Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 927: A hundred responses

This news caused quite a stir in the banquet hall.

There are many deputy mayors in Shenshi, but there is only one surnamed Wei, who is in charge of the economy, and many of you are familiar with it.

The symposium organized by Wan Shihou was not of an official nature. It was just to show off the relationship to Lin Tiancheng in the name of the symposium. Everyone did not expect that heavyweights like Wei Gong would take it so seriously and would have to come and participate in person.

Everyone's eyes fell on Wan Shihou.

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Everyone thought that if a person like Wei Gong came, Wan Shihou would definitely take it seriously and personally go outside the hotel to meet him.

However, it did not.

Wan Shihou did not have any surprises on his face, he just nodded slightly, and stood at the door of the banquet hall waiting for Wei Gong to come.

Everyone's hearts trembled even more.

Among the big guys who came to the banquet today, they can invite a few people at the bureau level to dinner, but it is impossible to invite so many people.

More importantly, even if they were able to invite other leaders for dinner, they would never be as calm and calm as Wan Shihou.

A strong boss, at this time, there was also a look of fear on his face.

He is very powerful and has a lot of connections in Shenshi. Although he thinks that he should be inferior to Wanshihou, he thinks that the gap with Wanshihou will not be too big. Wanshihou is just an early fame and was received by Shenshi. People have been deified.

Today, he finally sees the gap between him and Wan Shihou. If he really has something to do with Wan Shihou, Wan Shihou can teach him how to be a man every minute.

The smile on his face, which was originally calm and composed, has also converged a lot at this time, becoming gentle and polite.

Xia Nan nodded and said to several big men around him, "Mayor Wei is very capable, tough in style, and has a great age advantage. No surprises, he will definitely become a powerful official in frontiers in the future. I didn't expect even he would come in person."

In less than five minutes, Wei Gong strode forward with a smile on his face.

Wan Shihou took two steps forward and smiled, "Mayor Wei, a small symposium, unexpectedly shocked you."

Wei Gong is a very powerful person, especially when dealing with businessmen.

It’s just that today, Wei Gong looks good, and he is not so strong. He speeds up his pace a bit, and takes the initiative to reach out to hold Wan Shihou’s hand. How can I not come to take advantage of this forum."

After shaking hands with Wei Gong, Wan Shihou stretched out his hands and said, "Mayor Wei, please."

Wei Gong actually refused to come forward, "Hou Ye, please first."

Wan Shihou did not postpone any longer, turned and walked towards his position.

Everyone looked at Wan Shihou's eyes even more in awe.

In the Republic, businessmen are not as good as officials, but Wan Shihou's current situation is that the deputy mayor in charge of the economy has stabilized.

Think about it and you can understand.

In today's banquet hall, more than half of the number of entrepreneurs who can be called in Shenshi came, and the leaders of the relevant departments did not know how many. Even if government departments want to hold such a symposium, it would be impossible to do so without personal instructions from the main leaders.


Who else?

Except in the city of Shenyang, who can respond to a hundred responses, who can form this game? Created this trend?

With the arrival of Wei Gong, the people in Wan Shihou's banquet were almost all.

Wan Shihou walked to his seat and scanned the name tag on the table, "Add a place and let President Xia sit here."

Xia Nan's heart was shocked when he heard this. He had a foreboding that Mr. Xia in Wan Shihou's mouth was himself, but after all, he was deep in the city, and he was not happy.

At this time, Wan Shihou's eyes fell on Xia Nan, "Mr. Xia, come and sit."

Xia Nan's face showed a somewhat flattered look, and he brought Xia Sisi to Wan Shihou's side and sat down in the lower position.

Aware of the envy in others' eyes, Xia Nan couldn't help but feel a little complacent.

Xia Nan is known as Yumian scholar, resourceful and resourceful. After years of hard work, Xia Nan is also regarded as a resounding figure in Shenshi.

Kang Junyi had thrown an olive branch to Xia Nan very early, but Xia Nan knew very well that Shenshi was respected by Wan Shihou, and of course he would not agree.

He also wanted to stand in Wan Shihou's team, but if he sent it to the door, how could Wan Shihou take the initiative to solicit the valuable money.

He waited for a long time and finally waited till today!

More importantly, Lin Tiancheng will soon bow his head in front of Wan Shihou, and after today, Wan Shihou will reach the peak again!

His Xia Nan's status will also rise.

In the past, Kang Junyi and Wanshihou were ruled by the river. He had to bow his head in front of Kang Junyi. After today, even if Kang Junyi is face-to-face, he will obediently respect him.

At this time, there was a series of footsteps outside the banquet hall.

The people on Wan Shihou's side have arrived. Everyone knows that they are the Jiangan entrepreneurs delegation on behalf of Lin Tiancheng.

Wan Shihou held a discussion at the Portman Ritz-Carlton Hotel today, and the Jiangan delegation also held a discussion at the same time and place. Obviously, today is a contest between Wan Shihou and Lin Tiancheng in the network of relations in Shenshi.

Many people looked outside, wondering who Lin Tiancheng had.

Everyone thought that if Lin Tiancheng dared to fight with Wanshihou, he should have some support, at least a few powerful leaders would come out to respond.

The result exceeded everyone's expectations.

The vast majority of entrepreneurs in the delegation are unfamiliar faces, and a few are the leaders of enterprises under investigation in Shanghai.

As for official figures, there are only the chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce and the idle leaders of a few federations.

If you don't hear anything, in Wan Shihou's banquet hall, any leader can be brought out, it is enough to fight against the chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce.

Although everyone has long known that Wan Shihou can surpass Lin Tiancheng, Lin Tiancheng has been rumored to be very mysterious recently, and everyone has some expectations. Will Lin Tiancheng come to a few leaders with a certain status, and he will be called by Wan Shihou. Hanging, let everyone watch a good show.

There is only one chairman of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and I am afraid that Wan Shihou will not even have any interest in slinging each other.

An entourage of Wan Shihou walked to Wan Shihou and whispered, "Master Hou, President Han and President Li have arrived."

Wan Shihou nodded and said to Wei Gong, "Mayor Wei, the Jiang An entrepreneurs delegation visited President Han Li and his company. Just now they accompanied the people of the delegation into the next banquet hall. When they come, the forum will be fine. Officially begin."

Hearing what Wan Shihou said, many people showed a pleasant smile on their faces.

There was no one to accompany the Jiang'an Entrepreneur Investigation Group, and even the leaders of several local enterprises under investigation had to come.

If it is not inappropriate, they all want to see what kind of expressions a group of Jiangan bosses will look like.


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