Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 945: Need the power of love

Lin Tiancheng doesn't need to be injured. There is only one electricity left, and the consequences are beyond his ability. What's more, he also encountered Jin Man's strong two cuts, and his body was pierced by bullets and lost too much blood.

If it hadn't been for the consumption of electricity to control the injury, he would have already returned to the West.

Given Lin Tiancheng's current physical condition, it is really useless to go to the hospital. What he urgently needs now is to recharge and save himself.

In the confusion, he felt that Li Rufei and others had misunderstood him, and Lin Tiancheng didn't care about explaining it, touching it with one hand, looking for the source of charging.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng's hand touched a towering top.

There is electricity, but not much.

Lin Tiancheng felt that his current physical condition was very bad, and he was stroking with his clothes again. That's why he looked like this.

Regardless, Lin Tiancheng's life was saved with the power supply.

He said, "Sister Fei, quickly, send me back to my room."

Wei Jiahao wanted to step forward to help, but saw Lin Tiancheng grabbing Li Xiaoyi's chest with one hand, he did not dare to step forward.

Upon seeing this, Gongsun Jiu stepped forward to remove Lin Tiancheng's hand.

"Don't move!" Lin Tiancheng said immediately.

At this time, Li Xiaoyi didn't care about being shy. In addition to sadness, there was also inexplicable shame and joy in his heart.

She blocked Gongsun Jiu behind, and together with Li Rufei, helped Lin Tiancheng back to the room with Li Rufei.

Lin Tiancheng's hand kept holding on.

Li Rufei believed in Lin Tian's adult character. She didn't think that Lin Tiancheng was deliberately taking advantage, only when Lin Tiancheng caught it randomly.

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Let Lin Tiancheng lie on the bed, Li Rufei said, "Tiancheng, you have to believe in yourself. You promised Sister Fei that you will build copper walls and iron walls with flesh and blood... Tiancheng, you will be fine. Obedient, I will send you to the hospital."

Lin Tiancheng continued to hold on, but was unable to open his eyes, "Sister Fei, I am so badly injured, no matter how good the hospital is, I can't make it back to heaven. Do you remember what I said to you before? When I was in a desperate situation, you would Not willing to save me at all costs?"

Li Rufei tears down like broken pearls, nodding her head repeatedly, "Of course I do."

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng was already lying on the bed, and still grabbing himself and refused to let go, and being in front of Li Rufei, Li Xiaoyi was embarrassed and shrank back.

"Don't move. Let me catch."

Lin Tiancheng immediately reminded, "Sister Fei, listen to me, do you remember the last time I was injured in the dogfighting arena. Later, Sister Fei gave me a massage under my guidance and I recovered. I am different from ordinary people. People injured need conventional treatment, and I need the power of love."

Because of weakness, Lin Tiancheng paused and continued, "I know Sister Fei may find it incredible, but what I said is true."

Li Rufei said, "Of course Sister Fei believes you."

Not to mention that Li Rufei had promised Lin Tiancheng a long time ago. Even if he did not, even if Lin Tiancheng made such a request temporarily, it would be difficult for Li Rufei to refuse.

Li Rufei also believes that at this time, it is impossible for Lin Tiancheng to use her feelings to achieve ulterior goals.

Hearing Li Rufei's promise, Lin Tiancheng closed his eyes tightly, but his face was already a somewhat relieved smile, "I feel much better now."

He had charged 1 battery and found that the battery was no longer increasing, so he started looking for the neckline with one hand.

Li Rufei quickly grabbed Lin Tiancheng's hand, "Tiancheng, can you hold on for a while, Xiaoyi is still here."

Lin Tiancheng retracted his hand.

Li Rufei took Li Xiaoyi out and hurried to Li Xiaoyi's bedroom.

Li Xiaoyi blushed, with a heart beating fiercely, and blamed, "Mom, Tiancheng is like that, so I can't delay any longer."

Li Rufei said, "I know, but what Tiancheng needs is my help."

Li Xiaoyi didn't believe it anymore.

Just now, Lin Tiancheng's hand had been holding her, and she also heard Lin Tiancheng say that he felt much better now.

This is enough proof that Lin Tiancheng has feelings for her, but because of her young age, Lin Tiancheng retreated and chose Li Rufei second.

Li Xiaoyi said, "I can help him."

Li Rufei was a little panicked----she had known that Li Xiaoyi had secretly promised Lin Tiancheng.

Li Rufei said, "Xiaoyi, you made a mistake. You have heard what Tiancheng said just now. Okay, don't think too much, take a good rest, there will be nothing wrong with me in Tiancheng."

Thinking of the power of love mentioned by Lin Tiancheng, Li Xiaoyi doubled his courage.

She looked at Li Rufei without showing any weakness, "Mom, you just saw that Tiancheng touched me, and he personally said that he feels much better. Heaven has become our Li family without even wanting to die, and I am willing to save him by myself. I am eighteen years old."

Li Rufei didn't know how to refute it.

Maybe Tiancheng also feels a little bit about Xiaoyi? After all, Xiaoyi was in his prime.

Li Rufei can be sure that Lin Tiancheng must feel better for her than Xiaoyi, and she successfully cured Lin Tiancheng last time.

With Li Xiaoyi's personality and the urgency of the situation now, Li Rufei knew that it was difficult for her to explain clearly to Li Xiaoyi.

Slightly pondering, Li Rufei said, "Xiaoyi, I know your feelings for Tiancheng, but you don't go to the hospital because of the hurt so badly, do you believe in such things that violate science only by the power of love."

Li Xiaoyi looked at Li Rufei suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Li Rufei said, "He has lied. It's all this time, he still thinks about this kind of thing in his heart, and he must be hurt. Believe me, we don't care about him."

Li Xiaoyi was a little excited, just about to speak, he hesitated again, "Really?"

Li Rufei stroked Li Xiaoyi's head with a relaxed smile on her face, "I promise, tomorrow he will be alive and well."

Li Xiaoyi thought for a while, "Well, well, if Tiancheng did not lie and the situation is particularly critical, you must tell me, otherwise, I will never forgive myself or you in my life."

Li Rufei smiled relieved, "Don't worry."

To comfort Li Xiaoyi to rest, Li Rufei hurried downstairs. She knew that Lin Tiancheng was injured too badly, and she had to get on the horse herself.

When he came to Lin Tiancheng's room, Li Rufei lowered her voice, "Tiancheng, how are you doing now? Can you hold on for a while."

Lin Tiancheng opened his eyes and closed them again, "I may not last long."

Now that Li Xiaoyi is not asleep, Li Rufei is a little afraid to take risks, "You try to insist on ensuring that the worst consequences will not occur. If you really can’t persist, you will call me and I will come down to help you as soon as possible. ."

Li Xiaoyi was not asleep yet, Li Rufei didn't dare to act rashly. If Li Xiaoyi didn't worry about Lin Tiancheng's injury and went downstairs to check, the consequences would be disastrous.

For Li Rufei's sake, what Lin Tiancheng has to say, "I will try my best."


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