In fact, there are many guards who have such an idea. Although Lin Tiancheng is the leader, sometimes he will take away most of the loot, but in short, after every battle, he and others will make money!

This time, when they heard that the Phoenix Clan was about to send troops, other people didn't know. Anyway, the guards were more active than the other. In order to grab the place to fight, the guards even competed among themselves for a while!

Hongmeng looked at the enthusiastic expressions of his old brothers, took a deep breath and nodded, feeling like he was dreaming back to the past. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "This battle is about the reputation of our human alliance, so... only Success is allowed, failure is not allowed!”

Dozens of guards stood together, shouting in unison with solemn faces. This time, not only the guard family was dispatched, but also the Dragon Clan, the Giant Clan, the Roar Clan, the Moon Clan, and even the newly joined Kunpeng Clan were also called upon to fight!

It's not enough for so many strong men to gather together to destroy a Phoenix clan. If they can't win, then all these people's lives will be in vain!

However, this battle is not without difficulty. Lin Tiancheng said that we need to capture some people alive. It is useless to capture those at such a low level. We don’t know much. To capture Hedao... it is still very difficult!

"Roaring Emperor, this time it's up to you!" Hongmeng said in a deep voice, "Whether we can catch him alive or not, your way is extremely important! Cooperate with the Kunpeng clan, you will definitely be able to win one. You are the main attack, and the Kunpeng clan will use their rapidity. The way will block Black Phoenix’s retreat for you!”

Emperor Roar nodded. It was the key to this battle. He had to find a way to blow up the opponent's body, imprison his soul, and not give the opponent a chance to self-destruct. Otherwise, it would not be that easy to imprison a Hedao!

For a moment, the faces of the strong men present showed solemn murderous intent. There is no doubt that they can defeat the Phoenix Clan. The difficulty lies in catching them alive!

Phoenix Realm.

A huge palace was built on a huge sycamore tree. This is the Phoenix Palace.

At this moment, Hei Feng was actually very uneasy. After the death of the previous Phoenix Emperor, she took over the Feng Clan from the lower realm. This time, another clan elder came down from the Feng Clan and asked her to lead troops to guard outside the main hall, waiting for dispatch at any time.

Outsiders didn't know it, but she knew that the clan elder had actually opened a passage to the undead world within the realm, and this time, if nothing unexpected happened, they were about to enter the undead world to fight!

Although the Phoenix Clan has the talent to rise from the ashes, not all members of the Clan have it. Entering the world of the dead will be a disaster, and maybe after this time, the Feng Clan will enter the stage of population decline again.

Originally, the Moon Emperor told her that this time it was best for the Moon Clan to choose neutrality or defect to the human race, otherwise a disaster would be imminent.

However, the clan elder turned a deaf ear to this and insisted on taking the Phoenix clan into the hands of the Gods!

She didn't care at first, but the human race was inflicting heavy losses on the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races one after another, making the strong men of all races begin to feel uneasy, and so did she.

The lower realm has obviously been defeated. Logically speaking, it is the time to cultivate health and recuperate and wait for the upper realm to open, but the clan elders insist on sending troops at this time.

This undoubtedly pushed the Phoenix Clan to the forefront. You must know that the Feng Clan has been severely damaged, and the number of strong men who died one after another can be counted with one hand!

At this time, although the Phoenix Clan is stronger than the Human Race on the surface, if it really comes to a fight, everyone knows that the Phoenix Clan cannot resist the Human Race at all.

After all, the Human Race has allies, but the Phoenix Clan does not. Even if there are, in this period of disparity in strength, don’t expect anyone to risk their lives to fight for the Phoenix Clan. The funny thing is that she understands this truth, but the clan elder does not It seems invisible.

None of the three tribes of gods, demons, and immortals had the determination to fight to the death. Hei Feng couldn't figure out how the clan leader got the confidence to fight against the human race!

"Because the three tribes of gods, demons and immortals have retreats and choices, we don't have any, so we must fight to the end. As soon as the upper world is opened, the human race will be destroyed. No matter who is in charge of the world, we, the Phoenix tribe, will have a place!"

These were the exact words of the elder of the Fengwu clan. He wanted to put himself to death and live another life. It was precisely because of this thought that made her extremely uneasy.

This is a big gamble. If the bet is won, the race will be prosperous for a long time. If the bet is lost... Hei Feng looks at the clansmen outside the Fenghuang Palace. All the clansmen are gathered here. If they lose, they will lose everything!

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