Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4980: The Fall of Phoenix Realm

Hei Feng had some majesty on his face. He looked at the powerful men in the clan below who were also heavy, and said majestically, "I know what you are worried about. The collapse of the lower realm is a foregone conclusion! Now, the only way to contain it is to wait for the upper realm to open. The human alliance is arrogant, but the clan elders’ consideration is related to the future of our clan. Before the upper world opens, we must attack all clans! This is what the human master said, so we must let them suffer some hardships before that. Only in this way, when the upper world opens in the future, all races will have a place for our race!"

After saying that, Hei Feng took a deep breath and said, "Our race is no better than the other hundred races. After the last battle, our race's strength has weakened a bit, so we must take the initiative and wait for the human race to invade. We will be destroyed at any time. So, everyone, I want to ask you, should you wait to die, or take the initiative to fight?"

"As long as we avoid this difficulty and the upper world opens, the human race will no longer have a chance to be arrogant!"

The strong men in the Phoenix Realm present were moved after hearing this. They looked at Hei Feng nervously. After judging Hei Feng's words, they said in a deep voice, "We are willing to fight with you!"

Hei Feng heard the words, took a deep breath and nodded. She also judged the authenticity of Lin Tiancheng's words. With the current strength of the Human Alliance, there is absolutely no problem in defeating the Ten Thousand Races. It just depends on the time.

It's not right or wrong for Feng Wu to take the initiative to ask for war. If he doesn't go to war, and wait for the human race to be free to deal with the Feng clan, what can the Feng clan do to resist the human race and his allies?

"Sir, the human race is now uncontrollable in the lower world! He has taken control of the moon world again, cutting off our connection with the upper world. We'd better find a way to loosen the passage in the upper world and allow more people to come from the upper world. Otherwise, by then the human race If you really attack this world...it will only be a dead end!"

"Yes, sir, what I mean is... we still have to try to save some seeds and wait for the end of the war. By then, we can hope to revive our clan's glory!"

Listening to the persuasion of many tribesmen, Hei Feng felt very uncomfortable. She didn't know the reason behind this, but Feng Wu had said that the immortal tribe must have an attitude in this battle, and the entire tribe must be mobilized to put life and death in the hands of the gods. superior!

"Why don't I want to?" Hei Feng sighed. She actually hoped that everyone would come up with an idea so that the humans would not regard them as targets. It would be better to target the gods, demons, immortals, or other top 100 clans. .

As long as the human race and the others forcefully attack a realm, and wait until the enemy is completely defeated, and then the Phoenix tribe presses with all their troops, the losses will be much smaller, and maybe people from the upper realm will come by then!

When a world is destroyed, the damage will naturally not be small. As long as you find the right time to cut in, you can make the human race pay a heavy price no matter what.

As they were talking, Hei Feng frowned slightly and said, "I don't know why, but today, I feel a little uneasy. I always feel that something is going to happen. Has the realm passage been sealed?"

"Don't worry, sir, it has been sealed long ago!"

Soon a strong man in the divine realm said seriously, "It's absolutely safe. Even if it's a Hedao attack, we'll still have time to react!"

Hei Feng nodded and said with satisfaction, "That's good. In troubled times, be more careful and you won't go wrong!"

Heifeng also felt that he was a little sensitive, and shook his head with a smile. The human race had just ended the war, and all races had sealed their borders. Logically speaking, the human race would not look for trouble and start a war again at this time.

At this moment, Hei Feng suddenly frowned, "Do you...do you feel anything?"


Just when everyone was wondering what they were feeling, the black phoenix flew directly out of the hall and released his spiritual consciousness to investigate. At this moment, except for a few newly formed little phoenixes playing around, the phoenix world was peaceful.

Heifeng frowned. She had just sensed something. He was sure that it was not an illusion. The strong man who came later also discovered the few little phoenixes, and his face was a little ugly. These were all his descendants. He immediately looked at the people around him. The man shouted.

"Why don't you go quickly? This is a place where racial issues are discussed. How can we have fun? Take them back and discipline them strictly!"

Hei Feng didn't say anything. It wasn't because she looked ugly at this moment. After all, he had grown up since he was a child and would not be so angry with a junior.

The black phoenix's willpower swept through quickly, but found nothing. However, soon, when he looked at the fireballs played by the few little phoenixes, his expression suddenly changed.

No, what is wrapped in this fireball? Why does it make me feel in danger? Are these little fireballs a threat to me?

How is this possible? Unless Hedao comes, the phoenix is ​​afraid of fire. Isn't this a joke?

"Get away from that fireball!" Hei Feng hurriedly warned.

However, everyone still didn't understand what he meant. Hei Feng roared angrily and directed his palm towards the fireball. Others didn't notice anything at this time.

"Sir, they are just children playing around. I will take them back right away. Please calm down!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the fireball disintegrated, and a terrifying death energy emitted, swallowing up the little phoenixes instantly.

Upon seeing this, the Phoenix Clan experts present let out heart-rending roars. No one expected that this fireball would be so ferocious, killing these little phoenixes that had just been born!

The death energy broke out, even the experienced Hei Feng was in a trance for a moment, and the next moment, a monstrous death energy came.

King Nan Tian appeared instantly and slapped the black phoenix with his palm!

At the same time, more than a dozen undead princes all appeared.

One by one, they went to kill those powerful people in the Phoenix Clan's divine realm.

Immediately afterwards, the realm shook, and Hongmeng and others followed closely behind, shouting violently, "Kill, no one will be left alive in this realm today!"

Black Phoenix's beautiful face suddenly showed a look of despair, it's over, the Phoenix world is over!

The undead souls didn't even know they were sneaking in. It was all Feng Wu's fault. He opened the undead souls' passage within the realm, even in the sacred tree Wutong. This allowed the undead souls to sneak into the hall without any effort and kill people under his nose. !

Just when Hei Feng wanted to resist, a soft voice came, "Give up resistance and I can protect your race from death. Killing can't solve the problem. How about we sit down and talk?"

Lin Tiancheng!

Hei Feng was shocked when she heard this voice. She understood that what happened today might not go well. There was some confusion in Hei Feng's eyes, "Why?"

"Why? Shouldn't I ask you this? You gathered the clansmen and even opened a passage to the world of the dead. Don't you have anything to explain to me?" Lin Tiancheng said with a slight smile.

There was a fierce struggle in Heifeng's eyes!

"have nothing to say!"

As soon as the words fell, Heifeng's body exploded, the sea of ​​will was suppressed in an instant, and the avenue was directly blocked by Hongmeng and others. In an instant, Heifeng became a prisoner and couldn't even speak!

"Master, how should we deal with it?" Hongmeng asked aloud.

Lin Tiancheng smiled, and his spiritual consciousness swept across, taking in the entire landscape of the Phoenix Realm. At this time, the strong men of the Phoenix Clan were basically suppressed!

The rest are all minor characters, and it’s not difficult to suppress them!

"Suppress it first, keep it if you don't want to kill it. I want to see what happens to the person from the Phoenix Clan!"

Hearing this, Hongmeng nodded and gave the order. Lin Tiancheng walked out of the hall with a bright smile, overlooking Fengjie. The environment here is so beautiful, not bad, I like it!

It can be said that the Human Alliance has won a realm this time without any effort!

Lin Tiancheng believes that all the heavens and worlds will soon be in my hands, and soon only the three tribes of gods, demons and immortals will be left under my control!

At this moment, the entire Phoenix Realm was instantly shaken!

With disbelief, these Phoenix people can't even commit suicide!

The entire Phoenix Realm has completely fallen!

The outside world is silent and has no idea that Fengjie has fallen!

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