Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 4981: Conquer the Phoenix Clan

Tens of thousands of Phoenix people were instantly suppressed by a group of strong men brought by Lin Tiancheng. They were shot and escorted under the sacred sycamore tree.

At this moment, the people of the Phoenix Clan looked at the strong men of the Human Race Alliance around them with horror, fear, hatred, and resentment. However, no matter how angry they were, they were unable to change anything.

Lin Tiancheng looked at the resentful Feng clan and didn't say much. At this time, they were just prisoners. "You don't have to be afraid. I won't kill you. I didn't kill anyone when I came here this time, including Hei." Feng, I just suppressed his soul and did not kill him, because I hope you can see something clearly, killing is not the best way to solve the problem!"

As soon as these words came out, the strong men of the Phoenix clan who were still angry at first fell silent. Indeed, although Lin Tiancheng and others violently blew up Heifeng's body, they only suppressed Heifeng's spirit and did not The deadly attack, as Lin Tiancheng said, did not kill anyone!

When Lin Tiancheng saw that everyone was quiet, he signaled Hongmeng to release Hei Feng's soul, but he still did not release her imprisonment. However, Hei Feng's consciousness could still sense what was happening around him and could also hear Lin Tiancheng's words.

Lin Tiancheng smiled softly and said, "Everyone, I came here this time to resolve the grievances between the Ten Thousand Clans and the Human Clans. I never thought about destroying you, but I know that we had a deep misunderstanding before, so I could only take this approach. , I’ll take you down first, and then I’ll talk to you!”

"Humph, this is your human race's negotiation method? Fake intentions and false intentions!" shouted a strong man from the Phoenix Clan.

Lin Tiancheng did not get angry after hearing what the other party said, but smiled and said, "I don't mind if you want to say that, but you have also seen with your own eyes that with our current strength, it is easy to destroy your clan, but annihilation is very difficult." That’s what I want, so I want to give you a choice now!”

"I can let you go, but the premise is that the remaining strong men above the divine realm must plant restrictions. As long as you don't join the anti-human alliance of gods, demons, and immortals, we will not kill you. On the contrary, we will kill you within a certain period of time." To a certain extent, it will be convenient for you and give you time to recuperate!"


"Don't believe in the deception of the human race. What they are good at is rhetoric!"

Lin Tiancheng chuckled and said, "Everyone, you haven't understood? I want to kill you, and I can kill you now, so why bother to put a ban on you? Isn't it unnecessary? I want you and the human race to coexist peacefully, not It will lead to your death, so you can think about where to go!"

As soon as these words came out, the strong men of the Phoenix Clan hesitated to speak, and the released Black Phoenix was also shocked by your surprise.

Originally, she thought that the Phoenix Realm had been captured by the human race and that there was no way to survive. However, it seemed that Lin Tiancheng did not come with the idea of ​​​​exterminating the Phoenix Clan. He immediately asked with some unconfidence, "Master, you have your word." What? Are you really not going to kill us? Will you not destroy the Phoenix Clan?"

Hei Feng's voice was a little excited, even trembling. Feng Jie was completely defeated, but what she didn't expect was that Lin Tiancheng was willing to let them go!

She also thought about whether this was Lin Tiancheng's delaying strategy, but when she thought that the Feng clan had been completely blocked by Lin Tiancheng and others, and all the clan members had been captured and suppressed, Lin Tiancheng really had the idea to kill them, so he could do it now without going around the bush. .

Lin Tiancheng chuckled, "Of course it counts. Otherwise, if I want you, I can do it now. Why waste my words? I said I will kill you all now, can you still blow yourself up? I just want to give you a chance." , Yimo’s killing made me understand that if we want to unify the heavens, forceful suppression is not the way to do it. Only by coexisting with you will you not be rebellious. The ancient human race before did not understand. In the end, Yimo’s killing only allowed You are afraid and resentful of the human race, so I want to change it!"

"I have said enough. The rest is left to you to choose. Whether you choose life or death, I will make it happen for you today!"

Hei Feng was silent for a long time after hearing this, and finally said, "I am willing. We are willing to accept the arrangement of the Lord. All members of our clan who are above the Mortal God Realm are willing to accept the arrangement of the Lord and are willing to serve the human race!"

Lin Tiancheng glanced at Hei Feng indifferently and said calmly, "No need, I made it very clear. If you accept the restraints, I will let you go. As long as you do not join the anti-human alliance of the three tribes of gods, demons, and immortals, I will let you go." Peace in all realms does not require you to serve me!”

"You don't have to worry that I will use you as cannon fodder after being controlled by me. Of course... I can't make any promises to you. It's entirely up to you whether you believe it or not!"

Hei Feng heard this and looked at Lin Tiancheng carefully. Seeing the contempt in his eyes, his eyes flickered, he sighed and said, "Okay, I promise you!"

When the words fell, all the Feng Clan present lowered their heads in frustration. This time, the Feng Clan will forever withdraw from the stage of competition for hegemony among all races and will become the private property of the human race!

But they also know that they have no choice. The Phoenix Clan has been defeated. Losers have no right to choose. Now the way to survive given by the human race is their only choice, unless they really want to exterminate the clan!

However, there are options to live, even if it is just a humble life, who really wants to die?

Hei Feng was also constantly trying to figure out Lin Tiancheng's thoughts, why he didn't kill them. In fact, even if he killed all the powerful men above the divine realm, Hei Feng could understand that as long as the clan was not exterminated, the descendants of the Feng clan would not be able to take down the family. What a storm.

Are you trying to win people's hearts, or are you trying to conquer the Phoenix Clan in a real sense?

For a while, Hei Feng couldn't figure out why Lin Tiancheng did this. He could only keep the doubt in his heart. This time, Lin Tiancheng did not exterminate the Phoenix Realm, which was considered to be the most benevolent and righteous.

After all, in a race war, if it were you, you would never let go of your opponent. Either you die or I die, which is the true portrayal of a race war.

Lin Tiancheng smiled and looked at the strong men from the Phoenix Realm who were accepting the restrictions, "Don't think too much, just practice hard next. We will not attack you Phoenix Clan again, but you must keep it secret. Don't surrender you yet." The news was leaked!”

"You can also try to contact the outside world. It doesn't matter. But when you lead the wolf into the house and encounter danger, it's hard to say whether I will come! In fact, you have already chosen your side today. If anyone really wants to side with the gods and demons, The three tribes should also think about whether they still believe you!"

A group of Phoenix people didn't speak. They were not stupid people. They naturally understood what Lin Tiancheng said.

Nowadays, it is a blessing for the Phoenix Clan to survive, and they no longer want to join this kind of battle.

But the Giant King couldn't help but frown at this time, "Master, as the saying goes, if the grass is cut without eradicating the root, spring will come again. When the time comes, the Phoenix Clan may become a future trouble. The reason why the ancient human race was..."

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "Giant King, I understand your good intentions, but I made it very clear that killing is not the best way to solve the problem after all. Now that they have been suppressed and banned, there will be no more changes. If there really is, we won’t be too late to kill him, don’t worry, I’m not a blind benevolent person, repaying evil with kindness is not my style!”

The Giant King opened his mouth and sighed helplessly. Well, he just felt that what Lin Tiancheng did today was a bit inappropriate, but since Lin Tiancheng had already made up his mind, he couldn't say anything more.

"Heifeng, I hope you can manage the Phoenix Clan well. Now that you have restrictions planted in your bodies, if you do something unwise and destroy the Phoenix Clan, it will only happen in a blink of an eye. I hope you will take care of yourself!" Lin Tiancheng said.

Black Phoenix nodded. It was banned by Hongmeng himself, but he didn't feel anything was wrong. It seemed that the other party really wanted to conquer the Phoenix clan, rather than using some delaying tactics.

Lin Tiancheng glanced at the Phoenix Clan who were slowly dispersing, and thought to himself that there was no benefit in killing these people. Absorbing their flesh and blood would be too wasteful. After all, it could only improve them for a while, so there would be no greater reward than conquering them directly.

Nowadays, the Phoenix Clan is no longer something to be afraid of and can no longer be an enemy. To a certain extent, the Feng Clan will even become a helper for the Human Clan, helping to fight against the three tribes of gods, demons, immortals and all races!

"Master, according to your instructions, there are a total of fifteen people in the Divine Realm of our Phoenix Clan and one person in Hedao. They have all planted restrictions. Please give me your instructions!" Hei Feng walked up to Lin Tiancheng and said respectfully.

At this moment, Black Phoenix had just condensed its body and was still very weak, but Lin Tiancheng didn't care and said with an easy-going smile, "There are no instructions, just manage the Phoenix Realm honestly. As long as there is no anti-human race, I would like to be on good terms with the Phoenix Clan forever!"

When the powerful men in Feng Realm heard this, they all looked silent and did not say a word.

Lin Tiancheng chuckled nonchalantly and said, "I will arrange for people to help you manage. They will not interfere with your clan's affairs. However, they will report the situation to me regularly. If there is any change, he will solve it for you. The pros and cons, You measure it yourself!”

"In addition, I will have people come to count the resources of Feng Realm and hand over 70%. You can keep the rest for cultivation. Don't bargain with me. This is an order, not a negotiation with you. I have done my best to be benevolent and righteous!"

Hei Feng took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart, "Yes!"

Seventy percent of the resources are just trivial matters.

Sending someone to take charge is a trivial matter.

The only thing he worries about is what will happen to these powerful people who have been banned? Will Lin Tiancheng transfer them to the front line to fight against all races?

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