Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 946: Got the wrong object

Lin Tiancheng knew what Li Rufei was afraid of.

Now he felt a little panic in his heart.

If Li Rufei was afraid of Li Xiaoyi, or was stared at death by Li Xiaoyi, he might really be smashed tonight.

He felt that both Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi were willing to save him, but if they did not give in to each other, there would be a vicious consequence.

When Li Rufei left Lin Tiancheng's room, she found Li Xiaoyi standing on the stairs on the second floor.

She secretly rejoiced in her heart, thanks to her keeping an eye on her, otherwise, the relationship between Li Xiaoyi and her would break.

She glanced at Gongsun Jiu and Wei Jiahao in the living room, "Uncle Jiu, you can rest, Tiancheng will be fine."

After speaking, he looked at Wei Jiahao, "Mr. Wei, it's getting late, you should go back first."

Later, she would sneak into Lin Tiancheng's room to help Lin Tiancheng heal her injuries, she might make some movement, Gongsun Jiu had very good hearing.

Gongsun Jiu also knew that he couldn't help, so he sighed in his heart and got up and left.

Wei Jiahao didn't want to leave, but Li Rufei issued an eviction order and was too embarrassed to stay. "Mr. Li, just call me if you have anything."

After Gongsunjiu and Wei Jiahao left, Li Rufei returned to her bedroom. On the one hand, she had to wait for Li Xiaoyi to sleep peacefully. On the other hand, she had to make some psychological preparations.

She could have a foreboding that Lin Tiancheng's injury would not be cured today, I am afraid it will not be as simple as a massage.

Seeing Li Rufei returning to the room, Li Xiaoyi tiptoed downstairs and entered Lin Tiancheng's room.

Li Rufei said that Lin Tiancheng was deliberately taking advantage of others' danger, so she didn't believe it.

Li Xiaoyi found that Lin Tiancheng, who was lying on the bed, had a face like golden paper, and his breath was a little weak.

This discovery made Li Xiaoyi feel nervous.

No longer hesitating, Li Xiaoyi immediately grabbed Lin Tiancheng's hand and placed it on his body.

She also knew that because of the age difference between Lin Tiancheng and her, although Lin Tiancheng had feelings for her, he would not accept her.

She was afraid that Lin Tiancheng knew it was herself, and she did not dare to speak. The most important thing now is to save Lin Tiancheng quickly.

If it's normal, even if he doesn't need to open his eyes, even if he touches it with his hands, he can detect something wrong from the size.

Li Xiaoyi is not young, but Li Rufei is bigger.

Now, Lin Tiancheng's situation is very bad, he only feels soft and plump at the beginning, and he can tell so many things.

It's a matter of life, Lin Tiancheng is not polite, and said, "Sister Fei, I have a very serious injury. I'm afraid it won't work like this. You need to untie your clothes and let me directly contact for better healing effect."

At this moment, looking at Lin Tiancheng who was extremely weak, in addition to worry and distress in Li Xiaoyi's heart, infinite tenderness also breeds. There are also some who sacrificed their lives to help their sweetheart.

Under the guidance of Lin Tiancheng, Li Xiaoyi cooperated in various actions.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng's hand made direct contact with Li Xiaoyi's body.

The power increase is still slow.

Lin Tiancheng felt that Li Rufei did a full-body massage for him last time, and his current physical condition is not good, so the charging effect is poor.

Lin Tiancheng said, "This is still not possible, Sister Fei, you first take off."

Li Xiaoyi was extremely shy, but still cooperated with Lin Tiancheng.

Under Lin Tiancheng's instruction, Li Xiaoyi completed some actions that he had never imagined before.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng's power had only recovered to five.

There are 5 electricity, and the maximum electricity that can be used is 3, which is not enough to heal his injury.

Lin Tiancheng had no choice but to make further requests, "Sister Fei, I was injured too badly. This kind of contact is still not enough. I can only let Sister Fei give her completely. I will continue to protect Sister Fei and take good care of her child. Artistic."

Li Xiaoyi's body trembled slightly, and there was no further movement.

She is willing to dedicate herself, but this is the first time, and she is required to take the initiative, and more importantly, she has no experience at all.

Of course, even if Li Xiaoyi has no experience, the postures she has learned a little from all aspects for so many years are enough for her to complete the next moves.

Feeling that there is no movement from the other party, Lin Tiancheng said, "Sister Fei, there is nothing I can do. I did not kill Wan Shihou's masters today. Wan Shihou will definitely worry that I am not dead, and maybe send another master over. If you really are. If you don't want to, let Jiu Shu send me out of here."

Life is important. If Li Rufei really disagrees, Lin Tiancheng can only find a secret and safe place and call Wang Mengxin.

Hearing Lin Tiancheng's words, Li Xiaoyi didn't dare to hesitate anymore and began to take aim.


A sharp pain made Li Xiaoyi unable to help but yell out, and immediately lifted her body.

Lin Tiancheng was shocked.

It's Li Xiaoyi!

He opened his eyes and saw that it was really Li Xiaoyi, his heart sank suddenly.

This is not the result he wanted!


His goal has always been Li Rufei, and because of the family relationship between Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi, even if Li Xiaoyi has more electricity, Lin Tiancheng will never get involved.

He finally understood why the charging effect was lacking, it turned out to be the wrong object!

Lin Tiancheng coldly said, "Xiaoyi, what are you doing, put on your clothes and leave here."

Because he had recovered to 5 electricity, although Lin Tiancheng did not continue to treat his injury, his vital signs gradually stabilized.

Li Xiaoyi sees that her treatment is effective and has more motivation, of course she will not give up.

This time, she clenched her teeth and continued to try.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Xiaoyi, are you crazy? No, no move."

Li Xiaoyi stared at Lin Tiancheng boldly with water-like eyes, "I am no longer a kid."

Lin Tiancheng said, "This is not a question of age, but...I don't feel at all for you. Please leave immediately and don't make a big mistake."

Li Xiaoyi didn’t believe it, "You lie, if you don’t feel it to me, why did you catch me when you got home? If you didn’t feel to me, why did you recover a lot of mental state after I helped you for so long? ?"

Lin Tiancheng didn't know how to explain it.

In any case, Lin Tiancheng does not want Li Xiaoyi to succeed.

Even if Li Xiaoyi had a healing effect, it would definitely be far worse than Li Rufei. Once he and Li Xiaoyi cook mature rice, Li Rufei can't do it.

However, Lin Tiancheng has no ability to stop Li Xiaoyi now.

He is about to turn on 360 Antivirus, continue to treat himself for his injuries, and see if he can stop Li Xiaoyi.


After several attempts, Li Xiaoyi finally overcame many difficulties, completed the last step, and moved gently.


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