Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 932: Songming is late

Lin Tiancheng said that he wanted to kill Wan Shihou, the scene was already on the verge of breaking out.

At this time, Wei Jiahao actually said that Wan Shihou was a lingering old dog!

Now, let alone a character like Xia Nan, including Mayor Wei, they all looked at Wei Jiahao with wide eyes, their eyes full of horror.

Everyone never thought that Wei Jiahao would dare to speak like this.

It is a delusion for Lin Tiancheng to kill Wan Shihou, but it is not easy for Wan Shihou to kill Lin Tiancheng, but Wei Jiahao, what is it?


Do not!

This is not crazy, but crazy!

Before meeting Lin Tiancheng, Wan Shihou hadn't been angry for many years, even if he had a thunder in his chest, he could face like a Pinghu.

Since Lin Tiancheng appeared, Wan Shihou's mood has been unstable several times.

With Wan Shihou's restraint, he couldn't help but burst out at this time, he shouted, "Master Ke, take this person out to talk."

Ke Yan, who was sitting next to him, got up and walked towards Wei Jiahao.

Wei Jiahao clenched his fist and bowed slightly, already in a desperate posture.

Xia Sisi's mind was a little blank. She had a foreboding that Ke Yan was a dangerous person. She suddenly jumped in front of Lin Tiancheng, raised her hands to protect her, and closed her eyes, "No."

Ke Yan wanted to take people away, where was Xia Sisi blocking it?

However, Ke Yan didn't take a few steps, suddenly his feet stagnated, and he glanced into the corner of the banquet hall, his expression suddenly became serious.

I don't know when, in the corner of the banquet hall, there was already an old man with a white coat and black trousers, long silver hair **** in a ponytail behind his head.

At this moment, the old man was looking at Ke Yan seriously, shaking his head slightly, and beckoning Ke Yan not to move.

Seeing Ke Yan stopped, Wan Shihou was about to get angry. At this time, a follower trot to Wan Shihou's side, "Hoye, Mayor Qin is here."

There was a commotion in the banquet hall.

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Vice Mayor Wei Gong's expression is no longer so strong.

Among the mayors, there is only one surnamed Qin—Qin Songming, member of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor.

The seminar that Wan Shihou held today was not formal. Everyone did not expect that even the standing committee members would come in person.

At this time, everyone looked at Lin Tiancheng's eyes, and it became even more funny.

Wan Shihou also changed slightly.

Not to mention that Qin Songming is not his relationship, even if it is, it is impossible for people at the Standing Committee level to come and participate.

Everyone is clear in their hearts. Today Wan Shihou is in a ring with Lin Tiancheng in this forum. When he comes, he means standing in line.

Wouldn't it be on the inspection team?

If this is really the case, Qin Songming alone can help Lin Tiancheng restore the decline and make Lin Tiancheng and him evenly divided.

Soon, Wan Shihou ruled out this possibility.

The banquet hall next door had already opened. If a heavyweight like Qin Songming would come over, then Lin Tiancheng would have to wait anyway, and Chairman Zhao did not dare to leave the delegation and come here.

After a little thought, Wan Shihou felt relieved.


Today, he and Lin Tian are in the top spot. Everyone thinks that Lin Tiancheng will recognize his relatives. He and Lin Tiancheng will join forces and must reach the peak again.

Qin Songming is here to show his good intentions.

Although Lin Tiancheng did not recognize his relatives, it does not matter. Kang Junyi has already surrendered to Lin Tiancheng. Today, Lin Tiancheng was a complete failure. After today, among the celebrities in Shanghai, there will only be the voice of Wan Shihou alone. The same is true. Get Qin Songming's attention.

Qin Songming was about to come, but Wan Shihou didn't dare to be big, so he immediately got up and greeted him at the entrance of the banquet hall.

The scene that was almost aroused was also suppressed by Qin Songming's name.

The envy in Xia Nan's eyes was even more obvious. He shook his head and said with emotion, "For three years, at most three years, Wan Shihou will be the king of East China!"

Li Rufei looked at Lin Tiancheng with a wry smile.

Xia Sisi also looked at Lin Tiancheng with questioning eyes. She remembered Lin Tiancheng saying that he also knew a lot of leaders, but none of them came.

Wan Shihou has come to the entrance of the banquet hall.

Qin Songming also appeared in the hall. He looked solemn and walked in a hurry. The secretary carried his bag and followed all the way.

So important?

Wan Shihou felt a little flattered, his face flushed with excitement.

Many people saw Qin Songming's performance from the door, and they all shook their heads secretly, leaving only absolute conviction with Wan Shihou in their hearts.

This is a member of the Standing Committee, let alone an unofficial symposium. Even if you are late to the Standing Committee, you will not go so fast.

How deep is Wan Shihou's background?

A high-ranking boss who had a good personal relationship with Wan Shihou shook his head and joked, "Master Hou, you are using a cannon to beat the flies."

As soon as this person finished speaking, his smile froze on his face.

Qin Songming actually walked towards the opposite banquet hall?

Wan Shihou's temple throbbed.

If Qin Songming really went to the platform for Lin Tiancheng, no matter how many others did, it would be difficult for him to accept.

Qin Songming had already arrived at the entrance of the banquet hall opposite.

As soon as he entered the door, he smiled enthusiastically, and looked around, "It's late, it's late..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Qin Songming felt something was wrong. What about Lin Tiancheng that the old man said, why is he not here?

The embarrassment on his face was fleeting, and he asked politely, "Um, may I ask Lin Tiancheng, is Shao Lin here."

Luo Shaoqing replied, "On the other side."

Qin Songming turned to leave and said, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

Qin Songming said that he was wrong, this sentence was heard by Wan Shihou. He was relieved, his smile bloomed again.

Others in the banquet hall also discovered that Qin Songming had made a mistake, and they were also relieved. One boss returned, "I knew it."

Seeing that Qin Songming had already crossed the center line of the hall, Wan Shihou hurriedly greeted Qin Songming, leaned forward, and proactively stretched out his hand, "Oh, Mayor Qin, a small forum, you are actually surprised to drive."

At this time, Li Rufei also pulled Lin Tiancheng to the exit of the banquet hall.

Today, Lin Tiancheng has been completely defeated, and now Wan Shihou has even the Standing Committee members here, and Lin Tiancheng's stay will only increase embarrassment.

More importantly, if Lin Tiancheng said anything shocking in Qin Songming's face, it would only be even worse for Lin Tiancheng.

In everyone's eyes, Qin Songming looked anxious and strode forward, his eyes only hurriedly past Wan Shihou before falling on Lin Tiancheng.

He walked quickly to Lin Tiancheng's side, took the initiative to reach out to Lin Tiancheng, leaned slightly, his tone was respectful, "Shao Lin, something happened, Songming is late."


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