Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5130: Seeking death

Lin Tiancheng looked at the people who came in coldly.

The leader was a tall man with some strange decorations on his head, who looked very much like an ancient wizard.

He was wearing clothes sewn with gold threads, and he looked like he had an extraordinary status.

This person is the high priest of the Undersea Palace, and all matters, big and small, in the Undersea Palace must pass through his hands.

This also shows that his status in this underwater palace is very high.

Seeing the person coming, Xiaoyue immediately stood up and rushed to the kitchen, taking out an old kitchen knife.

Bai Yu was also very scared when he saw the high priest.

Even her whole body was trembling slightly.

The high priest swaggered in and looked around, trying to find a place to sit down.

But I couldn't find a place to sit for a long time.

He looked at the dilapidated house with disgust, held a land deed in his hand, and threw it on the ground.

"Bai Yu, I have prepared the house you want. Here is the land deed. Take it."

"Since I have given you what you want, you can feel free to follow me."

After saying this, the person behind the high priest very wisely found an old stool from the room inside.

The high priest pretended to pat it, as if there was something dirty on it.

Xiaoyue suddenly became anxious when she heard the high priest's words.

"What land deed, what are you talking about? Why does my sister want to go with you?"

Xiaoyue and Bai Yu have been dependent on each other since they were young. No matter how hard or tired they were, he never complained.

As long as she can be with her sister, no matter what kind of life she is, she can persevere.

The high priest didn't bother to explain to Xiaoyue.

Bai Yu raised his head and looked at Lin Tiancheng. After being silent for a while, he said: "Xiaoyue, be obedient. You also know that my sister's body won't last long. This house is the only thing I can fight for for you while I'm alive." ”

"With this big house, you can sleep peacefully at night and no longer have to worry."

After saying this, Bai Yu didn't care about Xiaoyue's reluctance. She turned to Lin Tiancheng and said: "Brother, my body should have died a long time ago. Thanks to Xiaoyue, I can barely drag it on until today. It's just like this I don’t want to live a painful life anymore, I beg you to help me take good care of Xiaoyue after I leave.”

"She is a good child, but she was dragged down by me."

With that said, Bai Yu was about to kneel down in front of Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed her.

"Don't worry so much for now. Since I promised to save you, I will definitely keep my promise."

"Tell me first, what happened? Where are you going with them, and what is going on in this house?"

The high priest saw a few people dilly-dallying and became very impatient.

"Are you okay? Why are you talking so much nonsense? Just follow me. Where did all this nonsense come from?"

Lin Tiancheng turned around and glared at the high priest: "Who do you think you are?"

When the few mermaids behind the high priest saw Lin Tiancheng being so arrogant, they couldn't control themselves and stepped forward to beat him.

Bai Yu quickly stepped forward and said: "High Priest, this is my friend. He said the wrong thing. Your Excellency has a lot of people, so don't blame him."

"I will follow you after explaining to them. Can you give me some more time?"

The high priest snorted coldly, and then waved to the mermaids behind him, signaling them to retreat.

If Bai Yu wasn't a very important person and Lin Tiancheng dared to talk to him like this, he would have had someone come forward and beat him to death.

In this underwater palace, no one dared to be so rude to him.

Wuwu Octopus was strolling outside, but suddenly felt the aura of the gods, which made him secretly say that something was wrong.

The people of the God Clan are inherently competitive, and they love war the most. Now that they have appeared in the underwater palace, this will definitely cause a **** storm.

As the patron saint of the seabed, Wuwu Octopus naturally has to pay attention to every move in the palace at all times.

Bai Yu sighed and said, "The high priest said that the city lord's son is seriously ill. All the famous doctors in the city can't cure him. Only with my glass heart can I cure him."

My body has been relying on medicine, which is a huge expense. What's more, my family doesn't have much savings. Now I use my heart to buy a house for Xiaoyue to live in. This is the best way. .

In this way, with a house, my sister does not have to sleep in a cold room every day, and she will not get wet when it rains.

My sister is a smart child to begin with, and without herself being a drag, she will surely be able to live a good life soon.

What's more, now that Lin Tiancheng is taking care of her, she feels more at ease.

Lin Tiancheng became even more indifferent when he heard Bai Yu's words.

He stepped forward, picked up the land deed from the ground, and tore it into pieces in front of the high priest.

"Why, your city lord's life is life, it's so precious, isn't the life of others not life?"

After saying that, he stood next to Bai Yu and said, "Bai Yu, since I am your destined person and I promised to take care of you, I will not leave you alone."

"I will definitely get you out of here."

When Bai Yu heard Lin Tiancheng's words, not only was there no joy on his face, but he looked frightened.

She looked at the high priest in fear.

The high priest was a man of integrity, but Lin Tiancheng dared to insult him in front of him like this and tear up the land deed.

Isn't this just looking for death?

Bai Yu is a very kind person, and she doesn't want her own affairs to affect others.

If the high priest was angry, Lin Tiancheng would probably lose his life.

She also hopes that he can take Xiaoyue out and let her live a normal life.

But now he not only disobeyed the high priest's order, but also humiliated him.

Xiaoyue couldn't help but applaud when she saw Lin Tiancheng treating the high priest like this.

She has endured this high priest for a long time.

Before, he had been relying on his own power to move against his sister and plot against her.

She doesn't care about anything else, but whoever wants to bully her sister will die.

The high priest looked at Lin Tiancheng coldly, but his expression did not change much.

"Where did this young boy come from, to be so rude?"

"You are so weak and dare to be so arrogant in my palace. I am really tired of living."

As soon as the high priest finished speaking, several mermaids behind him surrounded Lin Tiancheng and others.

Lin Tiancheng didn't have the slightest fear, he just stood straight in front of them.

As soon as the five mermaid tribe dispersed, they were about to kill Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng raised his hand and used his supreme sword intention.

The person who rushed up immediately died on the ground.

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