Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 964: Shenshi Nanjia

Yang Xuan listened to Wan's charming words, and with the stability of his Dao heart, he couldn't help but think about it.

The clothes are gone, and Lin Tiancheng's request not to be excessive can be promised. What kind of request would it be?

It turns out that the mundane world is so wonderful.

Soon, Yang Xuan thought of Lin Tiancheng's resources, and thought of Tongtian Dao, Dao Xin became stable again.

Lin Tiancheng looked at Wan Meimei with a questioning look, "What do you mean?"

Wan Meimei turned her face aside, "If I lose, I will help you with my hand."

Lin Tiancheng said, "I have hands."

If there is no way to charge Wanmaimei's body, Lin Tiancheng is really not bad for Wanmaimei's hands, which is meaningless.

Wan Mai said charmingly, "Lin Tiancheng, don't make it difficult for others, this is the limit I can accept."

Lin Tiancheng now has 12 batteries, not many. The opportunity to recharge in Wan Meimei can be met but not sought. He does not intend to miss this opportunity.

After thinking about it, Lin Tiancheng said, "The reason why you have worked so hard and sacrificed is to see if I am injured? Well, if you meet my requirements, you can look at my body and you can also touch me. ."

Wan Mai said charmingly, "Lin Tiancheng, don't go too far."

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "You come to test if I am injured. If I am injured, your dad will immediately send a master to kill me. If I am not injured, your dad will definitely ask an expert to take my life at all costs. This is giving you your life. If you satisfy my request, I am going too far?"

Wan Wan said charmingly, "Then, how do you want to be satisfied? I declare first, that is absolutely not possible. I will never agree to it in death."

Lin Tiancheng said, "If this is the case, you can also talk, you and I can be in a negative distance, but I can only show you my hands."

Hearing this, Yang Xuan next door showed a suspicious look on his face.

When he wanted to understand what negative distance meant, he couldn't help but shook his head----the word was no more.

Wan Shihou had warned Wan Fei that Lin Tiancheng had injuries on his arms and chest.

If the condition of Lin Tiancheng's arm can be confirmed, then Lin Tiancheng's chest should be similar to the condition of his arm?

More importantly, the negative distance contact is nothing more than the few methods. If Lin Tiancheng is chosen, Wan Meimei cannot accept it anyway.

In the end, Wan Wumei agreed to Lin Tiancheng's request.

At the same time, she also thought about it, if Lin Tiancheng is seriously injured, don't wait for Wan Shihou to arrange someone, she will deal with Lin Tiancheng severely.

Yang Xuan next door heard Wan Mei's vague and vague voice, afraid that he would mess up Dao Xin, so he dared not listen anymore.

He sighed in his heart.

Long experience!

Unexpectedly, a person with such a strong temper would reach such a deal with Wan Meimei.

Due to the lack of charming skills, the negative distance contact is very long.

Later, Wan Meimei was very tired, and she actively asked Lin Tiancheng to cooperate a little bit, and to find feelings on her body with her hands, and then the fulfillment was completed.

Lin Tiancheng's power has risen to 15.

He also kept his promise, generously showed Wan Wanmei his arms, and didn't mind Wan Wanmei stroked it once.

After Lin Tiancheng left, Wan Huamei immediately called Wan Shihou.

"Charming, how is it?" Wan Shihou's voice was full of expectation and tension.

Wan Meimei adjusted her mood, "Lin Tiancheng's arms are unscathed."

Wan Shihou's heart became more tense, "What about the chest? The fatal wound is on the chest."

Wan Huan said charmingly, "I don't know about it in my chest."

Wan Shihou said, "Charming, didn't you say you have a way?"

Wan Meimei did not want to talk about this issue anymore, "Dad, Lin Tiancheng knows that I want to test whether he is injured, and has always maintained a high degree of vigilance. It is not easy for me to see the situation on his arm. Besides, you have arranged for someone. ?"

After a pause, Wan Meimei said again, "I think Lin Tiancheng is not injured."

Wan Shihou said, "Oh, do you have evidence?"

"There is no evidence, just feeling." Wan Mai directly hung up the phone after she said it.

Regardless of whether it was the previous test kiss or the negative distance contact just now, Lin Tiancheng is very vigorous, where is there a half-point serious injury?

Wan Shihou was holding the phone, looking very uneasy.

Although it was said that Lin Tiancheng's fatal injury was on his chest, his arm was also injured. Wan Meimei confirmed that Lin Tiancheng's arm was undamaged, which was abnormal.

After pondering, Wan Shihou dialed a number.

"Master Hou." A low voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You can give it a try."

At first, Wan Shihou thought that even if Lin Tiancheng was willing to meet Wan Meimei, Wan Meimei should go to Man Tea Garden. He didn't expect Lin Tiancheng to go to the meeting alone.

He knew that Lin Tiancheng dared to go to the appointment alone, he must have some support, but this was an opportunity.

Wan Shihou had long arranged for a dark-powered master to hide in the room opposite Wan Meimei.

Since Wan Meimei couldn't determine whether Lin Tiancheng was seriously injured, Wan Shihou could only take risks and let his men take risks.

After finishing the order, Wan Shihou called his entourage at home, "Prepare the car, I'm going to the Nanjia."

Inside the hotel.

Wan Shihou's next customer, after receiving Wan Shihou's call, immediately launched an action.

He followed Lin Tiancheng at a distance, ready to wait until there was no one, and then hit the killer.

However, what he didn't notice was that an old man dressed as a Taoist priest with a long braid was following him gloomily.

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Nanjia is just outside of Shen City.

In less than an hour, Wan Shihou's car had arrived not far from the Nanjia Mansion.

Wan Shihou did not enter the Nanjia immediately.

He is waiting, waiting for news from the door.

If the doorman can easily kill Lin Tiancheng, he will go home. If the doorman is not Lin Tiancheng's opponent, he will immediately enter the Nan family.

This location near the Nanjia Mansion allows you to attack and retreat.

After a long time without waiting for the door-to-door news, Wan Shihou dialed the door-to-door number.

Hearing the shutdown prompt from the other end of the phone, Wan Shihou suddenly felt for a long time. He was originally in poor health, and it was even more like the blood dying.

Shenshi Nanjia!

It was also by chance that he knew of a hidden family like the Nan family, which was not a rich family in the ordinary sense at all.

This is a hidden family with a long heritage!

When Wan Shihou interacted with Nanjia, he made a huge sum of money to purchase some resources for Jinman's cultivation according to Jinman's needs.

With the Nan family's behavior style, it's easy to ask God to give it away. Even if the Nan family can help them destroy Lin Tiancheng, he will obediently be the Nan family's dog in the future.

Entering the Nanjia is the next best thing.

Even if Lin Tiancheng died, he would not be a winner.

However, the matter has come to this point, and Wan Shihou has no choice but to seek refuge from the Nan family.


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