Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 926: Unique wisdom

The Portman Ritz-Carlton.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the urban management, transportation, and police departments coordinated to implement traffic control near the Portman Ritz-Carlton Hotel and clear the mobile vendors.

Compared with the busy traffic in other places, there are only a few police cars parked in front of the hotel. While it is cold, the atmosphere is also a bit solemn.

Some well-informed people who are also well-known in Shenshi will show some tremor and admiration on their faces when they drive past the hotel.

They knew that Wan Shihou would come to the Portman Ritz-Carlton Hotel for a discussion today.

This style is almost the same as the visit of the richest person in the country.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, people came to the banquet one after another.

The nature of today's banquet was a discussion between entrepreneurs and leaders of relevant departments. In addition to official figures, there were many entrepreneurs.

Official figures are not surprised at such a scene, but even some well-established entrepreneurs are a little shocked when they arrive at the hotel.

They knew very well in their hearts that this ostentation, looking at the entire city of Shenyang, was done by Wan Shihou alone. It's nothing more than the arrival of Ali Tencent boss.

The hotel also attached great importance to today's discussion. Almost all the staff who showed up were transferred to the hotel to guide the guests who came to the banquet to enter the hotel.

On the second floor of the hotel, in the two large banquet halls in the north and south, they are all neatly cleaned, spotlessly clean, and waiting to be empty. Each table has a name tag standing upright.

Conventionally, people who feel a little lack of identity will basically arrive early.

A big boss in a suit and leather shoes entered the banquet hall and glanced around. There was a bit of surprise in his eyes, "Mr. Meng, are you here too?"

When the boss called President Meng saw this, he was also somewhat surprised, "Mr. Sun, are you here too?"

The two general identities are relatively ordinary, and they are a little cautious in their hearts. When they see acquaintances, they relax a little.

Slowly, some prominent bosses entered the banquet hall, and acquaintances said hello one after another.

Although Wan Shihou is distinguished, he is his home court today, and many official figures will come, so he also came earlier.

When I came to the banquet hall, I saw that the other side of the banquet hall was empty, with an imperceptible smile on Wan Shihou's face.

"Master Hou is here." A sharp-eyed man couldn't help shouting when he saw Wan Shihou.

Suddenly, everyone turned their heads together, paying attention to Wan Shihou, regardless of whether Wan Shihou was familiar with them or not, they all said hello.

"Hello, Lord Hou."

"Master Hou came early."

Wan Shihou said that it was a symposium today. In fact, he still had a birthday first, and he was also ready to wait for Lin Tiancheng to recognize him as a godfather or Yue Zhang, so he wore a yellow-rimmed brocade robe, not luxurious, but Still very festive.

Regardless of whether he knew the person who greeted him, Wan Shihou nodded slightly in return. Except for official figures, in Shenshi, not many people could let Wan Shihou say a few words alone.

Xia Nan also led Xia Sisi over, smiling, "Master Hou."

Xia Nan's identity is still very high. Wan Shihou knows Xia Nan, and he nods to Xia Nan alone, "Mr. Xia is here too."

Xia Nan's face showed a bit of emotion, and his emotions were slightly agitated, "How could I not come. Hong Kong Island and Guangzhou have become cities around the special zone. Many people are discussing whether Shenshi will become a city around Hangzhou. Although a little overwhelming, it can be addressed to a large extent, indicating that the overall environment of Shen City is not optimistic. The seminar held by Hou Ye was timely and quite necessary."

A smile appeared on Wan Shihou's face, and Xia Nan's words were very good.

Xia Nan became courageous and turned to look at Wan Mei, "This is the daughter of Hou's family, the person in the painting is nothing but that."

Wan Shihou feels better.

A person who had something to do with Wan Shihou saw that Xia Nan was flattering to make Wan Shihou Hou Yan happy, unwilling to lag behind, "Miss Wan is beautiful and beautiful, and Lin Tiancheng has accumulated virtue in the previous life, so he can enter Miss Wan's eyes."

Wan Shihou's face became a little gloomy.

The expressions on the faces of many bosses also became a little embarrassing.

Wan Shihou said that he wanted to recognize Lin Tiancheng as a godson or son-in-law, and the other party belittle Lin Tiancheng here, this is to beat Wan Shihou.

Xia Nan calmly relieved, "Miss Wan’s excellence is beyond doubt. Because of this, Master Hou has no choice but to pull out the general from within. If Lin Tiancheng is not worthy of Miss Wan, then it is estimated that others will not be able to join Miss Wan. Eyes."

The smile on Wan Shihou's face returned.

Many people looked at Xia Nan's gaze, showing sincere admiration.

This sentence did not pull Wan Meimei to the same level as Lin Tiancheng, but it suppressed everyone's identities under Lin Tiancheng.


Xia Nan has been able to live side by side between Kang Junyi and Wan Shihou for so many years, she really has her own unique wisdom.

Wan Shihou came almost at the same time. The leaders of the relevant departments who entered the banquet hall at this time. And they are basically leaders with real power. These people, without exception, showed great respect for Wan Shihou's performance. Although Wan Shihou greeted them one by one, his aura was obviously better.

"What game."

"Director He is here."

Director He is the Executive Deputy Director of the Finance Bureau of Shen City. This is the person who holds the money bag of Shen City. He is a real powerful man and his identity can be imagined.

Not to mention some big bosses with average status, even people like Xia Nan didn't rush forward to say hello.

Everyone's eyes fell on Wan Shihou. They wanted to see whether Wan Shihou could still take the initiative in front of Director He.

The smile on Wan Shihou's face was still calm, but he took two steps towards Director He.

On the contrary, it was Director He who noticeably accelerated his pace and took the initiative to shake hands with Wan Shihou. "President Wan, there are a lot of things in the bureau today, so please don't be surprised if you are late."

Wan Shihou smiled, "In this way, I can't forgive Director He. Director He is an official. No matter how busy serving the people, he should be busy. Originally, I was going to let Director He answer three questions. Answer ten questions next."

Director He smiled, "As long as it is a question within the scope of my duties, don't say ten, answer a hundred."

At this time, even people who thought they knew the strength of Wan Shihou could not help but trembled.

Wan Shihou dared to be in front of so many people and had to punish Director He. Although it was a joke, it was enough!

Not everyone can make such a joke with Director He.

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How unfathomable is Wan Shihou's network of relationships! ! !

At this time, a follower of Wan Shihou hurriedly walked to Wan Shihou and said nervously, "Mayor Wei and his party are here."


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