Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 933: I am a part-timer

Seeing Qin Songming's attitude in front of Lin Tiancheng, Wan Shihou had a heart, as if he was punched again by the Hulk.

He opened his eyes wide and watched in horror as Qin Songming bowed his head in front of Lin Tiancheng, forgetting to breathe.

Even if Qin Songming came to Lin Tiancheng's platform, it should be that Lin Tiancheng was flattered and respectful, even if he was facing Qin Songming, he had to bow his head obediently.

If you don't hear anything, if it is in public, even if Qin Songming is in front of Secretary Han, he will never be in this attitude.

What did Qin Songming just call himself in front of Lin Tiancheng?


This is the modest name of the junior in front of the elders, the lower in front of the superior, or an ordinary person in front of the big boss!

He, Qin Songming, is a big boss at the level of the Standing Committee of Shen City!

Not only Wan Shihou, but the other people in the banquet hall were also dumbfounded, heart beating fiercely.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, this would not have been a scene they could imagine. The picture in front of them made them truly appreciate what shock it is.

In particular, people in some relevant departments were afraid to look directly at Qin Songming's dignity.

Everyone held their breath, and only their own fierce heartbeat remained in everyone's ears.

Vice Mayor Wei Gong heard that Qin Songming was coming, and of course he would come to greet him. He also saw a scene in front of him that he will never forget.

After being stunned, Wei Gong immediately walked to Lin Tiancheng and Qin Songming's side almost out of instinct, with a slightly bowed body and a smile on his face.

There was also a moment of loss in Li Rufei's beautiful eyes.

Only Xia Sisi had a pair of nice big eyes smiling into a crescent moon.

Lin Tiancheng was also a little shocked in his heart. Even as the number one young man on the river bank, he couldn't be regarded as Qin Songming's posture.

Of course, at this time, Lin Tiancheng also vaguely felt in his heart that this should be a good start for him from Father Lu Zhongliang.

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Lin Tiancheng also leaned slightly, his tone was a little tentative, "Mayor Qin?"

Qin Songming leaned again, his expression full of self-blame, and squeezed Lin Tiancheng's hand hard, "Lin Shao, in front of you, today I am not the mayor, please come inside."

At this time, Lin Tiancheng was basically able to confirm that Qin Songming was the father's person, and he nodded, "The people from the Jiangan Entrepreneur Investigation Group are opposite. Mayor Qin please."

Qin Songming stepped aside, "Lin Shao, please first."

Seeing that Qin Songming's attitude was not at all polite, Lin Tiancheng knew that even if he was more modest, Qin Songming would not be willing to go first.

Lin Tiancheng was about to lift his leg and leave.

At this time, Xia Nan's indifferent voice sounded, and the words were not surprising, "Lin Tiancheng, you are so courageous, you dare to find a cat or dog to pretend to be the leader."

After that, Xia Nan's eyes flashed with a bit of wisdom to win a thousand miles, and a bit of unnoticeable contentment appeared on his face.

Concerns are chaotic, and the authorities are confused.

He is different from Xia Nan, and the scholar in Yumian is not in vain.

Shen City is a municipality directly under the Central Government, and Qin Songming is a member of the Standing Committee of a municipality directly under the Central Government. Not to mention that Lin Tiancheng is just a grassroots-born young man on the river bank. Even if the youngest member of the highest-level family comes, Qin Songming can completely fight against each other on an equal footing.

Then, the truth of the matter is very simple.

This Qin Songming is a fake!

This is why the other party just said that he is not the mayor today.

Qin Songming's identity in front of Lin Tiancheng today may not be the mayor, but it is still in front of others.

Qin Songming turned to look at Xia Nan, "Why do you say I'm an impersonator?"

Seeing the sudden change in Qin Songming's aura and the aura of the superiors exuding, Xia Nan felt a little uneasy.

Soon, Xia Nan still felt that this was unscientific.

He looked at Qin Songming without showing any weakness, "Shen City Standing Committee, will you be Lin Tiancheng's dog?"

I go!

Vice Mayor Wei Gong took a few steps back in fright, and looked at Xia Nan with horror and pity.

He and Qin Songming are colleagues. No one here knows Qin Songming better than him, and he even knows how many sets of clothes Qin Songming usually has.

More importantly, Qin Songming's secretary is also there. If Qin Songming is a counterfeit, doesn't Qin Songming's secretary know.

If Qin Songming and the secretary were fakes, others would believe him, Wei Gong would not believe him.

He knew Xia Nan was dying.

Hearing Xia Nan questioning Qin Songming's identity, some people were also suspicious, but they did not have the courage of Xia Nan, and did not dare to question Qin Songming's decision.


What if the Qin Songming in front of him is real?

Hearing Xia Nan said that he was a dog, with Qin Songming’s skill in raising qi, his expression was a little livid. He looked at Xia Nan, "It is possible to let the powerful entrepreneurs of Jiang’an Province come to inspect for so many years, thanks to Lin Shao’s paving the way and threading needles. , Is it wrong for me to respect Shao Lin? Why is it a dog?"

Secretary Qin Songming saw Xia Nan's gaze a bit gloomy, he shook his head, his face also had an incomprehensible expression.

Seeing that Qin Songming was so strong, Xia Nan started to beat the drums in his heart, but he did not dare to speak out.

Qin Songming asked again, "What is your name?"

Xia Nan actually started to sweat on his head, and his aura became much weaker. "I, I'm just a part-time worker."

Qin Songming stopped going to see Xia Nan, but turned to look at Lin Tiancheng, and stretched out his palm to the front, "Lin Shao please."

Lin Tiancheng raised his leg forward.

Qin Songming was half behind Lin Tiancheng and accompanied him closely.

Both Li Rufei and Wei Jiahao followed Qin Songming's back in an interesting manner.

At this time, Qin Songming walked in a normal rhythm, but Wei Gong was different. He looked very urgent and ran with Qin Songming in small steps.

Chairman Zhao of the Shenshi Federation of Industry and Commerce, holding a handkerchief in his hand, kept wiping sweat on his forehead, following the end of the team.

Wan Shihou respectfully stood at the entrance of the banquet hall and watched Lin Tiancheng and his party enter the opposite banquet hall.

Although his heart trembled extremely, he was able to maintain his composure.

Although Lin Tiancheng had a standing committee member, there were so many people on his side, and he could barely compete with Lin Tiancheng.

After all, he Wanshihou is not without his backing.

There was already panic in the huge banquet hall, but when everyone saw that Wan Shihou was still sitting peacefully, they dared to re-enter the table.

Xia Nan also sat down at the same table as Wan Shihou, but she was completely devoid of business enthusiasm, and her face was full of anxiety.

At this time, President Han bit his head and came to Wan Shihou, "Well, Lord Hou, Mayor Qin is here, I'm afraid he will report to me."

President Li also smiled and looked at Wan Shihou with apologetic eyes.

Wan Shihou nodded, "It should be."

At this time, Wan Shihou's entourage ran to Wan Shihou's side again, with a solemn expression, "Master Hou, Secretary Zhang of the Political and Legal Committee is here."


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