Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5132: Fighting for pearls

The short protoss man with a more delicate face said: "This is not the first time for us to come here. In this case, I won't beat around the bush and hand over the Yuezhu to us quickly, so that your young city lord can be saved. "

This Yue Pearl is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by the mermaid clan.

It is said that during the great war thousands of years ago, the mermaid tribe relied on this pearl to survive.

Otherwise, the mermaid tribe would have been destroyed at that time, and how could they still be alive today?

Therefore, the entire mermaid tribe regards this pearl as a treasure.

Now that the people of the God Clan want this Yue Pearl, doesn't that mean they want the lives of the entire Mermaid Clan?

Why did the city lord let them sit in such a distinguished position after they all made such rude requests?

Hearing the words of the people from the God Clan, the mermaid ministers present were very angry.

Some loyal people stood up directly and said: "City Lord, you must not do this. This Yuezhu is related to the lives of our entire clan. If we give this to them, what will we have left?"

"Yes, yes, these two people are really arrogant. They dare to make such unreasonable demands. I think they don't take our mermaid tribe seriously at all!"

"Otherwise, we should lock these two people up and force them to heal the young city lord!"

The two protoss people seemed to have heard a joke.

"Since we can come to this underwater palace as two people, don't we have any preparations in advance? It's really funny that you want to lock us up!"

The city lord sitting on the main seat knew very well that if these two people were tied up, the gods would definitely send a large army to attack the mermaids.

In the war a thousand years ago, the mermaids were no match for the gods, and they are even less so now.

The city lord looked at the spacious hall and the people in the court, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that I, as the city lord, have been guarding this underwater palace for so many years, but in the end I couldn't even save my own son."

After hearing the words of the city lord, everyone lowered their heads.

At this time, the high priest walked forward and said: "City Lord, believe me, as long as we get the Glazed Heart, the young City Lord's disease will definitely be cured!"

The city lord was full of disbelief, "You said that heart is useful, then you should bring it to me. Where is the heart?"

Before that, the high priest had told many ways to treat the young city lord.

But none of them are useful.

Now the city lord doesn't believe him much.

The high priest hurriedly said: "City Lord, believe me, I'm already thinking of a way. It won't be long before Liulixin comes to your door!"

This is a good opportunity to make a name for yourself!

If he could rely on this glass heart to save the young city lord, not only would his status in the underwater palace be greatly enhanced, but even the city lord would be respectful to him.

Thinking of this, the high priest's face was filled with a smile.

What's more, if he can successfully heal the young city lord, the mermaid clan will not have to be oppressed by the gods.

This is a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

When the two people from the God Clan heard the words of the high priest, their eyes lit up.

"You just said, but Liu Li Xin, where is he now?"

If you can have a glass heart, you can have two lives at the same time.

This glass heart is much more valuable than Yuezhu.

If he could travel to the underwater palace this time, he could bring Liuli Xin back.

That is another great achievement.

This glazed heart is an extremely precious treasure that is rare to find in a thousand years.

I didn't expect to encounter it here. I really couldn't find anything after trying hard to find it, and it took no effort to get there.

The high priest heard the questions from the two gods. He looked at them with disdain.

"Why, do you still want this Liulixin?"

"This is the treasure of our underwater palace. Be sensible and don't take any chances with it."

A member of the God Clan smiled and said, "Let's take a step back."

"If you can hand over this glass heart, we won't want this Yuezhu."

"Now we can help you heal the young city lord, how about it?"

"Also, let me tell you in advance that although this Liuli Heart is a treasure, there is absolutely no way to save your young city lord's life. You should think carefully and hand him over to me."

No matter how powerful Yuezhu is and how good a treasure it is, it cannot compare to Liuli Xin.

This is the Liuli Heart, a heart that can allow people to have two lives at the same time!

Even if a practitioner works hard for a lifetime, it is impossible for him to achieve such an achievement.

Such a treasure can only belong to their God Clan. Who is the Mermaid Clan and is it worthy of snatching it from the God Clan?

Neither of them expected that such a treasure would appear in the underwater palace.

Even if there is no way to bring him back today, they will think of other ways.

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng couldn't bear it anymore.

He strode into the hall.

"What are you discussing? When did this Liuli Heart become something in your hands? It would be too funny to discuss it like this."

This kind of behavior is tantamount to treating Bai Yu's heart as an object for negotiation. If you grab it, he will grab it.

How funny.

The high priest was very angry when he saw Lin Tiancheng swaggering into the hall.

He hadn't even settled the accounts with her before, but now he came to her door.

He shouted to the people next to him: "What's going on with you guys? What are you doing standing there stupidly? Why don't you get them for me quickly?"

"I haven't even come to settle accounts with you, but I've sent it here myself."

After hearing the high priest's order, several people immediately stepped forward.

These people dare to offend the high priest. They are really impatient.

When the two protoss people saw Bai Yu, their eyes lit up.

This is really Liulixin!

Not only that, this man actually has the Fiery Cold Holy Body on his body.

The two people from the God Clan did not expect that one day such a treasure would appear in the same person.

If he could bring this person back, wouldn't he have done a great service?

Thinking of this, the two protoss people looked at each other and made up their minds.

Not to mention that bringing this Liuli Heart back can give people two lives at the same time. If the Fierce Cold Holy Body in this woman can be put to good use, it will be a powerful weapon for killing people!

Lin Tiancheng watched as dozens of merfolk rushed up, and he said coldly: "Wait a minute, I can cure your young city lord's illness!"

Even if Lin Tiancheng hasn't met their young city lord yet, he has no idea what's wrong with him.

But according to his current ability, such an illness is not a big deal.

The most important thing at the moment is to stabilize these people and prevent them from attacking Bai Yu.

What's more, he still has immortal blood in his body.

There is no disease that he cannot cure.

The high priest didn't believe what Lin Tiancheng said at all. He said angrily: "Where did you come from, a liar? How dare you speak arrogant words in this hall? You are really not afraid of death!"

The city lord didn't believe that Lin Tiancheng could cure his son's disease at all.

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