Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5131: High Priest of the Undersea

The few remaining people were shocked when they saw this scene.

Lin Tiancheng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that his strength would rise so quickly just after climbing Hanlou Mountain once.

This Infinite Sword seems to have been improved as a result, just the sword's intention is different.

Feeling the surging wind nearby, Wuwu Octopus immediately realized that something was wrong.

He quickly found it.

The high priest looked at the few people lying on the ground and cursed in great displeasure: "You losers, what use do I have in raising you?"

"There is no way such a little person can solve it."

With that said, the high priest said to Lin Tiancheng: "Boy, you are so majestic. Do you know who I am? You dare to do something in front of me. I'm really tired of living."

Lin Tiancheng looked at him coldly, "Who you are has nothing to do with me. It's really funny."

Since Divine Doctor Luo knew that he would come here, it was far from just letting him save the sisters. There must be more important things in this underwater palace.

What's more, no matter where or under what circumstances, such a thing happens.

Lin Tiancheng would not just sit back and watch.

The young city lord's life is no different from other people's, why should he exchange his life with other people's life.

But at this time, Xiaoyue on the side took the old kitchen knife in her hand and slashed at the high priest.

No matter who you are, you can't bully your sister.

If anyone wants to take her away, I will fight him to the death!

Bai Yu was dumbfounded when she saw this, but she was too late to stop it.

Bai Yu screamed: "Xiaoyue, no, come back quickly!"

After reacting, Lin Tiancheng also wanted to go up and protect the person, but it was too late.

The high priest's palm has reached towards Xiaoyue's head.

According to the high priest's cultivation and ability, Xiaoyue will definitely die with this slap.

Even if Lin Tiancheng has immortal blood and even has certain medical skills, there is no way to save the person.

No one expected that the high priest of the underwater palace would be such a person.

He is so tyrannical and unreasonable, why do these mermaids still respect him so much?

Just when everyone thought Xiaoyue was bound to die, suddenly a long tentacle wrapped around the high priest's arm.

The high priest didn't know what it was, but he couldn't move at all.

Immediately, before the high priest could react, he was lifted up by the tentacles of Wuwu Octopus and fell heavily to the ground.

The high priest climbed up from the ground in embarrassment and looked at Wuwu Octopus at the door.

Realizing how powerful this person was, he no longer dared to act rashly.

"You people are too presumptuous, just wait, I will let you know how powerful I am sooner or later!"

After saying this, the high priest escaped under the protection of several people.

Bai Yu quickly went up and hugged Xiaoyue, "Xiaoyue, are you okay?"

As he spoke, Bai Yu's tears fell.

"Sister, I'm fine. No one should try to take you away. I want to be with you forever."

Bai Yu sighed.

Now they have completely offended the high priest, and he will definitely come to cause trouble in the future.

All she could do was to deliver Liulixin to her door, so as not to implicate Lin Tiancheng and Xiaoyue.

This is the only way to save everyone's lives.

"Xiaoyue, do you know who we offended?"

"He is the high priest of this undersea palace. He is a figure inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. If you offend him, you will die. Do you understand?"

Xiaoyue took Bai Yu's hand and shook her head.

"I don't care who he is, anyone who dares to bully you will die!"

"Sister, didn't your sick brother say that it can be cured? Can you please not give your heart to them?"

"I would rather die with you than watch them dig out your heart!"

Seeing Bai Yu was about to walk out the door, Lin Tiancheng caught him.

"Don't go, why are you going?"

Bai Yu said desperately: "Thank you for helping us. I just offended the high priest. If I don't deliver what he wants, you will definitely be in a lot of trouble in the future."

"I have no way to repay your life-saving kindness. Please help me take good care of my sister after my death. She is very obedient and will not let you worry too much."

Lin Tiancheng didn't listen to a word Bai Yu said. He took Bai Yu's hand and walked outside.

"Let's go, I will take you two sisters out of here now, let's see who dares to stop you!"

Wuwu Octopus stood aside, but didn't say much.

In his opinion, as a man, he must have a big career and cannot stick to these small loves.

Bai Yu let go of Lin Tiancheng's hand and refused: "It's impossible. He is the high priest. He is an unshakable figure in the entire underwater palace. His informants are everywhere. We can't escape."

"Now, I take the initiative to send Liulixin to the palace. This is the best way."

Before Lin Tiancheng could speak, suddenly dozens of mermaids rushed in with weapons.

Looking outside, it was obvious that Lin Tiancheng and others had been surrounded by these mermaids.

These mermaids turned out to be people of extraordinary strength.

If we were to fight with them now, even Wuwu Octopus would not be able to guarantee that he could lead them away unscathed.

Lin Tiancheng said: "In that case, then I will go with you!"

No matter what strange disease the young city lord suffered from, with Lin Tiancheng's current medical skills, curing him was no longer a problem.

When the time comes when the young city lord is successfully cured, let alone a dead end, the high priest might even apologize to him personally!

Wuwang Octopus saw this and followed him.

On the way to the Undersea Palace, Wuwu Octopus also specially reminded Lin Tiancheng.

"When I was wandering outside just now, I felt the breath of two people from the God Clan. You have to be careful."

"A person from the God Clan?"

This also made Lin Tiancheng puzzled. There are people from the gods appearing in this underwater palace. Is there any big movement in the upper world?

But no matter what, if someone from the God Clan appears here, nothing good will happen.

While talking, several people came to the underwater palace.

At this time, the city lord was sitting high on the main seat of the main hall.

What Wuwang Octopus didn't expect was that these two people from the God Clan were actually in the main hall.

What's even more outrageous is that they are actually sitting next to the city lord.

Even Wuwu Octopus couldn't understand this scene. Why could this person from the God Clan sit in such a distinguished position?

As soon as Lin Tiancheng entered the palace, he noticed something was wrong.

He looked at the two gods.

Both of these people had red hair, and Lin Tiancheng could feel the impetuous aura on them even before he got close to them.

Octopus Wuwang turned to look at Lin Tiancheng and said, "Is this...a member of the Tianyan clan?"

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